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Although Emperor Xuantian did not want to crack down on Chu Yan, these words were all facts and cruel reality.

It is not the hardest to have a heaven defying cultivation base in the same rank. As long as you have enough luck and enough perseverance, it is possible.

However, it is extremely difficult to think of reaching the Nine Heavens Supreme level by luck, or even the Overlord.

“Is there any other way ?!”

Chu Yan breathes deeply, asked.

He thought of green lotus, maybe he went to the battlefield of Ancient Immortal himself, maybe he had a chance to produce more natural phenomena.

After all, before the existence of 1000 machine holes, broken sky cliffs, and green lotus, countless remains were opened in advance and at the same time.


After pondering for a long time, the word Empress Xuantian drank out, echoing Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“any solution!?”

Chu Yan eyes immediately lit up and asked anxiously.

“An old saying goes, people will win the sky! The road of Martial Dao is even more so, so everything in this world can be done by manpower!”

In the words of Emperor Xuantian, either fast nor slow was said to make Chu Yan want to wear it.

“When I was honored for the second time, there were only nine Ancient Immortal battlefields opened, and I used some means to open ten or eight simultaneously!”

“What means, I can’t tell you, and even if I tell you, you can’t do it!”

“However, if you promise me to do something for me in the future, I can let the number of Ancient Immortal battlefields appearing at this time reach ten or five!”

Step by step, she finally stated her purpose.


Chu Yan for a moment, nodded

“If you can really do it, I can promise you!”

After all, since he knew Emperor Xuantian, now the other party hasn’t harmed herself.

However, this feeling of being controlled makes Chu Yan very unhappy.

Moreover, this Emperor Xuantian seems to be intentional, obviously speaking with the rhythm of wanting to pit him.

When Chu Yan agreed, the Empress Xuantian was nodded, and then disappeared completely.

“This is gone !? Didn’t say ah!”

Chu Yan is speechless and looks at the head, waiting patiently.

Looking at the map of Divine Realm in his hand, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept continuously and read all the messages.

The overlords of the gods blessed earth seemed to be fighting for cultivators and went to cultivation.

But it is also based on the situation that Chu Yan had been to Tiantianya before.

Those Overlords seem to give some benefits to those cultivators to complete the task.

Completion of these tasks is the accumulation of resources given by these tyrants.

Therefore, the cultivator here seems to become a resource in itself.

“Forget it, go to 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect first!”

Chu Yan thought about it and made a decision.

8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect is Shenhai Realm, one of the three Dao Lineage. With Supreme majesty and domineering, Yan Ran is the first of the three Dao Lineage.

Emperor Xuantian rejected the invitation of all forces, but in the end, he held an Elder position.

Moreover, the genius named Huayang is also in this force.

Take this opportunity to meet the genius characters of Supreme Dao Lineage.

Time flies, and three days pass in a flash.

During these 3 days, the whole Shenhai Realm was circulating, about a genius named Chu Yan, killing Eclipse Young Master.

However, the heat of the news quickly fell silent.

After all, with the opening of “Dangshanbo”, everyone’s attention is focused on the ancient battlefield where the immortal will be opened.

Moreover, the entire Shenhai Realm, vast territory and abundant resources, has no special forces to spread these news.

A genius was killed, and he couldn’t afford too much storm.

As for Chu Yan, in three days, I rushed all the way to get closer and closer to the 3 Yuxuan Desolate Sect.


Suddenly, Chu Yan stopped suddenly, his eyes were like electricity, sweeping all directions.

Just now, he felt a strange wave.

“Is it Shengong Stream !?”

Chu Yan’s thoughts flickered. Before thinking, Shen Gongxi sent someone to intercept himself, and then Divine Soul became nervous.

Ka cha !

When Chu Yan within the body Divine Strength started to work, a snow white flame suddenly ignited in front of Chu Yan.

In this snow-white flame, a piece of Jade Talisman floats, and the jade is like a wash.


Chu Yan’s face was shocked, and he groaned a little, but still reached out and took the Jade Talisman.

Divine Consciousness swept away all the bans on Jade Talisman and wiped out all the contents to view the contents directly.

“Chu Yan big brother, this is Huayang!”

a Very excited voice suddenly sounded.

“I was ready to go to find you, didn’t expect, you actually came, so, in a hurry, you can only send messages this way!”

Chu Yan looked at the message and suddenly terrified look.

This Huayang seems to be the master of the Fleshy body that he occupied when he was in the Yin-Yang world.

If it weren’t for Jade Talisman, Chu Yan wouldn’t easily believe what I said before in the Yin-Yang world.

You know, that Huayang, but the interest is completely cut off!

“Although that Huayang at the time was not like Linglong, the fleshy body was not completely decaying. I stepped into the realm of avenues with his fleshy body, but …”

Chu Yan’s Divine Soul cannot be calm for a long time.

The agent next door to Divine Spark illusory shadow is completely beyond his imagination.

This is almost equivalent to reversing the universe and hanging the Yin-Yang method. I am afraid that even the Divine Realm’s Nine Heavens Supreme may not be able to do it! ?

“Chu Yan big brother, I know you are raising the cultivation base, ready to honor …”

“At this time, I got an excellent task. It’s better if you come with me, there will be great benefits!”

“Regardless of whether the big brother believes me or not, I take the Divine Dao oath first, no matter what happens, I will never betray the big brother….”

Upon hearing the oath of Huayang’s Divine Dao, Chu Yan felt relieved and a smile appeared on his face.

I didn’t expect, in this Divine Realm, I finally met an old man.

Moreover, this old man, with his chance, seems extremely deep.

This feeling suddenly warmed his heart.

After all, there was some kind of special bloodline relationship between him and Huayang at the beginning as the same root with different branches.

This kind of relationship, as Huayang calls himself a big brother, is completely reasonable.

“Okay! You are waiting for me in Tianning City. I can arrive in a day!”

Chu Yan sent a consciousness to Jade Talisman, waved his hand, completely destroyed Jade Talisman, immediately expanded his body, and hurried to the road.

His within the body was hit by the Heavenly Might mark and would release the Heavenly Dao killing intent.

This Heavenly Might killing intent, but not who dare to provoke, so, flying along the way, almost undisturbed.

However, if you arrive at the 3 Dao Lineage places, this Heavenly Dao kills the prestige, but it is a bit troublesome.

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