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Arranged the residence of Chu Yan and Yue Peng, the discipline of Tianxuan Earth Palace, handed in an invitation, and left.

Chu Yan and Yue Peng took a look at the environment of all around, laid out the prohibition and spiritual array, and were ready to resume cultivation.

However, at this moment, 2 Divine Consciousness sound transmission sounded.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist!”

“Big Brother Chu!”

One is Yu Ling’er and the other is Hua Yang, who sent messages at almost the same time.

Less than breath breaths, 2 silhouettes appeared in Chu Yan’s residence.

Huayang, Yuling’er 2 came together.

The appearance of Yu Ling’er has undergone major changes. A green dress is like Fairy on earth, Immortal Intent 4 overflows from the whole body, ice muscle jade fat, and some extraordinary and refined Immortal Qi

She has completed the respect, and now the cultivation base has just reached human respect, her body’s attractiveness is obviously much stronger.

The Yue Peng next to him almost straightened his eyes. Even Chu Yan was bright.

In contrast, Huayang’s changes are quite the opposite.

After honoring Huayang, it seems that aura is more restrained, but the hidden invisible dao fusion method, all around in the sky, will have Heavenly Might flash.

“Yi!? Is this your bird !?”

After three people exchanged greetings for a while, Yu Ling’er looked at Yue Peng with a surprise on his face.

Earlier I heard that Chu Yan got a Purple Bird mount, who was already curious about Yu Ling’er and quickly looked it up.

Purple Ray Divine Bird is not an amazing Spirit Pet in Divine Realm.

Many cultivators will have such mounts, which are usually used for transportation.

But most cultivators do not always carry these mounts.

Because of these mounts, the cultivation base is relatively weak, and the aura leaks, which is not conducive to cultivators hiding aura and fighting.

“This bird seems … to have seen it there!”

Yu Ling’er looked at Yue Peng, and there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

Zilei Divine Bird, she is not unseen, it seems that she is not so big, aura is not so strong.

The point is, Chu Yan seems to have a sense of familiarity.

“Chu Yan, don’t say it!”

Yue Peng saw Yu Ling’er’s eyes, and quickly Divine Consciousness sound transmission, shouted to Chu Yan

If you let Yu Ling’er know that he became a mount, it would be embarrassing, not to mention, he still wanted to pursue each other.

“You picked it up on the road, you should haven’t seen it, your face is so thick, you can’t get away!”

Chu Yan smiled softly, glanced at Yue Peng, and said to Yu Ling’er.

When Yue Peng heard this, the whole bird body was shaking with anger.

Carrying him exhaustedly, flying around everywhere, now turned into his dead skin.

Reasonable here and there.

It’s hard to think about it, it seems to be the same. At that time Chu Yan just said that he wanted to try the ride, and then after the ride, there was no more, and it has been tried till now.

This test ride is not a long time! ?

However, to be honest, even if you really let him go now, Yue Peng will never leave.

“Then you just let it be your mount, it’s pretty!”

Yu Linger said with a smile.

This sentence fell to the ground, and the bird’s eye of the big purple bird twitched seriously.


you two, sing together, just sell yourself! ?

This really has no place to reason.

The point is, Yue Peng dared not speak, but suffocated.

“En !?”

Suddenly, the few people present at the same time the complexion changed, and they all looked up together.

Above the sky, there was a strong wave that passed by.

call out….!

The sharp voice followed, and sounded throughout the ancient city.

Almost all the city’s repairers were found, and many people appeared on the streets and open spaces, looking up towards the sky.

next moment, above the huge sky, a chessboard outlined by Divine Strength appears above the sky.

“Every Fellow Daoist Fang, I am here, laying the Heaven and Earth chess game, but there are people in the same path, I am free to play !?”

This sentence resounded through the city like thunder.

“I come!”

Someone immediately echoed, rushed into Heaven from the city below, landed opposite the illusory shadow, raised his hand, and then Divine Strength gathered and evolved into a huge chess piece.

In the city below, a lot of powerhouses rise up into the sky and are divided into two sides. They all seem to be very interested and seem to want to get involved.

More people are standing in the city and looking up at the sky.

Taking Heaven and Earth as the chess game and holding the game against each other, this imposing manner really fits the immense trend of this time Five Elements Xiangu.

However, this chess player seems a little too conspicuous, maybe not a good thing.

At least, some genius, looking at this scene, all looked dull.

It’s too arrogant, too windy, it naturally makes people uncomfortable.

These geniuses, in their own sphere of influence, are not the existence of nostrils.

Now, someone pulls awesomely on top of their heads, how can it bear it! ?

Of course, I can’t bear it, I have to bear it too.

After all, this is Five Elements Xiangu. They came here to honor, but not to venge.

More importantly, in these Five Elements ancient city, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, they are not too arrogant.

“This person, it’s over!”

Huayang raised his head and looked at 2 eyes, opened the mouth and said.

The matter of respect, as the genius, almost knows that more Heaven and Earth Might is needed.

A lot of Heaven and Earth Might can only come from the situation.

The more people there are, the more natural the borrowed potential is. Like Fan Wuye’s approach, the ordinary cultivators do not understand it, but when they reach the level of the genius, they all understand it.

“Who is this person !?” Chu Yan’s mouth lightened, said with a smile.

The person who can make such a big scene is probably also the top genius. It is also not difficult to claim respect.

Moreover, on the chessboard that day, Immortal Intent was rich, Divine Strength was magnificent, and its strength was extremely strong!

“One of the ten 2 a systems, the largest discipline of Immortal Transformation Sect, Lang Yi!”

In Huayang’s eyes, there was a look of disgust.

Since he was born again and was rescued by Chu Yan, his temperament has undergone a great mutation.

Now, he is extremely low-key and most dislikes this kind of publicity.

Of course, this is not the main reason for his aversion.

Because of this kind of courage, it is the kind of disgusting character in itself, which makes troubles happen everywhere.

Not one who hates him, not two.

But the others are the first major discipline of Immortal Transformation Sect. The identity is here. I dare not work hard with him.

“That mouth, poison!”

Huayang seems to know this person, or what he has experienced, and has a deep memory.

“However, this person’s Innate destiny is said to be the lost wing bloodline, on the back grows a pair of wings, very fast!”

Listening to Huayang’s introduction, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly shone.

But without waiting for Chu Yan to ask, in the city below, a followed by a silhouette, constantly rushing to the sky.

“Lang Yi, you are such a big game. Since you are inviting the game, I will wait for the game and play!”

Those cultivators are all God realm Peak, genius.

Most of them are chess experts, who are trying to suppress Lang Yi’s limelight and suppress his momentum, making him difficult to be respected, which is very popular.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Falling down like a thunder, a game of Heaven and Earth, the fight begins.

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