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This sword comes down, the Sword Domain of the sky, crack.

“How can this be!”

The faces of Eclipse Young Master and Longitudinal Sword God both showed a look of consternation.

“All to me … come here!”

Chu Yan grabbed it with a big hand, a Gang Yuan claw mark, Lingfei Fei grabbed, instantly eclipsed Young Master and Zongtian, and grabbed it directly.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Seeing 2 silhouettes brought back, Chu Yan slashed with a sword.

“God Avatar!”

“Unhindered all directions!”

Eclipse Young Master and Longitudinal Sword God, when they saw this sword struck, they looked so pale and hurriedly used their means.

The former is to call out ghost shadow Avatar to replace itself, while the vertical sky is incarnation Sword Qi, blasting 4 squares, invisible and invisible.


Even if they resorted to bliss, Chu Yan this sword can be avoided without saying it is avoidance.

Passed by a sword, two people were simultaneously hit with a sword, the body protection gang yuan was broken, two people were injured at the same time, and a mouth of blood mist was sprayed from the mouth.

“10000 Dragon Power!”

Chu Yan smashed his fist and would not give them a chance to recover.

A path of Golden Dragon roared, moved towards 2 people rushed away, and instantly submerged them.

“9 Soul Tower!”

Eclipse Young Master this time is really frightening, summon directly out of the Life Source magic weapon, turned into a shield, blocked in front of him.

Bang! Bang!

The tower trembled and almost collapsed, but forcibly blocked the fist.

Without waiting for Eclipse Young Master to breathe a sigh of relief, Chu Yan held a long sword and chopped the giant tower with a sword, taking advantage of the flying debris, and rushed to the ground.

“War God tiger roar, sword of destruction!”

A word of War God’s prestige exploded, Clear Sky Sword waved, an invisible and quality sword move, directly overwhelming 2 people.

Such a close distance, such a powerful sword move, 2 people simply impossible to hide.

“Jianhai is infinite!”

In the sky, Sword God’s heart was soaring in death, he dare to hesitate there, the strongest sword attack broke out, the ancient sword technique was exhibited, and the figure turned into a streamer, enveloping Eclipse Young Master.

In an instant, blossoming sword flowers appeared in the all around in the sky, constantly spinning, shooting towards all around all directions.

With this move, most of the attacks are blocked by 2 people.

“It is indeed genius, under such a murderous intention, there are so many means!”

Chu Yan’s eyes flickered, and two flames burst into flames.

The blood in the whole body was boiling violently, and there was a long-lost heart in my heart.

“Then take a look at how many of you geniuses have!”

On Chu Yan, the battle intent rushed to the night, a powerful breath, constantly running, a followed by a killing intent, and continued to hang down towards the two people.

“Her imposing manner can still be improved, this coquette, wouldn’t it touch the threshold of might of Grand Dao?”

Eclipse Young Master and Heavenly Sword, at the same time, felt a strong pressure. In desperation, they could only gritt their teeth and urge the cards again to fight with them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The battle between 3 people suddenly broke out more and more fierce.

Just the collision between the breath of God, formed a powerful storm, sweeping all directions, even the earth trembles.

Although Eclipse Young Master and Sword God have a lot of cards, but they are still connected with Chu Yan, completely suppressed, and constantly defeated, the injuries on his body are getting more and more serious.

“This is impossible!”

A monk who withdrew from the old world, looking at the war in front of him, all had a thick look of shock, and could not believe his eyes.

This is 2 genius!

When summoned together, they were completely suppressed by the blocker.

This blocker, who are you! ?

At this time, Chu Yan raised his hand and waved, the vast destruction area rushed out of 2 giant mountains, respectively moved towards 2 people rushed away.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Destroyed by the mountain, the spirit of ghosts and Sword Intent were completely banned, and Chu Yan raised his hand to cut it out.

“9 Soul Hell!”

“Sword moves Nine Heavens!”

Eclipse Young Master and Tianzhuang Sword God, the pupils of two people shrink, and a path of Spirit Seal keeps popping up.

An illusory shadow of hell, and a silhouette of Sword Sovereign, which appeared in front of them at the same time, only persevered for a while, and was completely destroyed.

The remaining sword power, not weak, was split on 2 people.

Buzz …!

The robe on Eclipse Young Master, as well as the sword in the hand of Sword God, sensed the danger and blocked them in front of two people.

This is 2 Divine Item, which is not comparable to ordinary magic tools.

Bang! Bang!

Jianwei was blocked, but these two Divine Items were also greatly traumatized, a path of crack was cracked, and rays of light were dimmed.

Although they have not been completely damaged, they have lost their divine ability. If you want to restore them, the cost is definitely not small.

“Red Snow, Divine Item of you dare injure me, I’m not finished with you!”

Eclipse Young Master burned with anger in his heart and shouted loudly.

The Sword God on the side is also hazy, looking at the cracked sword in his hand, his face is black.

As a genius, their temperament is no different, but these two Divine Items are almost a symbol of their identity. With them fighting for many years, it can be said that they have witnessed their growth.

If it is ordered to be destroyed like this, why don’t you feel distressed.

“Red Snow !?” Chu Yan startled.

“You two guys, it’s really useless, what the hell is here !?”

Above the sky, a faint voice sounded, red clothes resembled blood, floating, and opened the mouth and said softly.

“Who tells you, that guy is mine !?”

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was stunned.

Because, the one who came down from the sky turned out to be one of the three great genius … Red Snow!

This time, Eclipse Young Master and Tianzong Sword God, two people opened their mouths at the same time, completely silly.

“Red … Red Snow !?”

Including other monks who watched the battle in the distance, they were equally stunned and could not believe their eyes.

You know, at this time, there are 3 geniuses in total, now all appear here.

So, who is this blocker in front of me! ?

Is it always hidden in the dark, the fourth genius! ?

“With one’s own strength, blocking the two genius, the strength of this daoist brother, it really makes people look at ah!”

Hongxue has a pair of charming eyes, looking at Chu Yan, laughing lightly, his voice like silk

“I don’t know, which Daoist brother is the genius !? Or … peerless genius !?”

By now, as long as you are not stupid, you should be able to see it.

It is possible to play against two geniuses by one person and still have the upper hand. Only peerless genius can do this.

As soon as her question came out, all the practitioners present turned their heads together, all staring at each other in amazement.

Obviously, everyone is extremely curious about Chu Yan’s identity.

Especially before, Eclipse Young Master and Tianzong Sword God played with him for a long time, and always thought that he was Red Snow.

“Me, the silent and unknown people!”

Chu Yan spoke softly.

This is actually the truth. In this Shenhai Realm, he really has no reputation.

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