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These four words seem to Chu Yan to be mentioned by War God before.

“The vast Divine Realm, there are many forces, all are fighting against the Taikoo Taboo, and our Taboo Ridge is one of them!”

The tall silhouette said.

“Contend !? What is this Taboo Ridge !?”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, asked with some doubt.

A long time ago, Chu Yan asked about Qingjia War God, but it seems that Qingjia War God is extremely taboo about Taiko Taboo and doesn’t say much.

“Beyond sentient beings, above Martial Dao! Everything about Swire Taboo, you will know later!”

Tall silhouette with a soft voice, then continued

“You got this inheritance victory, are you willing to join us for Taboo Ridge!”

“But I want to remind you that Taboo Ridge was damaged a long time ago!”

The export of this sentence made Chu Yan quite surprised.

“In this competition, no matter whether it is the Earth God group or the God group, at the end, did not two win? How can I get inheritance directly ??”

Chu Yan has some doubts, according to this comparison rule, it should be the last two winners.

“The original plan, within 1000 years, my taboo ridge will not appear in the ruins of 1000 machine holes. But your within the body has a taboo, so wake us up in advance!

On the tall silhouette’s face, there were 2 glints of light, a pair of fire eyes, looking at Chu Yan, as if to see through the taboos of Chu Yan within the body.

In the previous battle, he saw the whole process clearly through the dead man.

When Chu Yan reached the end of the battle and his injuries recovered instantly, he was already sure.

“It really is it! Mutation triggered!”

Chu Yan shivered and opened the mouth and said “Senior, you know, its origin !?”

Although Green Lotus is magical and helps Chu Yan a lot, Chu Yan doesn’t know why it was born.

“Sorry, about taboos, are all unique and unmatched. They are born at will, even if it is me, it is impossible!”

Tall silhouette shook the head, then said

“I can only tell you that if you get a taboo, you will be targeted by Swire Taboo!”

“It is for this reason that I decided to give you inheritance!”

Of course, tall silhouette not at all tells Chu Yan everything.

For example, the inheritance of Tabu Ling, as well as some core things, will not be given to him for the time being.

After all, they won’t bet on one person, they need other inheritors.

Hearing this, Chu Yan nodded.

Chu Yan had no feelings about Swire Taboo, but this green lotus made him a little puzzled.

“If Tabu Ling is not bound by sect rules, I can agree!”

Chu Yan replied.

“Of course not. I only hope that one day you can destroy the Taikoo taboo. When the time comes, destroy all these statues!”

Tall silhouette replied.

“Yes!” Chu Yan groaned slightly, glancing at the statues all around, nodded agreed.

“Chu Yan, after our Taboo Ridge was damaged, I put 3 Great Town Sect Techniques, as well as the top Heaven and Earth spiritual objects, all there.”

The tall silhouette raised his hand, but pointed to a stone platform.

“You can get inheritance by sitting on the stone platform!”

“Remember! Before the seal of taboo is fully formed, no matter what happens, eyes opened.”

After the tall silhouette finished, with one big wave, a Profound Light rose into the sky above the ancient stone platform.

Chu Yan, even the pupil of Qilin, does not need to be urged, and it can be clearly seen that in the glory of this stone platform, it has extremely pure and pure power, including it.

“many thanks Senior !”

Chu Yan breathes deeply, facing the tall silhouette, bowing a hand, then stepped into the stone platform.

Although he doesn’t know, what is the technique of 3 Great Town gates of Taboo Ridge, but among the stones in front of him, the pure Spirit Power is really real, and entering it will definitely bring great benefits.

“Oh, Senior, I still have a friend in the God group …”

Chu Yan thought of Mo Wu God, quickly opened the mouth and said.

If you enter the stone platform, you do n’t know how long it will take, and Mowu God does n’t know how.

“Don’t worry, since it’s your friend, I will arrange a nice little inheritance to shut him down.”

Tall silhouette said with a smile.


Chu Yan said nothing more, jumped forward, jumped on the stone, and sat cross-legged.

Boom … rumbling!

A vast sea of ​​Spirit Power burst out in an instant.

This tide-like force, like a group of Beast Tide, rushed into Chu Yan within the body, rushing through his flesh and blood meridian, and instantly made his body get great benefits.

“St. Rakshasa!”

Chu Yan snarled, the green and black light exploded behind him, and a tall silhouette emerged, it was Saint Rakshasa true body.

Although I don’t know why, Chu Yan feels that after the War God’s transmission, the Qingjia War God seems to be in harmony with Saint Rakshasa true body.

So, whenever there is a chance, Chu Yan will call out St. Rakshasa to cultivate together.

“this is….”

Tall silhouette, looking behind Chu Yan, that even sitting on the ground, like a hill-like Saint Rakshasa, the heart is thunderous, heaven shaking earth shattering.

Although he didn’t see what this blue and black silhouette was, he could clearly feel that the aura released above was extremely powerful.

He originally thought that Chu Yan was only a peerless genius, or 9 heirs, but now it seems that this child’s identity is far more terrifying than he thought.

“Earth god realm cultivation base, there is a might of Grand Dao, plus this identity, this also …”

The silhouette of the tall silhouette suddenly became agitated and took a few deep breaths before gradually calming down.

Immediately, both of his hands flipped, condensing a path of hand seal, into the stone platform.

These hand seals are some of the more powerful inheritance of Taboo Ridge.

Originally, he did not at all intend to directly give this Chu Yan, but now, he seems to realize that maybe this is a good opportunity and successor.

He has a speculation that this Chu Yan is most likely one of the 9 Supreme Supremes who is being secretly cultivated.

If it is as he expected, then adding time may really be hopeful and break the Taikoo taboo.

Moreover, even if you guess wrong, there doesn’t seem to be much loss.

Chu Yan on the stone platform naturally didn’t know the ideas of the tall silhouette just now.

Now he is completely immersed in huge benefits.

On this stone platform, Spirit Power’s purity is beyond his imagination and majestic.

Now, if he is completely relieved, the cultivation base realm only needs one or two days to be promoted again.

“The power of Five Elements also needs to be suppressed, not let go!”

Chu Yan made up his mind and sealed the power of Five Elements within the body directly.

At this time, he fought against three geniuses and finally discovered this.

The more you suppress the power of your Five Elements, the more amazing the final effect will be.

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