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a Purple black airflow, like a black Flood Dragon, along the Merian of Chu Yan, going retrograde.

Along the way, a path of shallow Spirit Mark, engraved on it, seems to form some kind of spirit fairy Array.

The invisible power was released from him within the body. In the depths of the void, it attracted some extremely mysterious power.

“this is….”

Chu Yan moved, without any hesitation, raised his hand and scratched a blood on his hand.

That mysterious power immediately flowed and restored the wound to its original state.

“This forbidden body still has the ability to recover itself !?”

Chu Yan looked shocked.

This ability seems simple, but if the effect of green lotus is added! ?

Just thinking about it, Chu Yan felt an excitement.

“Forbidden body, reversal of heaven and earth, Heaven and Earth hanging upside down, Gate of Many Wonders, blood god cast!”

At this moment, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Chu Yan, a Hong Zhong’s voice sounded.

Not waiting for Chu Yan to react, the invisible power swept the audience instantly, as if finishing touches, making the whole body suddenly shining.

In Chu Yan’s heart, a clear comprehension rose.

This kind of clear comprehension, the weirdness of the extreme, only a moment, so many mysterious, all realized.

“Okay! Taboo body, really mysterious!”

“The forging of the Fleshy body is completely integrated with the strength of Taboo. If all are urged, the battle strength will definitely double!”

In Chu Yan’s eyes, the fire flashed.

The formidable power of this taboo body is far beyond his imagination, especially if he had the green lotus before him, it is even more terrifying.

Of course, Chu Yan also realized the limitations of the taboo body.

As Chu Yan improves, his battle strength will become smaller and smaller. When he reaches human respect, everything will disappear.

However, at that time, the taboo body will also become Taboo Technique, directly integrated into his Divine Strength, bringing endless changes to his Divine Strength.

“So much rest, there is no waste!”

Chu Yan’s face was full of excitement, he couldn’t stop wondering, and his mood slowly calmed down.

“It’s time to leave!”

Although it is less than half a month, it is unnecessary to continue to stay here!

Chu Yan’s eyes fell on the square, and he quickly found the Transmission Array method left by Divine King, Divine Strength infusion, and urged it.


His silhouette disappeared in an instant, but when it appeared again, it was on a city street.

On the bustling streets, there are endless crowds, the bustling all around, and all kinds of noisy sounds.

“Mowu Senior, It shouldn’t be out so soon, leave him a message!”

Chu Yan pondered, ready to go to find the disciples of Dutianmuya.

Boom … rumbling!

At this moment, the sound of a heaven shaking earth shattering sounded, and the whole piece of sky cliff city shuddered suddenly, as if above the sky, a thunderclap fell and split on the city.

“what’s the situation!?”

All the cultivators, who lifts the head, looked towards the sky, their faces blank.

Even Chu Yan is startled.


Immediately afterwards, a tremendous dragon sound resounded, a 10,000 zhang Divine Dragon appeared from the sky, rolling the dragon power, sweeping Heaven and Earth.

I don’t know why. Suddenly, the sky above Broken Sky Cliff turned into blood red.

The powerful slaughter aura floods Heaven and Earth.

“This is Wanglongtai, about to open !?”

A God Peak powerhouse, stunned.

“Broken Sky Cliff, Wanglongtai, one of the 2 Forbidden Land !?”

“Isn’t it said that the Wanglongtai was only opened once every 1 years !? It seems to have been opened the year before, why now …”

“It doesn’t make sense ah!”


All the repairers in the city were stunned, and they were all silly.

Many of them stayed at Duantianya all the year round and were very familiar with the situation here.


Just as everyone was shocked, a thunder burst.

Countless purple light, fully blooming on a bloody sky, at the end of the distance, a strange palace appeared, and the released aura is more powerful than the blood dragon just now.

“This is …. ancient palace !?”

A cultivator, looking at the natural phenomenon on the sky, all look and shock.

The ancient palace of Mingtian, like Wanglongtai, is one of the 2 largest Forbidden Lands in Tiantianya.

This ancient palace opened once every 20 years, longer than Wanglongtai.

Like Wanglongtai, it was just opened just the year before, and now it has to be opened again! ?

The most important thing is that the two Forbidden Land are opened at the same time, which is inherently problematic.

Could it be that the main event is coming from Duantianya! ?

“2 Forbidden Land, open at the same time, this is going to happen ah!”

Chu Yan looked at this scene, but also looked stunned, sweating finely on his forehead.

No one else knows, but of course he may.

I am afraid that this matter has a lot to do with Green Lotus, just like the situation of 1000 machine holes, it will happen again.

“This …. leave quickly!”

Chu Yan quickly calmed down, somewhat guilty glanced at all around, and even the message was not going to stay, went directly to the Transmission Array.

Although he reminded Divine King before, but that Divine King Sir was good for himself.

Now that Duantianya is made like this, it seems a bit sorry for others.

Although I said in advance, Divine King said that it was okay, but after all, some sorry.

As for Mo Wu God, just wait for him to come out, and then contact Jade Talisman.

However, when Chu Yan stepped into the Transmission Array, what he didn’t know was …

“That guy has left the Heavenly Cliff!”

The master of this voice, after saying this, looked up at the natural phenomena in the sky, and his face was cold and sweaty.

You know, just a sudden natural phenomenon, even he was shocked by fiercely.

If he didn’t respond quickly, the result would be miserable.

At the same time, Duantian Muya …

Countless powerful spiritual rests, falling from all directions in 4 directions, submerging into the body of Divine King.

On him, a path of divine light flows and countless Spirit Mark flashes.

“En !? Wanglongtai and Mingtian ancient palace, how to open in advance !?”

Suddenly, his eyes opened, a path of aura, 4 spread out, his face full of doubt.

The ancient palace was built by him, and all the rules were made by him. There has never been any natural phenomenon in 1000 years.


In the next moment, his face froze directly, and he sensed that Wanglongtai was also experiencing a natural phenomenon.

Could it be said that what will happen to Heavenly Cliff! ?

“Celestial Immortal has no problem with bones, and purple dew jade cauldron is fine …”

Divine Consciousness of Divine King, sweeping the entire Cliff of Heaven, checking the key places of each and everyone, the doubt on his face is getting heavier and heavier.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something, fiercely twitched at the corner of his mouth.

“That Chu Yan, it seemed to say before … Is it him !?”

Thinking of this, Divine King suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air and stood up.

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