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Ten Directions Star Domain, thunder-fire continent.

The entire Divine Spark battlefield, in this brief moment, is completely boiling, and a raging storm like a gang wind sweeps through the entire continent.

All the 10000 methods of Avenue, Heaven and Earth rules, in this brief moment, all shattered.

Those Divine Spark gold stones that have been suppressed and imprisoned for countless years have all the chains on their bodies broken.

Because, one of the controllers of the Ten Directions Star Domain Heaven and Earth rule, Heavenly Dao’s spirit … is damaged!

“Spirit … spirit!”

Saint Heavenly Pavilion On the sky, the roar of Heavenly Dao’s spirit resounded through Heaven and Earth.

Not only the spirit of Heavenly Dao, but all the bigwigs, all trembling and face horrified.

The impact of Heaven and Earth mutation, their feelings are naturally the most real.

“War God true body, what did you do !? How can he change so much !?”

The Empress Xuantian’s eyes are full of doubts, but also bright light glittering.

Uh …!

After killing Heavenly Dao with a sword, Chu Yan had no intention of taking over. In his hand, Xuanyuan Sword was thrown like a Golden Dragon Divine Dragon, soaring into the sky.

pu! pu! pu!

Those spiritual weapons and fairy souls that haven’t had time to escape, were golden divine dragons, just like hitting the mountains, each and everyone were all slammed into powder, and turned into clouds and smoke, 4 scattered.

“Chu Yan, you … you you …”

At this moment, in the eyes of Saint God, a look of horror finally appeared.

The damage of Heavenly Dao’s envoy before him left a huge shadow in his heart, which made his mind tremble.

That ’s the Heavenly Dao agent of Ten Directions Star Domain. In theory, it ’s the same order as him. ?

“The world … Fight!”

The next moment, Chu Yan stood in the sky, the battle intent surged all over the body, his fists came out, the endless void shuddered suddenly, 2 airflow-like shock waves, moved towards the Holy Monument.

This move, qualitative and intangible, has deviated from the scope of the martial skill of the ordinary skill and is an absolute divine skill!

In one punch, including the avenue of heaven and earth, 10000 law origin, even the sky dome can be broken.

Boom … Rumble!

Under the tremendous impact, the crack on the Shengtian monument suddenly collapsed again.

The whole piece of Heaven and Earth is roaring, the endless holy light breath, passing from the Holy Heaven monument, blending into all around Heaven and Earth.

The Holy Stele, representing Divine Realm’s will, was almost completely broken at this time, only 10% of its volume, still connected together, barely able to maintain.

However, this level of trauma, even if Divine Realm comes down, cannot be repaired at all.

“It’s your turn!”

Chu Yan’s eyes, flashing the golden golden rays of light, glanced over and looked directly at Emperor God.

“Chu Yan, you … what are you going to do !? I am Lord God, I am the elite of Zhao Family, my father is Elder, you dare to move me, you … you will regret it!”

The cold hair of Emperor Saint God’s body exploded, and the thick death air rolled in his body, making him feel that he would die next second.

“We Zhao Family will not let you go, and Divine Realm’s …”

“No … Don’t kill me! I don’t need anything, I can give you all …. Just let me go …”

There was no trace of majesty in the face of Saint God.

Whether it is an ordinary person or God, in the face of death, no matter how strong the realm and cultivation technique have no meaning.

The performance is just human instinct!

Compared with the group of gangsters who were against Divine Dao before, they were abused by Saint God Emperor, and their whole body cultivation base was scrapped, and their flesh and bones were broken, but they didn’t even hum.

But now, the performance of this Holy God is to make everyone stunned.

This is … Emperor Saint God! ?

Supreme, which has been in charge of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Ten Directions Star Domain, has existed for nearly 2000 years! ?


Chu Yan glanced at Emperor God, and suddenly felt sick. He collected Xuanyuan Sword and raised his hand to punch out.

Human Race Supreme Treasure Xuanyuan Sword, he … doesn’t deserve it at all!

Boom … Rumble!

Above the boxing fist, the Golden Dragon entangled, screaming into the sky, all the anger, in this brief moment, all broke out.

Between Heaven and Earth, countless frost, snow and rain, killing the natural phenomenon of tide bloody days, blooming together.

On Ten Directions Star Domain continent, all the cultivators, in this brief moment, all felt that a terrifying pressure, which suppressed from the sky, made it difficult for them to breathe.

The next moment, Jin Dragon Boxing blasted, attacked the Holy Heaven directly!

With the drop of Jin Dragon Boxing Gang, it seems that this piece of Heaven and Earth is empty, and it has become solidified.

Emperor Saint God is different from Heavenly Dao spirit envoy. In these millions of years, he not only mastered the Heavenly Dao rules, but also collected the Heaven and Earth spirit source of the entire Ten Directions Star Domain, all in his own hands.

As a result, Ten Millions years of Ten Directions Star Domain, in addition to an Emperor Xuantian, Ten Directions Star Domain no Sealing God Boundary powerhouse appeared.

If the Emperor God is lost now, all the rules will change and a new era will come!

However, at the time of these 1000 uniform shots, suddenly, a force of great power suddenly burst out from the broken Saint Heaven Stele.

Turned into a Divine Divine Tabernacle, blocked in front, completely blocked that box of fists.


Emperor Xuantian’s complexion suddenly changed.


In the next moment, the sky above Saint Heavenly Pavilion, the bright divine light exploded and rushed to the sky, like a huge city gate above the sky, propped up Heaven and Earth, and appeared suddenly.

The emergence of this city gate suddenly released the horrible divine might pressure, as if falling from the sky outside the 9th Layer, sweeping the entire continent.

“what happened!?”

At all the powerhouses present, their faces changed at the same time, and they looked full of shock.

They all seem to feel that behind the city gate, the God of a Supreme is standing tall and looking down on the world.

“Is it the origin of the holy stele …”

Emperor Saint God, who was sad to die, saw this scene and was ecstatic.

“Fairy ants, be bold!”

The roar exploded in the sky like heaven falls and earth rends, and the entire Ten Directions Star Domain was trembling.

“Shengtian Monument is my treasure of Life Source. Whoever dares to hurt it again, I will let you continent be buried together!”

“Heaven and Earth benevolence, thinking of life, now give you a chance, no matter what method you use, you must repair the Holy Heaven Stele, otherwise …”

Thunderbolt-like sounds, exploding Heaven and Earth, one word at a time, are like thunderclap, and like Oracle, so that everyone is afraid of fearing nothing.


However, at this moment, Chu Yan grabbed a big hand, Xuanyuan Sword of Golden Dragon roaming directly, was caught in the hand by Chu Yan, and raised his hand as a sword, slashing into the sky.

Whatever his shit divine might be, or god stick, even if it is a real God, then what! ?

If others do not dare, it does not mean they dare not!

To this level today, Saint Heavenly Pavilion must be destroyed!

“Big … bold!”

Divine might in the city gate seems completely didn’t expect, but there are really ants who dare to wave their swords at themselves, and they are suddenly angry.

The point is, this mortal ant seems to call him an idiot! ?

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