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A black mist-like human figure shoots 2 red pupils and sweeps up and down Chu Yan.

“Tsk tsk tsk, you have a strong sword power, good and good! Basically qualified!”

“En !?”

Chu Yan held the sword, did not relax at all, stared at the other party, and at the same time glanced at the two giant swords, but found that the rays of light on the sword were obviously dim.

“Can suppress these 3 swords, so it is qualified!” Black Mist said.

“Before, a powerhouse told me that one day, someone will come and rescue me, it seems that it is you.”

Chu Yan pupil light flickered at the words, and it seemed to understand something.

“Senior, there’s something under you, we’ll meet again some day!”

Chu Yan finished speaking, turned around and left.

The three swords are obviously the Spirit Treasure that suppresses the black haze.

Regardless of righteousness and evil, Chu Yan at least knew that the dark fog could not do it on its own, otherwise it would not be tempted by words.

As for what he saves in his mouth … It’s my business.

In such a lore, there is a cracked black haze figure, is it fortune or misfortune, it’s hard to say.

More importantly, even the human realm is here by instant kill.

This soul-destroying place is extremely dangerous. It is better not to take risks in all things, and be stable.

“Bold! I am the Black Demon Lord, how dare you …”

At the moment Chu Yan turned around, the group of black mist-shaped figures were stunned for a moment, then they were furious and shouted loudly.

However, he hadn’t finished his sentence yet. The kid’s silhouette had already left the great hall, and he was gone.

“He …. He really was … gone !?”

hu hu call …

Only stunned for a while, a group of black qi emerged from the body of the black mist, apparently not angry.

“This … this little friend, please … please hold your steps, everything is easy to discuss, good to discuss!”

Hei Yao Mo was anxious, really anxious, quickly changed his tone, squeezed a twitching smile, and summon said.

Can’t stand it!

I can’t stand it anymore.

For 100 years, he was imprisoned in this dark paint great hall, and was completely suppressed by 3 swords.

The point is, this great hall has no entrance at all, and it can’t come in unless it breaks in with external force.

Therefore, even if you wait another 100 years or 1000 years, the chance that this great hall can come in is extremely low.

At this time, I do n’t know what happened, but the great hall opened by itself, just after this kid passed …

If, the opportunity of this time is missed, and when to wait! ?

In other words, this is his only opportunity, which must not be missed.

However, Chu Yan didn’t seem to respond to his words at all, and still strode toward the hall door.

This time, the face of Hei Yao Mozun turned green and howled

“Fellow Daoist … Dear Lord, don’t … don’t go ah!”

“As long as you help me this time, I can help you get the extraordinary inheritances in this soul-destroying land, really!”

His voice was so loud that the great hall was buzzing, obviously all one’s strength was used.

However, as if there was no effect, the silhouette flashed out of the hall, and even aura disappeared.

“Fuck … bastard boy, if the true body goes out, you’re dead …”

Black Yao Mozun roared into the void, and the black mist rolled, seeming to be exploded.

Who is he! ?

He is among Divine Realm, Peak’s world-famous Overlord, even if he is only half a step away from Supreme Position.

When was it so ignored by a small God environment?

Could it be that if you are locked up, don’t lose face! ?

“You just said … asshole !?”

Before the Black Demon Lord continued to roar, the sound of a in the great hall sounded, and Chu Yan stood outside the hall door, looking towards Black Demon Lord.

“Ha ha ha, Dao Ye, you are back … very good! Just now …”

“No one said that before, there really isn’t!”

At this time, even if he killed the Black Yao Mozun, he would not admit that he had scolded the kid.

“is it!?”

Chu Yan sneered, lifted his feet into the temple step, took 3 steps, and stopped again.

“You said, can you take me to the extraordinary Inheritance Land !?”

Green lotus can induce natural phenomena, but it takes time.

But now, the whole world of genius and powerhouse, moved towards here gathered together.

When will this wait! ?

Even if they waited, a bunch of people grabbed it, and if they took one step at night, they might have missed it.

If you can know in advance, or even get it in advance, then naturally it is best.

“Of course! Absolutely no problem!”

Hei Yao Mo Zun evolved a black mist palm, and the black mist rushed on the chest.

“I’m Peak Overlord, Dao Realm Great Accomplishment, this little thing can’t be easier!”

“Before, if it were not for me to use heavenly means to try to refining this immortal ancient, it would not fall to this end.”

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s pupil light flashed instantly.

Fairy Ancient Battlefield, can still be refining! ?

Dao Realm Great Accomplishment’s Overlord, are they all so strong! ?

At least, Chu Yan has been to Divine Realm for so long, it seems that he has never heard of it, and even Emperor Xuantian has not told him.

“Really! If the refining failed, I would not be suppressed here, suffering so much, I … I … suffer … wū wū wū wū …”

As he talked, the Dark Lord of the Overlord, even crying.

Chu Yan suddenly twitched, his face speechless.

Is this guy stupid! ?

Even if the cultivation base is weaker than him, it is God’s powerhouse after all.

How can a cultivator who can cultivate to this level be impressed by this kind of selling! ?

“At least, you should believe me, but I almost refined this Xiangu, so my understanding of this Xiangu is absolutely the best in the world.”

Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, looking at each other.

To be honest, he will not believe all that this Black Yao Mozun said.

“Senior, with my cultivation base, can you save you ?!”

Chu Yan thought about it and asked.

“No problem at all!”

Hei Yao Mozun didn’t replied with any hesitation.

“The three great swords only suppress Divine Soul and are useless for Fleshy body. As long as you use Divine Strength, you can easily remove them!”

“OK! However, you make the Heavenly Might oath first!” Chu Yan said the conditions.

“no problem!”

Black Yao Mozun immediately spoke, chanted the spell, and began to make the Heavenly Might oath.

Chu Yan looked on the side and felt the fluctuation of Heavenly Might, and the oath was established.

In this case, then things are easier to handle.

Next, Chu Yan Divine Strength condenses and turns into a gang claw, grabbing the three giant swords.


3 The ancient sword produced a brilliant sword light, but there was no resistance. Sure enough it was touched by Divine Strength, and it was instantly shot towards the sky.

“Ha ha ha, success! The true body is out!”

a Zhentian laughed loudly, resounding throughout the great hall.

Black Mist instantly rolled up and turned into a tall body, but it was a young man with two horns growing on the head.

The powerful magic breath, like the tide, also surged out.

This Black Demon Venerable has been imprisoned for 100 years, unable to cultivate and recover, but in an imposing manner, it is still so amazing.

“Senior, the promise should be fulfilled!”

Chu Yan looked at the other party, his heart shivering, and reminded him.

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