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If the power of Supreme Dao Lineage is so arranged.

It is possible that the forces of the Overlord will do the same.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, what are you thinking !?”

Suddenly, a sweet voice rang, Chu Yan was lucky to see it, but it was a smiling Yu Linger, his skirt moved slightly, moved towards him.

“Are you thinking about World’s First !?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan shook the head and asked rhetorically

“Fellow Daoist Yuling, you 3 Protestants, intend to dominate that fairy ancient !?”

“It’s this ah! My Master asked me to come over, and I saw you as soon as I came, it was so destiny!”

Yu Ling’er smiled lightly and looked at Chu Yan, her eyes turned into crescents.

To be honest, this is really a coincidence.

However, the chance of such a coincidence is not low.

Since the Emperor Xuantian can sense that the Land of Soul Destruction is the first Xiangu to be opened, then as the 3 Dao Lineage forces, it can naturally be sensed.

Therefore, there may be many forces that use the Soul Destroyer as the main target, especially some strong Great Influence.

“Cough cough … It’s a bit clever …”

Chu Yan coughed twice and looked at Yu Ling’er with a smile on his face, and smiled bitterly.

“What did you mean by the first respect?”

“Yi!? You don’t even know the first one !?”

Yu Ling’er looked at Chu Yan with a look of surprise, but soon she thought that Chu Yan was the ascendant who had just come from the lower realm, and it might be really unknown about Divine Realm’s World’s First respect.

“About World’s First, it 鈥檚 been a long time, really long …”

“It is said that as long as there are more than ten immortals in Divine Realm, there will be the strongest Supreme Dao Lineage forces, come up with resources, and hold a battle.”

“As long as you can defeat more than half of your opponents, you can get the title of World’s First Venerable!”

Hearing Yu Ling’er’s explanation, Chu Yan’s eyes shone brightly.

He didn’t expect, World’s First respect turned out to be the title.

But also, the name of World’s First Venerable, how prestige, if not to convince everyone, I am afraid that someone will come to challenge every day.

“That Empress Xuantian … seems to be the World’s First Venerable 1000 years ago !?” Chu Yan asked.

“It’s ah!”

Yu Linger said nodded.

“1000 years ago, Emperor Xuantian swept across the world, stood on the ring, defeated all opponents, and made a sensation in Divine Realm!”

“It is precisely because of this that Empress Xuantian won the title of World’s First Venerable!”

“Moreover, in the following years, although there were also genius, which defeated many opponents, in the end, they could not be compared with Xuantian Sir.

“The first in 1000, God World Wei Xuan Tian!”

Hearing this sentence, Chu Yan suddenly eyes shined, slightly nodded.

Heavenly Dao Ming curse, it seems to be very helpful to Emperor Xuan Tian, 鈥嬧€媋fter all, as one of War God’s three Avatar, this World’s First respect also deserves.

“This time, our god sea realm opened the most ancient Xiangu, 3 Dao Lineage is negotiating and preparing …”

Yu Ling’er said here and glanced at Chu Yan. The aura in his eyes flickered.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, are you interested !? You can look at the Overlord order, which is described in detail above!”

Chu Yan nodded, give a hand

“Many thanks Fellow Daoist Yuling!”

This kind of Peak genius battle is exactly what Chu Yan aspires to.

World’s First, how domineering!

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, why be so polite with me !? After entering Xiangu, I still want you to take care of it!”

Yu Ling’er looked around and whispered to Chu Yan

“The Soul Destruction Land will not open until a few days later, not equal to me …. Find a restaurant first!”

This sentence landed, Chu Yan suddenly twitched his eyes.

What does this seem to mean?

However, as a Martial Artist, Chu Yan naturally does not think too much, and Yu Linger naturally does not mean that.

At the moment, 2 times went together and moved towards a large restaurant in the city.

This way, the crowd of people on the street, a few lines of sight, fell on two people.

“That’s … the natural disaster Chu Yan, he came to the land of soul extermination!”

“Tell Elder, the goal appears!”

“Lord, Chu Yan and Yu Ling’er appear in the Destroyer City!”

a path of consciousness 4 spread out, flying toward all directions of the entire Shenhai Realm.

Along with this, all of these gloomy eyes received a reply, mixed into the crowd, and followed the two silhouettes along the way.

Soon after, the soul extinction restaurant, among the boxes.

Chu Yan is carefully looking at the Overlord token and recording all the rules of respect in the Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness.

This time the final battle, although it seems that the 3 Supreme Dao Lineage is responsible, but in fact, it is completely controlled by 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect.

To participate, there are only 2 conditions.

First, get the precious rare treasure in the ancient land.

2, Ten and five Xiangu must be honored before closing.

The conditions are very simple, but the rewards are also ordinary. It just gives me a chance to comprehend Taoism, plus the cultivation of the place of questioning on the 5th.

Such a reward is not a reward for some powerful genius.

After all, behind these geniuses are all in powerful existence, that is, almost every once in a while, you will hear comprehend.

It is easier for them to ask the cultivation of the place of question.

So in the end, the real biggest reward is the title of World’s First on the battle stage, which attracts the most people.

In particular, after the Empress Xuantian received World’s First respect 1000 years ago, and later achieved Overlord Position, it is almost one of the most powerful Overlords in the entire Shenhai Realm, even among the entire Divine Realm.

What does this say! ?

If you want a strong identity and strength, World’s First Honorable Title must be obtained.

“Dear World’s First …”

Chu Yan murmured and closed his eyes gently.

Time lapse, 3 days, passing by.

The whole Soul Destruction City all around, the spread of the gray fog finally stopped.

More importantly, there is a big road in the middle of the dense fog, and the gray fog all around avoids this big road and leads straight to the deep.

Countless fairy lights, at the end of the road, and the core of the gray fog, constantly shine.

At this moment, the whole soul-destroying city was instantly boiling.

Chu Yan sitting in the box, even with several layers of spirit array, can feel the immortal intent outside the city, just like Heaven and Earth, layers of waves, constantly rolling.

“Fellow Daoist Yuling, let’s go!”

Chu Yan landed on the ground, his figure flashed, but it appeared above the city. Qilin’s pupil flashed and looked towards the gray fog area.

At this time, tens of thousands of cultivators formed a crowd, and people continued to lift off. There were also a large number of cultivators who moved towards the fog.

Among them are the powerful Dao Lineage disciple, there are also Overlord forces, and Loose Cultivator.

In the city below, the streets are already full of people, and they keep pouring out of the city gate and appearing outside the city.

The whole scene is very spectacular.

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