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Others don’t know, Mu Ling Taoist and Li Mutian, of course, they are very clear.

Tianxueling is opened once a year, like this, it is rare to happen once in at least 50 years.

Moreover, they were marked with red blood glow, which shows that Chu Yan’s threat to them is absolutely unsolvable. In the future, Chu Yan will definitely bring them a huge crisis.

“St. God, also has this ability ?!”

Chu Yan looked at the eyes of the three people, his heart was cold and his scalp was tingling.

At the Ten Directions Star Domain, the Holy Heaven Monument often released the imperial decree of God ’s sin, designating the enemies of Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

Because of this, he was ranked 1st as the God ’s Sin List, and was chased and killed by Saint Heavenly Pavilion every day.

“It’s not easy to stay here for long!”

As soon as Chu Yan’s eyes turned, he was ready to apply oil on the soles of his feet, instantly turning Divine Strength within the body to the extreme, directly stimulating the world of Roaming Dragon.

With his current cultivation base, this day has fallen into the curtain of the sea and must not be left.

“Want to go !?”

Mu Ling Taoist people reacted in an instant, drinking words like thunder, raising a hand is a wave.

The immortal intent, like a tsunami, rushed out like a tsunami, turning a Heaven and Earth cage into Chu Yan.

Not only that, the entire main hall, in some of them, seemed to be awakened, and countless fairy light Divine Formation continued to break out, closing the whole great hall to death.

At this time, even if it was a Heavenly Venerable Realm strong shot, in a short period of time, they easily broke out of great hall, escape alive.


Chu Yan giggled.

This situation is almost dead and cannot be escaped.

“Mu Ling Taoist, what do you want to do !?”

Huayang complexion greatly changed, Teng stood up and shouted loudly.

“What are you doing! Hmph!”

The cold air on the face of the wood spirit Taoist is directly shouted

“This child is the dead enemy designated by our Blood Heavenly Ridge. I naturally want to capture it. You should not interfere in this matter, so as not to be involved.”

His voice fell to the ground. In this great hall, some cultivators all around released the Divine Strength on his body, and his face was cold.

These cultivators are naturally the powerhouse under the leadership of Saint God, and the cultivation base is not weak, all are human respects or Earth Venerable Realm.

Several people of Supreme Dao Lineage respect Elder, hurry up, opened the mouth and said

“Huayang, this matter has nothing to do with us, it is better …”

Not waiting for them to finish, Huayang’s whole body ruthless aura rushing, Divine Strength is like a tide, staring at Mu Ling Dao with red eyes, opened the mouth and said

“If, I must intervene !?”

Yu Ling’er not far away, with a chuckle, lotus step moved, the voice said softly

“Mu Ling Senior is nothing more than a guide for a spiritual weapon. Because of this, it shot Chu Yan Fellow Daoist. Isn’t it a rash !?”

The current Saint God King cannot compare the existence of Saint Heavenly Pavilion in Ten Directions Star Domain, hidden the sky with one hand.

Not to mention Divine Realm, even in the Shenhai Realm, the power of King God is not strongest.

After all, Xuetianling is just a spiritual weapon within their forces, and the guidelines given say who is the dead enemy is the dead enemy, shouting and killing. This makes it difficult for other outside forces to recognize it.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

A path of silhouette, suddenly came out of the air, appeared in the great hall, the pressure released, suddenly made everyone tremble.

These silhouettes are all Supreme Elder of King God ’s forces, and every cultivation base has reached Heavenly Venerable Realm.

“You … why are you here !?”

Muling Taoist complexion changed.

A red glow enemy, even if the level is very high, but do not need to send 9 Supreme Elder at once! ?

“Mu Ling, the enemy of red glow, is this person !?”

A beautiful woman, staring at Chu Yan, her face full of doubts, asked.

“Just now Divine King Sir subpoenaed this person to abolish the cultivation base, seal the fleshy body, and put him in the 10000 Demon Blood Prison!”

As soon as this remark came out, all the cultivators of Great Influence in the audience were all complexion changed.

Even the Mu Ling Taoist is startled.

Ten Heavenly Venerable Realm Supreme Elder….

Divine King personally ordered …

Just to deal with a Trifling Martial Artist! ?

Chu Yan was shocked when he heard these words. Was it the Divine King Avatar that I just sensed? ?

Except for Huayang and Yuling’er, all of them were sinking in their hearts. King God himself ordered, how could this be Chu Yan! ?

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, is this the end !?”

Xiao Tian Wang Yuepeng, Sun Yifeng’s heart, but unable to bear, laughed loudly.

They originally thought that this Chu Yan would be very beautiful, nothing at all.

But now, in a blink of an eye, Chu Yan is the enemy of King Saint God.

In this way, even this Chu Yan and then genius, no matter how strong they are, they have no effect at all.

“But this is the genius, and it is the Small Accomplishment Realm …”

Mu Ling Taoist glanced at Chu Yan and said with some hesitation.

Although he shot Chu Yan, not at all thought that there would be such serious consequences.

After all, the genius of Small Accomplishment is definitely a person powerful existence behind it.

“Dao Realm Small Accomplishment !?”

The 9 Great Elders present were all startled, and they looked at each other in unison.

“Divine King Sir is wise, and once said before coming, if this child’s status is not low, then he can’t let it go!”

The wooden spirit Taoist hearing this suddenly froze.

Divine King Sir, even this is counted, really Magical Powers invincible ah!

“Okay, don’t talk much nonsense, who can’t follow Divine King Sir’s life, I will scrap him now!”

Among the 9 Supreme Elders, a tall man stepped out and his body was flooded with blood light.

With a path of blood line in his eyes, he looked directly at Chu Yan.

In an instant, in the whole great hall, the void suddenly swelled, like a head of peerless Ominous Beast, ascending Monster Power, ready to bite.

“Chu Yan is finished!”

“Even if he is a genius, Dao Realm Small Accomplishment, with Sir behind him, it’s too late now!”

“This is Dao Realm Small Accomplishment’s genius, so that’s it!”

“what a pity…”

The monks present were all sighing and shook their heads.

Especially those Heavenly Venerables, who looked at Chu Yan with a calm face, no one had an idea.

If it is somewhere else, maybe they will consider helping each other to make friends with the sir behind Chu Yan.

However, this is the core of the Heavenly Sea curtain, and it is not courting death to shoot here! ?

“Chu Yan, Chu Yan, I still think about it. In the future, I will kill you personally. It seems there is no chance!”

Xiaotian Wang Yuepeng was in a good mood at this time, with a smile on his face, secretly said in one’s heart.

By now, most of his hatred for Chu Yan has disappeared.

“Tiansheng extinguishing soul Great Array!”

The middle-aged man shot, the whole person turned into a celestial Demon, holding a bloody long stick, pedaling the Spirit Seal, imposing manner Chongyun.


At this moment, Huayang did not hesitate at all, loudly roared, and exploded innumerable magic symbols all over the body, turning it into an extremely powerful towering silhouette.

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