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Yu Ling’er looked at Chu Yan’s indifferent look completely as a calm expression, and suddenly gave Chu Yan a high glance.

“Under Xialing Ling’er, I don’t know a friend Daming !?”

“Chu Yan!”

“This is my communication with Jade Talisman. If Chu Yan daoist brother has the opportunity to go to 3 Metaphysics, he will welcome it in the next time!”

Yu Ling’er said, took out a piece of Jade Talisman, handed it to Chu Yan, and whispered softly.

She is a half fairy body, mysterious infinity, and the black robe Chu Yan’s aura in front of her gives her an extremely rare sense of closeness.


Chu Yan startled, reaching for Jade Talisman.

When I first arrived at Divine Realm, it was a good thing to meet someone close to my eyes.

“Then leave first!”

Yu Ling’er saw Chu Yan accepting Jade Talisman and smiled lightly without saying a word. The body flashed and disappeared on the spot.

This scene, falling in the crowd all around, but all together astonished expression.

“This … this guy, really don’t want to live !?”

In their view, this Chu Yan not only offended Yue Peng, but also dared to make a public relationship with Yu Ling’er.

Could it be that he could not hear, that Yue Peng is estimated to have stayed outside the city, ready to kill him at any time.

Now, because of the friendship between Yu Ling’er, I’m afraid it has spread to Yue Peng’s ears. In this way, Yue Peng has another reason to kill.

Although Yu Ling’er helped him resolve a crisis before, he can’t always help him! ?

You know, in this Divine Sea, and even the Divine Realm, the power of a little king is extremely terrifying.

“Chu Yan, now that your Overlord token has been obtained, the next step is to quickly upgrade the realm and reach God’s Peak!”

Mo Wu Earth God spoke to Chu Yan.

Although the earth god realm can be entered when the battlefields of ancient gods are opened, but without God’s strength, entering this battlefield of ancient gods is almost the same as death.

“Look for a place, retreat!”

Chu Yan thought about it, took out the lotus seal, and again came out a consciousness.

Chu Yan has seen the richness of Heaven and Earth Spirit Power in this Divine Realm.

Previously, on the fairy ship, there was not even cultivation, relying directly on Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, Chu Yan broke through the earth god.

Therefore, in this Divine Realm, as long as you find a good Heavenly Paradise, the cultivation speed should not be slow.

Shenhai all around, only with the strength of God Overlord can occupy Heavenly Paradise as the foundation.

Of course, because of the strength of Divine King also divided into high and low, the Heavenly Paradise occupied by each Deity King, of course, has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Therefore, since Emperor Xuantian is First Divine King, how could she occupy Heavenly Paradise?

With the help of Heavenly Paradise cultivation of Emperor Xuantian, maybe you can break through to the God realm within a few years.


However, after the consciousness was sent out, after waiting for a long time, there was no response.

This is strange!

Before contacting Emperor Xuantian, it was all taken back, this time, it was not biting.

“Could it be anything !?” Chu Yan was puzzled.

“Mowu Senior, Xuantian Senior, it seems that something is busy. Excuse me, what other place of cultivation !?”

“I have a map here, you can check it out!”

Mo Wu Di Shen is really good for Chu Yan. Like this cultivation map, they are all treasured by the major powerhouses. They are rarely taken out and shared with others.

Chu Yan took the map, Divine Consciousness dived into it, and swiped it down, and recorded it all.

In the map, for the whole piece of Shenhai, various cultivation places, there are very recorded records, as well as some confidential information, which is also remarked.

Two of the notes with very new dates attracted Chu Yan’s attention.

“8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect’s new record disciplinary conference ended, and Five Elements genius Huayang at 1st place became the true disciplinary discipline. Inside the sect, the elder Wangs of the sect are fighting for it.”

8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, 9 Hezong, 3 Xuanjiao, are the 3 Dao Lineage forces.

Among them, headed by 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, such a powerful genius came out, and it also caused the scramble of God Elder Wang.

“Huayang !?”

Seeing this name, Chu Yan suddenly started.

How could anyone be the same as the corpse in the body possession when they were in the Yin-Yang world…. ?

This is too coincident!

The second message is about a Divine King.

“King St. God, 3 days ago, went to Dongtianfudi, ready to break the road!”

Chu Yan certainly doesn’t know who the cloud barrier Divine King is, but the word Shengtian 2 makes Chu Yan extremely sensitive.

Does it mean that this Saint God King has anything to do with Saint Heavenly Pavilion! ?

“Forget it, ignore these first, let’s see what a good cultivation place!”

After Chu Yan glanced around, he began to find a suitable cultivation place.

In this Divine Realm, like the lower realm, at least all the cultivators are also trying to improve the cultivation base and want to break through to the higher Martial Dao realm.

Therefore, on this cultivation map, the information about cultivation and breakthrough is recorded in detail.

“Join 3 Metaphysics, get promoted to Inner Sect disciple, and have the opportunity to enter the 3 Xuan Di Grottoes, with a breakthrough opportunity!”

“Feng Tian Ge Outer Sect disciple, 3 Profound Rank missions, you can get a golden sky fruit, can improve 3 Layer cultivation base!”

“The blood demon Forbidden Land has been opened, and Blood Fiendish Qi is suitable for demonic path cultivators, but dangerous!”

“Wenwu Divine King issued the Divine King order, becoming the next-level god general for 500 years, you can get 2 Didan, and get a chance to enter the Sky Void Cave, the time limit is 5 years!”

“If you are weak, you can go to 9 Dojima and participate in the 100 Dead Battle!”


After all the messages were swept down, Chu Yan suddenly stunned.

Basically, either join the Sect forces, or enter the Danger Land Secret Realm, or work for people, or directly compete in the ring.

These methods of improving cultivation base are similar to the lower bound.

However, for Chu Yan, joining forces is currently impossible.

Although, with his current cultivation base strength, it is not too difficult for any force to become an Inner Sect disciple, or a true disciplinary.

However, with Sect, there are rules and constraints, which is what Chu Yan likes.

After Feng Shen soared, he got the War God pass. Chu Yan was very clear about his way.

“Unfortunately, if you become a God Overlord, you can open up a Heavenly Paradise yourself!”

Chu Yan shook the head, secretly said in one’s heart.

Shenhai is so big, plus those broken God World continent, there are blank places everywhere.

At the very least, these places, without Supreme Dao Lineage and God Overlord, will not be affected and can be cultivated at will.

It’s just that even if he is going now, he is in the 1st Layer of cultivation base realm, I don’t know if it is enough.


While thinking, Chu Yan suddenly saw a new message.

“Cultivation base has reached the earth god’s realm, speed to 1000 machine hole, this hole is closed for 10000 years, after opening now, among them Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is rich in rich heaven and earth, it is a perfect closed place!”

“But note that at present, all Great Influence, Five Elements genius, have already gone! There may be contention!”

“It is said that inheritance appears in 1000 machine holes!”

This message immediately aroused Chu Yan’s interest, his eyes slightly shining.

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