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Fan Wuye stood in the air, the whole body Divine Strength surging, imposing manner burst out.

The violent golden red rays of light, like a dazzling hour, grabbed a large wave and swept all directions.

Among these golden red rays of light, with a dense murderous aura, the void around all around was shaken continuously.

When he appeared just now, he was like a king, but now he is like a terrifying killer, who can kill the whole world.

Because, those golden red rays of light are very obvious, exactly the same as those of Chu Yan.

That is Heavenly Punishment red glow!

In other words, this fan Wuye, the killer genius, is even more than Chu Yan.

“Chu … Chu Yan …”

Li Mu and Hong Xue looked towards Chu Yan almost at the same time, and their voices were a little trembling.

In their view, this Fan Wuye is becoming more and more terrifying, as if the iceberg finally showed a corner.

But the horn of the iceberg shocked them.

“I … Fan Wuye, in the name of Dragon Race, declared the world …”

Both hands forming seals, Fan Wuye shouted like thunder, Divine Strength surged, giant dragon suspended behind him, swimming 4 seas, like a sea of ​​dragons.

His voice, such as Heavenly Thunder, rumble moved towards 4 Fangtian, constantly rushing away.

“The rules of the heavens, retreat!”

The hand seal condenses and shoots directly towards the sky.

In an instant, Chu Yan only felt that 10000 dragons roared, and the light of the seals rose into the sky and exploded above Yunxiao.

The whole Little World started to shake.

Ka ka ka ….

Invisible, as if something exploded, sound like crystal breaking, resounding through Heaven and Earth.

“This… how is this possible!?”

In Chu Yan’s eyes, a look of surprise appeared.

This Fan Wuye, trifling a few words, broke all the rules of the small World! ?

This is too much! ?

Even the Geish Overlord, I am afraid there is no such power.

At first, Emperor Xuantian, even in a land like Ten Directions Star Domain, was impossible to modify the rules directly.

At most, you can only rebuild the rules on a tiny continent you created.

But this Fan Wuye in front of me is so easy! ?

Suddenly, in Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, a bright light flashed over, and Chu Yan seemed to understand something.

This piece of Divine Realm World, Chu Yan has been here for so long. Through continuous viewing of the Divine Realm map, he also has more knowledge about this piece of Divine Realm.

“hmph! ”

At this time, Fan Wuye stared at all his eyes, but turned a blind eye. A pair of red eyes looked up at the sky, coldly snorted out loud.

“Dragon Race’s name has already declined ?! How dare … well! I want to see if I can break you!”

With a loud landing, behind Fan Wuye, roaming the roaring dragons, it was instantly quiet, all giant dragon illusory shadows, all looked up at the dragon head, and looked up to the sky.

While Fan Wuye’s within the body, the majestic power, like a volcanic eruption, keeps rising.

The dazzling fairy light, the dragon power of heaven shaking earth shattering, swept out.

From a distance, Fan Wuye at this time seems to be the dragon king guarded by the dragons!


The dragons roared, and Fan Wuye shot again. The fairy light was like a pillar, rushing towards the Vault of Heaven.

Boom … Rumble!

Heaven and Earth shakes, sun and moon lose color, and the whole world seems to be shaking.

It seems like there is power between Heaven and Earth, playing against this group of Dragon Race illusory shadow.

Endless gusts of wind, turbulent and straight, gathered together, turned into a tide of wind, sweeping Heaven and Earth.

“What … what happened?”

All the practitioners present were all surprised by the scene in front of them, and their faces were all green.

How powerful is this Fan Wuye! ?

It turned out to be an enemy to Heaven and Earth by its own strength! ?

Moreover, listening to what he said, it seems that the sky in the tomb of this heaven is to be crushed directly!

This is the Ancient Battlefield of the Great Ancient Era, and it was also the place where the Supreme powerhouse used to suppress many heaven defying powerhouses.

The power of this small World can be imagined!

Ka cha !

Between Heaven and Earth, a loud noise came, as if there was some terrifying power, which hit the world wall.

At the same time, there are 9 illusory shadows in the distance, over the city of Immortal Palace.

In the city of concealment, the cultivators who are still in the 4 treasure hunts all felt that a path of palpitating burst sounds over the city of Immortal Palace all came out of the Immortal Palace and looked up towards the sky.

All of them are in a daze, and they have no idea what happened.

Then, a scene that made them extremely shocked appeared.

Covering the Heaven and Earth wall of the 9 Secret Realm, Ka cha burst with a bang.

Above the sky, a path of thick naked eye visible cracks continued to spread like a spider web.


In less than a few breaths, the whole sky crashed and the stars flew.

A incomparable gigantic dragon shadow appeared in the starry sky in the burst sky.

In that way, it seems like the shadow of the giant dragon made up of countless stars. When roaring the sky, the dragon’s mouth is wide open, and a void crack appears in the dragon’s mouth.

Behind the crack of Space-Time, you can clearly see that a brand new small World is presented.

“What !? This …”

All the practitioners were shocked.

What’s happening here! ?

Why is there such a sudden thing! ?

“Ha ha ha… .heaven helps me!”

An old man in the city of Immortal Palace, an old man, uttered a gigantic laugh, with a figure like electricity, rushing towards the void crack.

In this city of Immortal Palace, he did not find any chance to honor, or, those chances were not enough for him to honor directly.

But now, just when he was disappointed, how could he not be excited when such a natural phenomenon suddenly appeared.

And, like him, he is not alone.

Next, a large group of practitioners all reacted.

“Opportunity ah! God’s eyes are open!”

“Quick, rush ah!”

“Mine is mine, I want to be respected!”

“A new little World, never appeared, it is treasure everywhere!”

“Fast, fast!”


The entire Immortal Palace city, the cultivators who have not left, are all abandoned, rushing towards the Space-Time crack.

Although, no one knows, or understands, what happened to the space-time crack that suddenly appeared, and the small world behind it.

However, everyone knows that this little world that was previously unknown is definitely the most prolific.

Moreover, at this time, it is impossible to have an extraordinary inheritance in it.

Not only can it be respected, but also a chance of heavenly ascension.


Some cultivators, outside 9 Secret Realm, saw this scene, but they gritted their teeth.

The ranks and number of heroes they recruited are not enough to enter the 9 Secret Realm, so they can only do so.

“Wait, my hero …”

But at the end of his breath, he watched his 50 heroes, rushed to the wall of the shatter void, and penetrated directly into the 9 Secret Realm.

This is so, you can go in! ?

Ying Ling can go in, that means he also …

A cultivator was all surprised and surprised, followed by ecstasy.

“Quickly, Fellow Daoist, what are you waiting for !?”

“Rush, grab the treasure, grab the chance!”

“Extraordinary inheritance, honor the opportunity, I’m here!”

“Ha ha ha….”


In an instant, the whole Heaven and Earth was boiling, and the crowd was rushing towards the 9 Secret Realm.

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