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Yu Ling’er has a very deep interest in Chu Yan.

A soaring ascendant in the lower realm wants to master 4 lines of vigour, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension.

Moreover, the last time Chu Yan was able to easily obtain the second token of Emperor Xuantian, she could feel that it was definitely not that simple.

It is possible that this Chu Yan is the heir to the Empress Xuan Tian.

If this is the case, then I am afraid that the entire Shenhai Realm, even Divine Realm, will cause quite a stir.

“You … talk to him !?”

Sun Yifeng suddenly complexion stiffened.

“Chu Yan, you figured out, a woman like Yu Ling’er is not something you can expect, and it will be best to disappear for me later, otherwise, even if you are the big brother of Huayang, I will let You are as good as life! “

Sun Yifeng looked at Chu Yan with a cold face, Divine Consciousness sound transmission said.

“It’s better to die!”

Chu Yan suddenly laughed in his heart.

This Sun Yifeng is very similar to that of the little heavenly king Yuepeng. Taking advantage of one’s position to bully people, I’m afraid I’m used to doing it. In such a small matter, I open my life and death.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, is there any trouble !?”

Yu Ling’er was extremely clever. Seeing that both Sun Yifeng and Chu Yan didn’t change their faces, he asked tentatively.

“This matter has nothing to do with you, they can only say that they think I … is very bully!”

Chu Yan shook the head, looking up at Sun Yifeng.

“Get lost!”

Too lazy to talk nonsense with him, Chu Yan directly shouted.

If this person is going to be endless, then just go ahead and do it.

“What ?! You … dare to call me get lost !?”

Sun Yifeng’s pupil suddenly shrink, his face full of disbelief.

You know, he is a son of the Overlord, and the person who saw him was not polite, even Heavenly Venerate, who gave himself a face.

Including that Huayang, even if he confronted him head-on, he dared not talk to him like that.

“you wanna die!”

Sun Yifeng gritted his teeth and flushed his face, squeezing a word out of his teeth.

The anger was burning, and Sun Yifeng’s Divine Strength within the body instantly stirred up, and he was ready to make a move.

“Brother Sun, what’s the matter, good negotiation!”

At this moment, a hand, suddenly pressed on Sun Yifeng’s shoulder, the powerful force, let Sun Yifeng with the body’s Divine Strength, subsided instantly.

The person who shot was Li Mutian.

If it is usual, the land of the sea will not allow anyone to do it, let alone at this high-end cocktail party.

If he really started, Sun Yifeng would definitely suffer a big loss.

“Brother Li, this guy, so arrogant!”

Sun Yifeng’s anger did not subside. Divine Consciousness sound transmission told Li Mutian what he had just said.

“Get lost!? This kid … hmph! Let me handle this matter!”

The cold glow in Li Mu’s Heavenly Eye flashed by, and he didn’t know when he had a crystal cup in his hand.

“It turned out to be the big brother of Huayang Fellow Daoist. I have been admiring for a long time. Come, I respect you!”

A smile appeared on Li Mutian’s face, and he raised the crystal cup and said.

“En !?”

Yu Ling’er also had the gray robe woman in the distance, including the other powerhouse in the temple, all turned around towards the crystal cup in his hand.

Everyone can feel that this glass of wine seems to be infused with some special power.

If two people clink glasses, that force will directly rush into the other within the body.

“Li Mutian, you …”

Huayang standing not far away, suddenly with the body rushed out 2 Immortal Intents, with the body Divine Strength running wildly, ready to shoot directly.

“No! I can!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness sound transmission, then turned his head, and smiled, toasted

“Fellow Daoist Li is kind, come …”

This is an opportunity, just look at this Li Mutian’s strength, how exactly.

“Hmph! Let me see how you die!”

Sun Yifeng sneered when Chu Yan agreed.

“Chu Yan, be careful …”

Although Yu Ling’er knew that Chu Yan’s strength was out of the ordinary, she had never seen Chu Yan’s shot and immediately reminded subconsciously.

However, without waiting for him to finish talking, the two crystal cups, under everyone’s attention, lightly touched together.


In an instant, an amazing force erupted in the depths of Chu Yan within the body, like a head of peerless Ominous Beast, to tear him all inside the body.

However, just after this force broke out, it was directly suppressed by a powerful force.

Li Mutian’s cultivation base is nothing but God 3rd Layer. Such a method, as long as he operates Divine Strength, it is enough to resist.

“Now, it’s you!”

Chu Yan’s fingers flicked slightly.

The sneer still hanging on Li Mutian’s face just frozen.

He only felt that invisible, as if there was a long sword, moved towards his body.

The terrifying Sword Intent caused his scalp to explode all over his body, and he was dead.


This changed, so that Li Mutian didn’t care about anything else, and screamed directly, within the body Divine Strength, like a violent surge, turned into a gang tide, directly blocking this force.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There was a loud noise in his body, and his body stepped back 7 or 8 steps before he barely stood firm.

“What !? Lost !?”

Many powerhouses in the great hall changed their faces.

Even the gray robe woman raised her head slightly, staring at Chu Yan.

“How can this be!?”

Sun Yifeng was stunned, and his face was unbelievable.

You know, Li Mutian is a genius.

In front of him, this Chu Yan, but only the cultivation base of the realm Peak, how could Li Mutian be defeated! ?

“Fellow Daoist Li, Fellow Daoist Sun, sorry, forget to introduce my big brother, he also mastered 4 lines of strength!”

Huayang not far away, a sympathetic smile, said.

This Li Mutian, courting death, dared to take the initiative to find the trouble of Chu Yan big brother. Isn’t this just looking for bitterness? !

“You said he mastered 4 lines of strength !?”

Throughout the great hall, everyone’s Divine Soul shuddered.

No one thought that this black robed youth who came with Huayang turned out to be a genius.

“Gai … Geshi genius !?”

Sun Yifeng’s complexion stiffened, the whole person is stupid.

so far so good….

If you shot Chu Yan directly just now, it would not only violate the rules of the Celestial Sea curtain, but also probably be attacked by the other party. In the face of so many powerful men, fiercely beat him.

“It turns out that Chu Yan Fellow Daoist is a worldly genius. Disrespect and disrespect are all the faults that I did not feel!”

Li Mutian also twitched the corners of his eyes, and quickly squeezed out a smile, politely opened the mouth and said.

“Since that is the case, I really want to honor Fellow Daoist Chu for a drink!”

Although Chu Yan’s identity and strength are beyond his imagination, it is just like that, which does not threaten him at all.

Just now, in front of so many people, Chu Yan was repulsed directly, and this must be recovered.

Otherwise, this has to be spread, how can he mix up later! ?

“Sun Yifeng, you are so brave. Didn’t you learn enough last time and dare to cling to Linger !?”

At this moment, a voice came from outside the temple.

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