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I originally thought that this hand seal would catch myself, but what Chu Yan didn’t expect was that the hand seal grabbed himself, but at a faster rate, he pulled fiercely into the golden river water.

Poof thump!

Ear wind and wind screamed, and Chu Yan only heard a splash of water 4 falling into the water, and he had fallen into the river.

However, in this golden river, there seemed to be only a layer of water on the surface. After passing through the body, it suddenly rushed on the ground within a short time, and the powerful anti-shock force almost let him spit out a blood.

Fortunately, the strength of Fleshy body has just improved.

“Destruction Strength!”

Chu Yan pressed with the body’s tumbling qi and blood, suddenly jumped up, destroying the realm 4 and scattered away.

“It seems … no danger!”

Waiting for Chu Yan to see the situation around all around, it was suddenly relaxed, and the tight mind was slightly relaxed.

I saw that he was standing on a square of purple.

The square is not large, with 1000 steps, but it is broken. There are gravel and cracks everywhere.

However, just above this broken square, there are bones scattered around.

Looking at the bone color, Chu Yan knew that it was probably a short period of time, just 10000 years less.

However, even the skeletal bone that has gone through 10000 years, the cold aura released on it still makes Chu Yan stunned.

Especially in the middle of a pile of bones, there is a palm-size, crystal clear and near-transparent jade stone.

It was 10000 years old, but it can still be seen that among the jade stones, indifferently said was released.

Dao Realm Great Accomplishment, with Supreme Magical Powers, the condensed Dao Jing!

“There are Dao Jing on the sides of these 5 skeletons. What cultivation base is in front of these people !?”

“Other bones, fight them before they died, what is the cultivation base !?”

Just thinking about it, Chu Yan felt a blast of cold air, his hair all over his body.

Above the small square, how many fierce battles happened that year! ?

“Well, is anyone here ?! This is … the land of truth!”

a As if there were 10,000 zhang underground, the sound of corrosion came from the square.

Chu Yan was shocked and suddenly turned his head to look around. Qilin’s pupils swept across it, only to find that there was no one at all, and it was a stone that spoke.

The stone is 5 feet high and stands on the corner of the square. The whole body is covered with soldier marks, dark gold, or Spirit Qi is gradually lost, unable to maintain the original color.

“The Land of True Law !?” Chu Yan startedled, looked towards the boulder.

“Who are you? It’s you summon, I’m here !?”

Chu Yan asked in a condensed voice.

“Yes! Yes! It really is you, it’s you, you have all the auras in your body!”

Stone seemed to answer the question, and seemed to ignore Chu Yan’s question altogether, each minding their own business.

“Ha ha ha, all fairies … this is aura!”

After a burst of laughter, a sudden burst of Celestial Immortal gas erupted over the stones, shooting at the end of the distant sky at an alarming speed.


After one sentence, the stone ran away! ?

“what’s the situation!?”

Chu Yan froze there, his face stunned.

In this place, there is not even a ghost shadow. I originally thought that when I met a rock, I could figure out the situation.

The point is, what the stone is, can actually see through his body of War God.

At this point, even Royal Capital, the 4 great gods, can’t do it. A stone is stronger than 4 Deity King! ?

“Zhenxian …. Running so fast, I haven’t asked clearly.”

Chu Yan looked helpless, looking at the distant fairy light on the distant sky, looking at the head.

Turn around, looked towards the pieces of Dao Jing scattered on the square.

“Try it, maybe it can be refining!”

Chu Yan was ready to collect those pieces of Dao Jing.

This is a good thing!

Even if it is the current Divine Realm, Dao Realm’s giants are probably very rare.

However, Chu Yan only took a few steps, the mutation was born!

Boom … Rumble!

a Very powerful fairy light, exploding from the far away square.

Ka ka ka …

A skeletal body twisted up from the ground, holding a large rusty knife on the only left limb bone of the upper body.


There is nothing to say, opening your mouth is a dead word, and the bones rushed directly to Chu Yan in one fell swoop.

In this brief moment, a skeleton that was creeping like a zombie, burst into a murderous aura like a divine light, rushed to the top of Chu Yan’s head, and raised his hand with a knife, splitting the layers of void into a diffuse heavenly blade river.

“10000 Dragon Power!”

Chu Yan has always been in a state of alert. When the Daohe River appeared, raising his hand was a punch and directly counterattacking.


Fist shatter void, but did not collide with Daohe at all.

The bone responded very quickly. When the boxing appeared, the bone twisted, but it directly avoided it and went around to Chu Yan’s side.

“What !? This skeleton is fine !?”

Chu Yan originally thought that even if the bone could not be broken by a punch, Daohe collided with the fist, even if it was the aftermath of energy, the bone that was about to fall apart could be directly broken.

But now, the skeleton is flexible like a monkey, and it seems to have a sense of fighting.

Regardless of whether it’s a yin puppet or a corpse, Chu Yan is not unseen, but almost all are like fools. They only know about rushing, how can they know dodge! ?

“God 2nd Layer !?”

Just one trick, Chu Yan accurately judged this cultivation base realm.

“In 10000 years, there is also the 2nd Layer of God Realm. It was at least 4 lines before its lifetime!”

In Chu Yan pupil light, the fire is rising.

“Daggers are broken!”

When the skeleton made his move, he opened his mouth and roared like ordinary Martial Artist.

At the next breath, the big sword in his hand flew out of the air, shocked in the air, and turned into a blade glow directly, flooding the whole square sky.

Obviously, this skull was a strong sword repairer during his lifetime.

Moreover, its knife cultivation base has reached a very strong level.

“Roaming Dragon World!”

Chu Yan was cold in his heart and had no choice to face a conflict. His figure flashed. The pupils of Qilin flickered and flickered in the glow of the sky.


After counting interest, Chu Yan’s golden light masterpiece, Qilin’s pupil instantly locked each other, in the glow of the sky, found a silhouette of the skeleton.

Uh …!

In a flash, Chu Yan had appeared behind the opponent, with Clear Sky Sword trembling in his hand.

With a sword, Sword Intent is crazy!


The skeleton seemed to feel the threat, and made a loud roar, the blade glow all around, as if it were alive, flying, and the crash hit its body, fuse together.

In a blink of an eye, a huge silhouette in blade glow appeared in front of Chu Yan.

“Armed with a knife !?”

This scene fell on Chu Yan’s eyes, and his face was suddenly stunned.

This tactic is extremely rare!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Accompanied by Chu Yan’s surprise, the two sides collided violently in the air, exploding a burst of gas.

The attacks by Chu Yan were all blocked by the blade glow armor outside the skeleton, without any trauma.

At this moment, Chu Yan’s eyes are like fire, his body strength is exploding, and on Clear Sky Sword, the powerful power is constantly accumulating.

In the next moment, Chu Yan’s Supreme sword will be cut.

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