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Time is fast, after one hour …

Chu Yan and Mo Wu Earth God, under the escort of 4 top pole God powerhouse, safely reached the hole position of 1000 machine holes.

I saw that the huge sky curtain, falling from the sky, as if the whole sky, turned into a curtain, connecting Heaven and Earth.

In the center of the curtain, a tall black gate stood in the middle.

“This Heaven and Earth is the curtain, the giant door is the hole, it’s amazing!”

Chu Yan has never seen such a secret Secret Realm Danger Land. It seems that this Heaven and Earth curtain is really spectacular.

Among the black gates, all kinds of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi overflowed, making people tremble.

These Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi are obviously different from the outside world, but they are a little less calm and detailed, but instead have Baleful Qi.

This 1000 machine hole, stepping into it, is also the same, under the Transmission Formation, transporting people to another space.

“Senior, leave!”

Chu Yan and Mowu Earth God, holding a 1000-machine jade respectively, rushed into the black gate and disappeared on the spot.

Count 10 breaths later, a silhouette of Chu Yan appeared in another World.

very terrifying little World…. ”

Chu Yan stood on the ground, moved towards all around, but I saw that on the ground all around, there were ravines, big pits, and a lot of bones and corpses, which made people feel cold.

I don’t know how long these ravines and big pits have existed, but there is still a faint aura, which seems to be able to surge into the terror.

Obviously, this 1000 machine hole used to be a battlefield ruin.

These 1000 machine holes are said to be left over from the time of Swire Divine Race. It must have experienced countless wars.

“The secret realm and cultivation places in the era of Divine Race, which are crowned with ethereal gods, are far more powerful and dangerous than I estimated.”

Chu Yan groaned secretly in his heart, becoming more cautious.

In fact, after 1000 sinkholes experienced two sinks, it was far from the dangers of the original Peak period.

However, what is unimaginable is what a horrible powerhouse in the age of Divine Race in this ancient age. ?

“It seems that you must break through to God Peak to participate in the battle of honor! Otherwise, the chance of success is not high.”

Chu Yan experienced a scene of 1000 planes by the lake, and after seeing the situation of these 1000 planes, he suddenly made a decision.

“Look at the first four!”

After a while, Chu Yan converged and turned Qilin ’s pupil, turned into a startled rainbow, moved towards the distance and flew away.

The 1000 machine hole is far less than before. With his pupil technique, most of the killing moves and prohibitions can be avoided.

“Thousands of people come in these 1000 machine holes every year. I’m afraid there is no inheritance and spiritual object in this outer land …”

After flying for half a day, Chu Yan within the body Divine Strength was running, suddenly speeding up, moved towards the core land.

As for Mo Wu Di Shen, they exchanged summons Jade Talisman before, and naturally they can find each other.

Moreover, with the strength of the Peak of other places, there is no danger in this peripheral land.

Time lapsed, passing by.

One day, Chu Yan was flying, getting closer and closer to the core, and the kind of Baleful Qi between Heaven and Earth became more and more dense.

Moreover, his pupil of Qilin also began to be affected.

“En!? That’s … Heaven and Earth spiritual object !?”

When Chu Yan passed by a small wood, he suddenly stagnated, moved towards and looked down.

Sure enough, under a large dead wood, a huge blood-colored mushroom seemed to grow, exuding a thick spiritual breath.

It seems that this scarlet mushroom is not a normal Heaven and Earth spiritual object.

Chu Yan didn’t hesitate, raising his hand was a sword, chopping towards the thick dead wood.


The entire grove of trees instantly shook like an earthquake, and among the various roars, a powerful Monster Beast rushed out.

With a big wave of his hand, Chu Yan waved his breath, turned into gang wind, and rolled towards those Monster Beasts.

Immediately, he was like an electric figure, and swept straight towards the scarlet mushroom, and copied it in his hand.

“Good! Sure enough good things, look at this spiritual rest, should at least allow me to break through to Earth God 2 Layer!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness took a closer look. After not at all danger in this neighborhood, he decided to be in this small forest and ascend directly.

However, at this moment, mutation suddenly took place.


The 9-domain star chart that has been silent in the Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly bursts out, emitting a purple brilliance.

Before Chu Yan responded, the purple brilliance rushed out of the brow position, rolled up the bloody mushroom in Chu Yan’s hand directly, and pulled it back into the 9-domain star map.

Immediately afterwards, the entire 9-domain star chart fell silent again.

“I rely on …”

Chu Yan stood there empty-handed, his face twitching.

When the spiritual object was handed, it was cut off before it was covered.

“You … swallowed Heaven and Earth spiritual object !?”

Chu Yan was a little surprised. At the same time, he seemed to understand some of these 9 domain star charts.

It seems that these 9-domain star maps also need to devour and merge Heaven and Earth spiritual object in order to gradually wake up.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan suddenly shined his eyes.

If this is the case, it will be easier to handle.

This 9-domain star map is the only divine object left to yourself when War God passed the position, how could it be simple.

If this can be awakened, it will definitely have great benefits for improving your strength.

“Hurry up and find some more Heaven and Earth spiritual objects.”

Chu Yan’s eyes were shining and he stood up, moved towards the front.

The closer to the core, the greater the number of Heaven and Earth spiritual objects.

With the help of Qilin’s pupil, Chu Yan directly peeped into all the obstacles and hidden means, and dug out a strain of Heaven and Earth spiritual object.

Although these Heaven and Earth spiritual objects are not particularly powerful, the number is quite large.

However, what surprised Chu Yan was that none of the Heaven and Earth spiritual objects found later did not arouse the interest of the 9-domain star chart.

When he arrived, Chu Yan found a halo of flowers, which was also guarded by a large group of Monster Beasts, and the 9-domain star chart was again swallowed.

“Don’t be picky!”

At this moment, Chu Yan fully understood.

These low rank Heaven and Earth spiritual objects, people simply do not look down on it, it only devours those high rank.

Chu Yan was speechless and shook his head bitterly, but he couldn’t help but got up again and continued searching.

At this time, on the other side of the Shenhai 4 Realm north, the famous Taoxian blessed land, purple spirit immortal island.

The occupant of this top blessed land is exactly the famous name … Divine King!

Above the Spirit Peak in the very center of the immortal island of Zi Ling, a huge immortal palace stands.

“Waste! Pig! Your group of God, can’t even kill an earth god !? What’s the use of raising you !?”

Sitting on the throne, Yue Peng’s face turned purple, and his forehead twitched up, almost exploding.

After waiting for so long, this group of pigs generally brought back such a news.

What’s more annoying is that listening to them said the whole process, simply is to give people a chance.

“You shouldn’t be given the opportunity to speak directly, just kill him!”

The roar of Yue Peng made the great hall tremble.

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