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Li Mo hoped that not at all was seen by Chu Yan 3 people.

Their three people, with the heavenly species, quickly left the battlefield, moved towards the distance and flew away.

After a while, they entered a mountain range.

“It’s a good place, full of spirit!”

Yue Peng looked at all around and took a deep breath, full of deep spiritual breath, his face satisfied.

Not only Yue Peng, including Chu Yan and Hong Xue, are all taking a deep breath and they feel great.

After all, this is the first time they have encountered such a rich spiritual environment.

“I’m afraid, there must be treasures near here!”

Hongxue’s eyes swept, ready to look.

“Yi!? This is the Antiquity spirit plant, helianthus annuus! How could it appear here !?”

This independent little World, although rich in spirit and rich in heavenly materials earthly treasures, but compared with the Antiquity era, it should not reach that level.

Chu Yan glanced all around and Divine Consciousness continued to spread.

It didn’t take long for a green river to appear within sight.

This big river is so wide that you can’t see the opposite bank at a glance, but in the river, there are islands, large and small.

Soon, Chu Yan discovered that a flame was growing on one of the islands.

Every huge flower tray seems to have flames beating, which is what Hongxue just said “sky sunflower”.

“Good place!”

Chu Yan suddenly eyes shined.

“The spirit plant of at least 1000 years of these sunflowers has a concentrated spiritual breath, which is just for us to refining the heavenly species!”

Heliopsis, that is the spiritual object rarely seen.

After all, although there are many heavenly materials earthly treasures under the heavens, only the spirit spirit plant has this ability.

At the same time, on the other hand, it also shows that the spiritual rest on that island is probably the richest center within 100 li.

Otherwise, it is fundamentally impossible to support so many heliopsis, while being concrete.

Cultivation in such a concrete spirit plant is of great benefit to the cultivator.

Yue Peng and Hongxue were also excited and nodded together.

3 people flew and flew towards the island.

Without any hesitation, the three joined forces at the same time to lay the ban and Killing Formation.

After that, sit cross-legged and take out the respective species.

“Look at this day, what is the magic!”

Chu Yan looked at the Heavenly Seeds, the flash of light flashed in his eyes, directly condensing the pill form fire and wrapping it.

In less than ten breaths, a path of dragon’s sound, in his Sea of ​​Consciousness World, exploded.

A path of dragon’s sound sounded, and the mighty Divine Dragon’s shadow wandered in the sea of ​​Chu Yan’s gods, stirring the storm.

Where they passed, lines of text continued to appear on the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky.

These, but the Dragon of Heavenly Might, represents the prestige of Supreme Dragon Race. It can not only improve Divine Strength of the cultivator, but also integrate the dragon breath into the Fleshy body of the cultivator to strengthen the strength of Fleshy body.

However, such a little bit of Long Wei is not worth mentioning to Chu Yan, who wears Azure Dragon Martial Soul.

However, those words are 3 ancient Dragon Race secrets.

Respectively, Dragon God’s Fury, Dragon God’s Breath, Dragon God’s Shock.

Each of them is several times more powerful than Immortal Technique of the same order.

“Didn’t expect, there is such a great fortune of merit in this kind of cultivation, which is not weaker than an extraordinary inheritance.”

Chu Yan was filled with surprise, and quickly started comprehend cultivation these three secret techniques.

Can the secret technique that makes Chu Yan all be moved? ?

If it is a God Peak Peak cultivator of ordinary status, or a genius of the world, the inheritance of this kind of nature can definitely increase the strength by 30%.

Could it be that on the battlefield, Li Mo and Fan Wuye, Peak cultivators, robbed so fiercely.

It really is a good thing!

Since it is a good thing, Chu Yan will not be wasted naturally, and began to comprehend at the moment.

Including Hongxue and Yue Peng, all of them began to diffuse Long Wei, mad cultivation full of ecstasy.

When the time flickered, three days passed.

The integration of Chu Yan within the body’s Long Wei with the power of Azure Dragon Martial Soul is a small step.

However, the power of Azure Dragon Martial Soul, a little bit of Heavenly Might, is a little special.

“Dragon God’s Wrath, Dragon God’s Breath, Dragon God’s Shock!”

In the hands of Chu Yan, Three Great Secret Techniques continue to exert condensation to release the majestic Longwei.

Now, Three Great Secret Techniques, Chu Yan has fully mastered.

These three mysteries depend on the strength of Longwei. The stronger the Longwei, the greater the formidable power.

Therefore, the dragon power contained in a heavenly seed is of course limited.

If it is obtained by ordinary cultivators, use the power of the dragon in the sky to cast this mystery. Formidable power is good, but it is like that.

However, Chu Yan is completely different.

He is the owner of Azure Dragon Martial Soul, so the power of dragon power on him is more than 100 times stronger than that of the ordinary cultivator.

However, in addition to Martial Soul Life Source skills, Chu Yan is also the first cultivation to match the secret technique of Martial Soul.

After all, Monster Beast rarely has a cultivation technique inheritance in the lower realm.

“Try somewhere!”

Chu Yan stood up, some be eager to have a try, especially when I thought of Azure Dragon Martial Soul’s full outburst, what kind of formidable power would these 3 mysteries explode! ?

Thinking of this, Chu Yan’s figure rose directly into the sky and swept towards a mountain range on the horizon.

Hong Xue and Yue Peng are still in cultivation, and Chu Yan is inconvenient to disturb.

Soon, Chu Yan fell on top of a mountain range, and Divine Strength broke out throughout the body.

both hands forming seals, Azure Dragon Martial Soul growls …

The next moment, 3 hand seals were shot at the same time, and there was a sudden change of color between Heaven and Earth.


In the dragon shaking sound of heaven shaking earth shattering, above the sky, a large area of ​​darkness, like a flood, poured down.

“what’s the situation!?”

Chu Yan looked up, his face suddenly stunned.

It even triggered Heaven and Earth mutation! ?

However, looking at this situation, it is not like Heaven and Earth mutation. There is no Divine Red Clouds, and it is completely centered on itself. Within a radius of 10 li, a small Heaven and Earth is completely isolated.

Three Great Secret Techniques is powerful, but it should never be this effect.

Roar! roar! roar!

The next moment, the shadow of Divine Dragon evolved from Three Great Secret Techniques, roaring in the sky.

All the dark tides of the sky were shattered.

Those broken Black Spirit Power, but not at all dissipated directly, but began to discover a wonderful change.

At the same time, a vast and terrifying will, dropping from the sky.

“This … This is a new secret technique !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes were bright, looking at the sky, his heart shaking.

This is exactly the same as his taboo body. With a certain cultivation technique and foundation, it induces the awakening of another powerful Immortal Technique.

“Hurry up comprehend!”

Chu Yan didn’t hesitate to run Qilin’s pupil, looked towards the sky.

Between this piece of Heaven and Earth, all the broken black Spirit Qi has evolved a powerful force.

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness outbreak, which covers the 10 li Heaven and Earth space, carefully perceives the formation, outbreak, breakage and degeneration of each drop of black Spirit Qi.

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