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With such an opponent, prove that this time, I really did not come in vain.

Looking at the square, the little heavenly king Yue Peng, Chu Yan within the body, blood was surging and his eyes flashed.

“This token contest is over, thank you for participating! But …”

The majestic voice rang over the square.

It turned out that when everyone was about to leave the scene, I suddenly heard that “but”, all with startled faces, all turned around, looking towards the sky with a stunned face towards the square.

“But, next, we will come up with the 2nd Overlord token!”

This sentence fell to the ground, and suddenly made all the genius’ eyes shine brightly.

Very good !

Another Overlord token comes out!

In this way, without the competition of the little heavenly king, then everyone has a chance.


The majestic voice rang in the sky, and the audience suddenly fell silent.

Why … but again! ?

“However, this Overlord token does not need to be contested and will be directly released to … Chu Yan Fellow Daoist!”

Buzz …!

With this sound, another star appeared in the sky, dropping from the sky, moving towards Chu Yan, and slowly falling.

A brand new Overlord token fell into the palm of Chu Yan.

“Xuantian Senior, many thanks!”

Chu Yan received the token and immediately sent a thank you to Azure Lotus in Sea of ​​Consciousness.

For Chu Yan, Xuan Tian gave him an Overlord token, which is no more ordinary.

However, in the eyes of all around genius and the big brothers, this scene made the scene that had just been lively suddenly become dead.

All the cultivators seemed to have been struck by thunder, petrified, standing there, and looked at Chu Yan with a horrified face.

Even Xiao Tianwang Yuepeng, who just got an Overlord token, stood there in shock, staring at Chu Yan in a daze.

Of course Chu Yan doesn’t know, but everyone present is very clear.

Emperor Xuantian, Sir, only releases an Overlord token every fifteen years.

Moreover, it is all open competition, even if some strong great shots come in person and want an Overlord token, they are rejected by Emperor Xuantian.

For thousands of years, there have been no exceptions.

But now, in front of so many cultivators, Emperor Xuantian this time, made an exception! ?

Who is this Chu Yan? ?

There were several thousand pairs of eyes in the audience. Simultaneously shua shua looked towards the black robe silhouette holding the Overlord token, all with blank faces.

Could it be said that this Chu Yan is a direct disciple of a 9 Great Divine Venerable, so even Xuantian Sir can’t refuse! ?

After a long time of ten breaths, the scene was still dead. Only Xiaoyue Wang Yuepeng, who had not reacted, went to Chu Yan.

“Daoist brother is polite, in Xiayue Peng, it is the son of Divine King of Tiande. May I ask which god the daoist brother studied under, from which piece of God World continent?”

Before speaking, Yue Peng bowed his hand to Chu Yan. This politeness, even in the face of a God, was absolutely this.

You know, this is the little king, there are absolutely not many people who can make him so polite.

However, Yue Peng’s attitude, not at all, caused all around everyone to pay too much attention, because everyone looked towards Chu Yan, his eyes wide, his ears waiting for his answer.

Everyone is curious about Chu Yan’s identity.

Divine direct disciple!

Such an identity, placed in the sea of ​​gods, is definitely heaven shaking earth shattering.

Moreover, there is no need to doubt at all that every divine disciple is the existence of a genius.

Normally, in a place like Shenhai, I simply see it impossible.

However, Chu Yan stood there and heard Xiao Tianwang ’s question, but it was slightly startled, and immediately took the head, saying

“In my own Ten Directions Star Domain, there is no Master among Divine Realm!”

Speaking of which, Chu Yan hesitated.

It seems that War God is located after himself, he is the heir of War God, strictly speaking, War God should be regarded as his Master.

“Come … come to Ten Directions Star Domain !? What is Ten Directions Star Domain !?”

The little heavenly king was stunned and his face was dazed.

Not only the little king, all the practitioners present were all blank-faced, as if they had never heard of Ten Directions Star Domain.

“I … i have understood!”

Among the crowd at the scene, someone suddenly spoke loudly.

“Ten Directions Star Domain is a piece of continent in the lower realm. It seems that Sir Xuantian Empress Sir was originally flying from Ten Directions Star Domain.”

This sentence fell to the ground, and there was an uproar in the audience.

“Ascendant in the lower realm !?”

Everyone instantly understood that the Chu Yan in front of him was actually a soaring person, not a god recipe at all.

Could it be that because he came to the same continent as Empress Sir Xuantian, Xuantian Sir made an exception! ?

This is also possible!

Because, in memory, it seems that Ten Directions Star Domain has not heard of any ascendant coming to Divine Realm except for Sir Xuantian.

Therefore, Sir Xuantian’s emperor thought of this, and gave him an Overlord token, which is also reasonable.

“I rely on, this luck …”

The genius who were competing for the Overlord token before, all eyes were red.

You know, they played for a long time, and Mao did not have a, but this one, just because he came to the same continent with Xuan Tian Sir, they can easily get a piece.

This naturally creates envy and jealousy for everyone.

“This Fellow Daoist, I don’t know if I can sell it underneath, or exchange it with you for this Overlord token!”

Suddenly, there is a person God in Peak powerhouse, who came out of the crowd and spoke to Chu Yan.

“Yes, I pay a high price!”

Some other gangsters reacted immediately and also approached Chu Yan, shouting loudly.

“How many Divine Crystals you want, or what kind of Divine Treasure, just talk to me, you token, I want it!”

Even the little king, spoke to Chu Yan.

The opening of the little heavenly king suddenly let all people around start together.

what’s the situation! ?

Did n’t Yue Peng just get an Overlord token? ! Why do you want to buy another one now! ?

As a result, they have no chance at all.

“Sorry, don’t sell!” Chu Yan refused directly.

“Do not sell !?” Xiao Tian Wang Yue Peng was stunned obviously, hook the head, then said.

“With your aptitude, even if you get the Overlord token, you can’t break through at all.” Yue Peng’s words were very direct, and the tone gradually became cold.

After all, there are not many who dare to refuse the cultivation of his little king.

“I have 2 magical treasures!”

As soon as this remark came out, all the cultivators all around changed their faces.

A magical treasure, it is almost a small force Sect Protecting Treasure, this little king is 2 pieces as soon as he opens his mouth.

“I want my Overlord token, it is also very easy, no need to use any magic treasure, as long as you can win me!”

Chu Yan looked at Yue Peng, but smiled gently, opened the mouth and said.

It has been a long time since he had a good fight.

“and many more…”

At this moment, a pleasant female voice suddenly sounded.

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