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Huayang and Yuling’s help at this critical time is undoubtedly huge.

“Three geniuses !?”

The practitioners present were all eyes shined and looked towards 3 people.

At this point, things became hilarious.

It depends on how this matter will end.


Xiaotian Wang Yuepeng and Sun Yifeng, when they saw Yu Ling’er, were all dark.

They didn’t expect that Yu Ling’er, in order to help this Chu Yan, did not hesitate to take the risk of offending Mu Ling Taoist.

“Master, look at this …”

Li Mutian was also blank, and asked in a low voice.

Mu Ling Taoist expressionless, a pair of eyes, constantly glancing back at Chu Yan, Hua Yang and Yu Ling’er.

In his heart, he was very upset!

However, in addition to one Chu Yan, another Huayang and Yu Ling’er spoke out together. If he refused on the spot, as Yu Ling’er said, his reputation was not very good.

After all, there are powerhouse gangsters from all over the world, not just a few of them.

However, how to give that Chu Yan that way, how would the next person look at himself that day! ?

The key to the problem is not on the black blade, which is worthless, but on how to deal with this matter.

“Good day, this black edged blade is from you. Will you give this black blade to this person?”

Mu Ling Taoist deserved to be Great Elder, his eyes turned, and he asked Zuo Jiatian.

In a word, all problems and contradictions were transferred, and it was transferred to Zuo Jiatian, who was damaged by Divine Soul spirit wisdom.

Therefore, no matter what Zuo Jiatian answers, people in the world can’t say anything.

At the next breath, Chu Yan, Huayang, Yu Ling’er and all the others present looked towards Zuo Jiatian.

At this time, his sentence may be the final decision.

Zuo Jiatian brows slightly wrinkle, the pupils are somewhat diffused, glanced around 4 times, and the head said

“How can I send the gift to Great Elder again, but …”

Directly refused, but the words changed, making everyone look tight.

“I heard that your battle strength is very strong, and I want to fight against you. If you are under my hands and you are unbeaten at 1000, I promise to send you!”

“As for cultivation base, I suppressed to the 3rd Layer of God!”

As soon as this sentence came out, the eyes of Xiao Tian Wang Yuepeng, Sun Yifeng and other practitioners were illuminated.

Everyone knows that although Divine Soul spirit wisdom is damaged, there is no discount for his strength.

Not only mastered the 4 lines of strength, but also touched the threshold of Dao Realm, which is one step away from peerless genius.

Of course, Xiaotian Wang Yuepeng also knows that Chu Yan has also touched the threshold of Dao Realm. It may even be Dao Realm Small Accomplishment, the cultivation base is extremely powerful.

However, the cultivation base is the key. Zuo Jiatian’s cultivation base is much higher than Chu Yan.

Even if he suppressed the cultivation base to the 3rd Layer of the God realm, it was not Chu Yan of the earth cultivation base at all.

The most important thing is that Zuo Jiatian has a special habit, like Qi Qi.

Of course, in their realm, Qi Sea is destroyed, which is nothing, and it will not be long before it can be repaired.

But don’t forget, what occasion is this! ?

This is the 1000-year-old birthday feast of the Mu Ling Taoist. The entire Shenhai Realm, as long as it has a little power, is almost all there.

If in the face of so many strong influences and big brothers, Qi Sea was directly abolished, it would be really embarrassing.

Mu Ling Taoist heard Zuo Jiatian’s answer, but brows slightly wrinkle, apparently not satisfied with Zuo Jiatian’s answer.

However, since the words had already been spoken, he could not say anything, turned his head now, looked towards Chu Yan, opened the mouth and said

“Chu Yan, you have also heard. How to choose, you will decide for yourself!”

Huayang suddenly complexion changed, quickly opened the mouth and said

“Brother Yan …”

Yu Linger on the other side is also hurrying Divine Consciousness sound transmission and saying, “Chu Yan, take a step back and think about other ways!”

In the eyes of the two of them, Chu Yan and Zuo Jiatian will definitely suffer a big loss, and it is extremely cost-effective.

“Left Felo Daoist, it seems that you really want to fight me, but before I answer, can you tell me, where did this black blade come from?”

Chu Yan looked calm and looked at Zuo Jiatian and asked.

“Is it from another cultivator, can you fight it?”

Zuo Jiatian’s face is impatient, and True Qi is constantly surging, as if it will break out at any time.

“Good! I promise you!”

Chu Yan was relaxed in his heart, without any hesitation, and nodded directly.

As long as it’s not a murder and robbery, the situation of Ouyang Nantian should not be considered to be the worst.

In the battle with Zuo Jiatian, Chu Yan’s intention coincided with the fact that he originally came to the birthday party at this time, and originally wanted to fight Supreme genius.

“What !? Promised !?”

The cultivators and powerful men present were all stunned.

None of them guessed just now, Chu Yan would promise Zuo Jiatian.

“Hehe, Chu Yan, look at you this time, how did you die!”

The faces of Xiaotian Wang Yuepeng and Sun Yifeng all showed a smile.

They estimate that, not to mention 1000 breaths, I am afraid that at most one breath breath, Chu Yan’s Qi Sea will be explodes into waste.

Hua Yang’s face tightened and he opened his mouth, trying to say and so on, but when he saw Chu Yan’s expression, he still couldn’t hold back.

“This Chu Yan, is there really a surprise !?”

Yu Ling’er looked at Chu Yan with beautiful eyes flashing.

She confirmed in her heart that a man with value emotion and value friendship who dare to die for his friends is absolutely very manly.

However, if it fails, it is stupid.

“Ha ha ha, wood spirit, now more interesting, more wonderful than your boring ceremony ah!”

Divine Wolf Elder laughed suddenly, his face full of joy.

Other Heavenly Venerable Realm and Earth Venerable Realm powerhouses are also slightly nodded.

After all, the confrontation between the two Gaius genius is also considered Interesting.

Mu Ling Taoist hearing this, gently nodding, said with a smile

“It’s okay, just let them fight, lively and lively!”

With a big wave of his hand, a large piece of fairy light poured out, and a huge Martial Arts Stage was opened on the side of the main hall.

“Since it is a confrontation, then set the rules. This Martial Arts Stage is in the field, and anyone who goes out of the field will be considered a loser!”

This time, after all, is his birthday feast, he does not want to die.

The key is that Zuo Jiatian has a strange personality. He certainly knows that even if that Chu Yan can’t beat him, he should be able to escape.

As long as he escaped from the border, he would not be killed.

“Chu Yan, come fight!”

Zuo Jiatian’s whole body battle intent finally broke out, and his whole body dive light surged, as if it had become a peerless Ominous Beast, strode away towards the Martial Arts Stage.

“it is good!”

Chu Yan did not hesitate, the Divine Strength broke out all over the body, turned into a black glow, swept towards Martial Arts Stage, Sword Intent was like a tide, and was urged instantly.

2 The entry of the great genius is all imposing manner out of the ordinary, but many of the powerful talents present can be seen at a glance.

The aura of Chu Yan is obviously much weaker than Zuo Jiatian.

Between the Earth God Realm and the God Realm, that is a gap!

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