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Chu Yan walks very slowly, after all, this opportunity to integrate Heaven and Earth spirit source is not too much.

Therefore, after walking for 3 days, Chu Yan reached the end of Tongtian Road.

“finally reached!”

As soon as he looked up, a large archway appeared above Chu Yan in front of him.

This is a jade archway with a full zhang high degree. The flying dragons and dancing phoenixes are written with 4 characters

“Heaven and Heaven!”

Above the whole archway, densely packed are all kinds of divine runes, the huge divine light 4 overflows, as if Heaven and Earth are running around it all around.

This piece of God works with dynamism, Chu Yan stepped into it, and he felt a rich imposing manner.

This imposing manner makes Chu Yan within the body bloody, as if the whole person is sublimating.

Uh …!

After Chu Yan felt something, he condensed his mind and turned it into an electric light, moved towards the archway.

A powerful Space-Time force is applied to Chu Yan, like a huge force, tearing Chu Yan’s body.

Chu Yan within the body, Divine Spark works, releasing the breath, making this spreading power weaker and weaker.

Obviously, if Chu Yan did not survive the Divine Thunder robbery and condensed the Divine Spark aura, I am afraid that this archway alone is enough to kill Chu Yan.

Boom … Rumble!

With the power of Divine Spark all over his body, when he stepped into the arch, he seemed to hit an invisible Spirit Peak, making a loud noise.

With this blocking power, collapsed on the first encounter, Chu Yan’s body had already broken through the archway, and 10000 rays of Xiaguang fell on Chu Yan.

This is a brand new World!

Chu Yan stood there, looking up towards all around while spreading his mind like a net.

I saw that it was a huge Martial Arts Stage.

Countless Golden Flame, rising in 4 places on this Martial Arts Stage, like a golden flame ocean.

This piece of Martial Arts Stage, Chu Yan knows, it is … Feisheng Square.

It was bred by God World Heavenly Dao, operated autonomously, and became a world. It was specially used to attract various powerhouses that soared from the lower realm.

There are 100 fuzzy silhouettes on the corners of Martial Arts Stage, and all cultivation bases are above the emperor realm.

Only a few people’s cultivation base reached God Realm.

At a glance, Chu Yan suddenly understood.

When someone in the lower realm soars up, God within the realm will feel in advance.

And the more magnificent the natural phenomenon, the more powerhouses that soar.

In addition, being able to fly from the lower realm of all parties to God World means that it is definitely an innate talent and a peerless powerhouse.

Therefore, the forces of God World will immediately send people to recruit.

In order to seize the opportunity, these small forces who come to recruit have excellent attitudes.

After all, these small forces of God World have absolutely no advantage compared with Great Influence, and even some Sect Masters and cultivation bases of small forces are just the situation.

At the next breath, all eyes were cast, all stunned.

“What’s the matter !? This is wrong …”

“How can such a big natural phenomenon be alone !? Shouldn’t it be thirty-forty !?”

“It doesn’t make sense, there must be something wrong!”


A group of gangsters, looked towards Chu Yan, all looked dumbfounded.

The powerhouses of those gods walked quickly to Chu Yan and asked directly.

“This Fellow Daoist, you alone !? Is there something wrong with the Great Dao of Connecting Heaven !?”

An old man with a long sword on his back looked at Chu Yan.

These people are all stationed here to lead Dao Field all around. Immediately sensing the natural phenomenon of soaring, they immediately wait here.

But now, there is only one such natural phenomenon! ?

How can this make them not surprised! ?

“This Senior, on the Great Dao of Connecting Heaven, everything is normal!” Chu Yan bowed his hand in a salute.

Divine Spark illusory shadow Since Chu Yan is not allowed to fight against those huge silhouettes, I am afraid it is related to Supreme will, and Chu Yan will not say it directly.

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, all the big brothers present frowned.

The words of this person are not worth trusting for them.

It’s just that the other party obviously doesn’t want to say that they are not good to follow up.

Several gangsters murmured secretly, considering what conditions to open, in order to recruit this only ascendant.

However, at this moment, a man wearing a green robe and a red eyebrow like a fire directly opened the mouth and said

“Boy, what do you think is this place !? Dare to be so rude, I urge you to speak up on what happened on the Great Dao of Connecting Heaven, otherwise …”

Unlike other people, this green robe firebrow, when he came, he patted the chest with Sect Master and brought at least 3 people back.

But now, it is definitely possible, but at least the reason must be brought back, otherwise, how to explain! ?

I was a little bit angry, and when I heard Chu Yan’s answer, I was naturally angry.

A kid in the lower realm, soaring, to this divine realm, it is just the existence of the bottom layer, really when he is in the lower realm, aloof and remote! ?

Therefore, even if he recruited Chu Yan, he still could not complete the task and chose to give up.

As a result, in the face of Chu Yan, of course, there is no good face.

Instead, it is important to understand the reasons before going back to explain.

“Oh !? Otherwise how !?” Chu Yan’s eyes colded instantly.

This time soaring, after the battle of heaven defying, breaking Saint Heavenly Pavilion, it is also a feat.

However, this does not mean that Chu Yan’s personality has changed.

In the face of this kind of person, Chu Yan is still the same. You respect me one foot, I will respect you one foot, but if you want to prevail over others, then sorry.

“Otherwise !? Hum …” Green robe firebrow brother, looked at Chu Yan, sneered suddenly

“Shentian Yijie, also known as Xinglin Realm, and my Orthodox Church is one of the Two Great Influences in Xinglin Realm! Do you understand !?”

This sentence is exported, all the big guys around are complex slightly changed, and no one dared to intervene.

“Give you another chance and tell me immediately what happened on the Great Dao of Connecting Heaven !? Otherwise, die!”

This time directly became the threat of Chiguo Guo, and the ugly color appeared.

A medicinal smell of fire diffused in the air, the other Sect forces all around, didn’t expect Dongzhen Church directly turned his face.

However, the reputation of Two Great Influences made them suddenly shrink their necks and glanced at Chu Yan, and all gave up their intention to recruit Chu Yan.

After all, for a newcomer, to offend Elder of the Eastern Church, it is definitely not cost-effective.

“You can try it!” Chu Yan looked at him with a light expression.

“Good boy, this is your own courting death!”

Green robe Firebrow men, seeing the attitude of Chu Yan, and all the big guys from other forces, still watching it, they suddenly exploded.

As soon as he raised his hand, it was a fire shadow rushing out, but it was an incomparable gigantic flame lizard, moved towards Chu Yan with his mouth open.

His cultivation base has reached the God Realm 5th Layer. Although this move did not go all out, it was absolutely enough to deal with a newly-rising newcomer.

Moreover, his flame is not the ordinary flame of the lower realm, and it is even stronger than the strange fire.

“It’s over! There is only one newcomer, just kill it!”

The big guy all around, seeing that the Dongzheng Church shot directly, all shook his head.

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