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The illusory shadow of the mountain moved, and when he raised his hand, a palm seal hiding the sky and covering the earth slammed into the crack of the Formation.


In an instant, everyone’s murderous intention, Ominous Array, including the crack that just appeared, was inscribed with all disappeared.

It seems that nothing has happened.

Including that mountain’s illusory shadow, it also reverts to silence.

After counting the interest, among the 9 illusory shadows, a completely separate small World.

“Really … really come in !?”

Yue Peng’s feathers were shaking, and the shocked eyes were completely straight.

In front of him, a brand-new scene shocked him.

“Well, coming in is coming in, but just outside!”

Chu Yan’s face was calm and his tone was calm.

Looking up, this is an endless plain. The horizon is covered with forest and there are rolling mountain ranges.

The entire small World looks extremely ordinary.

With the spread of the pupils of Qilin and Divine Consciousness, Chu Yan discovered that this piece of ordinary World is not ordinary.

Because simply here is not a real space, it is totally illusory.

“Is this … dangerous !?”

Yue Peng also found the same situation, but completely disregarded, a pair of birds 4 looked at

“Quickly find the entrance, where is the entrance?”

The bird’s eyes are red, and the breath is breathless.

Chu Yan glanced at him, nodded, urged by Divine Strength, and walked forward.

Now that he came in and the Space-Time crack behind him was destroyed, no one else could come in at all.

So don’t worry, be careful.


After hundred breaths, 2 people stopped.

Not far away, above a small lake, a mighty aura, extremely powerful and rich.


2 people’s faces were condensed and alert all over.

“Who !? Come out!” Chu Yan shouted.

“Natural disaster Chu Yan, really the name is not in vain! Under the red snow!”

A silver bell sound, with a touch of playfulness, sounded in the ears of 2 people.

Immediately afterwards, Qianying in a purple skirt rose from the small lake, and moved towards Chu Yan.

The beautiful eyes that looked like they were gleaming like water.

“Red Snow !?”

Chu Yan and Yue Peng were shocked at the same time.

This woman, but the famous genius of Shenhai Realm.

Previously in Silent Hill, Chu Yan also fought a battle with it, and among the three major geniuses, there was the Eclipse Young Master.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, did not forget others.”

Hongxue’s eyes bent slightly, revealing a fascinating smile, turning his head slightly, looked towards Yue Peng.

“This Fellow Daoist, have we … seen you ?!”

“This one….”

Yue Peng immediately started, embarrassed.

This kind of thing is that I know you and you know me. Of course I haven’t seen it before, but is it necessary to hit the face directly? ?

Compared with Divine Realm, Shenhai Realm has a bigger fart, and among a few geniuses, who doesn’t know who! ?

“Hongxue Fellow Daoist, why are you here !?”

Chu Yan glanced at Yue Peng, his face twitching, looking towards Hongxue, and asked.

Yue Peng’s current identity is his own mount. If he can help, just help.

It is also a bitter baby.

“This one….”

Hearing Chu Yan’s question, Hongxue was sad and pitiful.

“I was chased and killed, I fled here!”

Hong Xue while speaking, waved his hand, the large purple in front of him swelled.

However, among these breaths of her, there was obviously an air of death, apparently caused by external forces.

“You guys, won’t you rush in !?”

Hongxue raised his head, looked towards Chu Yan and Yue Peng, his mouth slightly opened.

“En! That’s right!”

Chu Yan nodded, not at all intends to hide.

In Hongxue’s eyes, the erupted light bursts out, and the beautiful eyes looked towards Chu Yan and Yue Peng are all incredible.

She was regarded as the first group of practitioners who arrived early in the land of the tomb.

Enchanted by the spirit, she summon came with a full of 80 heroes, which is regarded as the existence of Peak.

So, she knows how difficult it is to get inside.

However, since she came in, what would it bring, of course she was very clear.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, and this Fellow Daoist, the little girl has something to say …”

This sentence fell to the ground, Chu Yan nodded, but Yue Peng was all black.

What is … this Fellow Daoist! ?

Chu Yan has a name and a surname, and when I got it, it became … this one! ?

Big sister, anyway, everyone is a genius, don’t face ah! ?

“I want to make a deal with 2 people! I don’t know if I have this opportunity!”

Chu Yan chuckled, replied

“Hongxue Fellow Daoist, you’re welcome, please say it!”

Regarding Red Snow, Chu Yan also has a hint of doubt, after all, before they come in, Red Snow has been surrounded by this.

Of course, every cultivator has his own secret, he will not forcefully ask.

In addition, in the last battle, Chu Yan’s impression of her was not bad, just normal competition.

At least compared with that eclipse, between Red Snow and him, not at all life and death hate.

“Two people should have discovered that this little World is just an illusion!”

“And the existence of this illusion is the only way to enter the 9 virtual realms, which is actually a test.”

“However, the little girl is sure that she can bring 2 people into it.”

Hearing this, Chu Yan and Yue Peng started together.

This red snow, it seems not simple.

“I don’t know, what do you want !?” Chu Yan asked.

“The little girl didn’t ask for much. I only hope that if there is a chance, Chu Yan Fellow Daoist can take me into the 9 secret rooms.”

Hearing this sentence, Chu Yan suddenly eyes shrank.

“9 secret rooms !? They closed their doors in the end !? But there are …”

“9 inheritance!” Red Snow said.

“Heaven ah! Could it be that the 9 venomous Inheritance Land is really in the land of the tomb of this day!”

The existence of these 9 powerful and heavenly defying, I do not know what powerhouse it is.

However, everyone knows that their strength is far superior to the Overlord, and it is extremely horrible.

It would be unthinkable if they got their inheritance.


Hongxue took the head, glanced at Yue Peng, looked at Chu Yan, then said

“9 Chamber of Secrets, not in the heavenly tomb, outside!”

“This thing has to be said a long time ago …”

After some elaboration, Chu Yan and Yue Peng finally understood this period of secret.

Hongxue and 2 practitioners, under the guidance of a large number of heroes, may also be the endorsement of the rules of the heaven and tomb, allowing them to appear in 9 virtual realms.

And their three people, explored here for a long time, and found a very old place.

This Ancient Vestige, of course, also has a terrifying murderous intention, almost let them fall into it.

And at this time, the entire 9 virtues were in chaos, giving them a touch of life.

Subsequently, they rushed out of Ancient Vestige.

Strictly speaking, their three people were considered a test failure, but because of this big change, they were not kicked out of 9 virtual realms, but stayed.

In this way, they have a chance to compete for 9 heavenly species.

9 heavenly species, 9 heaven defying characters!

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