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A huge gap appeared above the sky, and the endless five-color spirit breathed out from the gap.

Within a blink of an eye, a waterfall hung above the sky.

The majestic pressure, rushing away, the original majestic Five Elements ancient city, in this brief moment, became extremely bleak and insignificant.

“Five Elements Xiangu, opened!”

“Fellow Daoist, go quickly.”

“The last chance to be respected must not be missed.”



After a brief silence, Five Elements ancient city burst into burst.

a path of silhouette, rising towards the sky, moved towards the sky and flying away like a tide from the sea, trying to swallow the waterfall directly that day.

10000 tide entry!

So many people, at the same time, rushed to Five Elements Xiangu, the scene, how imposing manner, absolutely shocked.

Moreover, other followers who were still in the city and did not have time to fly up were also thrilled to see this scene, and all were enthusiastic.

“Fellow Daoist, practice with wine, I wish you all this time, ask Heavenly Might to work harder!”

Heaven Sealing Xuanzain is the Young Palace Lord of Tianxuan Earth Palace, holding a wine glass. With some emotion, he drank 5 spirits in his hand.

The major genius, said by him, all his eyes suddenly burst into flames and blood, and they all drank the wine in their hands. The atmosphere at the scene was quite a few points of great momentum.

The next moment, including Chu Yan, Blood Asura, Langyi, Zuo Jiatian and other geniuses, rushed out of the great hall and flew towards the waterfall.

Other geius genius and powerhouse, follow closely from behind, like a path of Divine Weapon out of the sheath, straight into the sky.

Although their genius and imposing manner soared to the sky, compared with the tide of 10000 people above the sky, it also seemed ordinary.

“Chu Yan, I hope you can come out alive. After all, I haven’t had such a fun toy like you for a long time!”

Heaven Sealing Xuan looked at the sky, a strange smile appeared on his face, and the person had one’s hair stand on end.

These Dao generations, from a young age to Jinyiyushi, aloof and remote for a long time, I am afraid that the temperament is a little different from ordinary people.

At almost the same time, news about the opening of Five Elements Xiangu, such as a gust of wind, quickly swept the entire Divine Realm.

“The last moment!”

Countless people, all eyes, all gathered to Five Elements Xiangu, very much looking forward to.

After all, this time is respected by immortals, most of the forces in Divine Realm have sent the force genius to participate.

Everyone hopes that in this last chance, his own genius can complete his respect.

Some of the overlords who have been respected and have no cultivation are even more looking forward to the World’s First Battle of Lords after the Five Elements Xiangu.

For them, the most important thing for Xiangu to respect is the name of this World’s First Venerable, who will fall in love! ?

Of course, more people just watch lively, chatting and chatting.

It is also good to witness this tremendous world.

At the same time, in Shenhai Realm, a Secret Realm, 10,000 zhang mountain peak stands a white skirt silhouette.

Her body exuded the power of horror spirit, and suppressed 10,000 li Heaven and Earth.

In front of the mountain peak is a vast sea of ​​bones.

Countless white bones endlessly stretch to the end of the horizon.

These bones have strange shapes and are not ordinary person. They are big and small, big and close to ten zhang, small and also have the size of several feet.

It is not difficult to imagine that there might be a war just now.

“Heavenly Dao Mantra, Great Destiny, Battle of God and Demon!”

A silhouette of a white skirt is standing on the top of the peak, the breeze is blowing, and the skirt is smoky …

Behind her, there are 2 illusory shadows standing, but looking towards different directions, all looking thoughtful.

“10000 for 1000 autumns, the heavens and the law have no rein, the ancient snow looks green, the dragon 9th Layer, the war …”

Raise your hand as a pen, wave your hand as ink, and wave your jade hand in the air, write a line of Immortal (仙) ‘character in the sky.

Every time it falls, there will be 10000 1000 roads flashing, roaring like a dragon, running like a flash of electricity, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, and dissipated between Heaven and Earth.

At this time, let’s not talk about the Overlord, even if it is a Supreme Powerhouse, it will be deeply shocked.


The void oscillates, and the waves are like waves.

The jade hand stopped, slowly regaining momentum, and the 4th Avenue suddenly fell silent.

The white skirt is like a silhouette of snow, standing on the top of the Peak, and the jade eyes look above the sky.

After a long time, a path of black magic breath surged out of the mountain peak at the foot, as if flowing water, quickly spread to the entire Spirit Peak.

roar! roar roar roar!

The sound of groaning and ghost roaring inside the mountain peak seems to be a hell under the mountain.

At this time, this hell is outbreak, to break through the Spirit Peak to suppress, break out of the world, and cause harm to the world.

White skirt Xueying stood there, still like Fairy, completely unmoved by the mountain peak hell under his feet.

However, her pair of graceful eyebrows is still slightly lightly wrinkle.

Demon Domain’s view of the world is definitely an ominous sign.


On the other side, Supreme Cave Mansion.

At the beginning, Chu Yan passed by and sat there for a few days. A huge stone stood by the vast lake.

The boulders are like gold, with dim light, and the stone body is covered with Sword Mark lacerations.

At this time, the boulder was extremely human, trembling through the body, and there was a trace of panic aura overflowing.

“What you said is true !?”

a Incomparable Green Ancient voice came from under the lake.

Hearing this sound, the boulder trembles again and quickly replied

“Really … really!”

“As long as I can leave here, I am willing to pay any price!”

a Ripples rippling on the surface of the lake, a faint streamer rolling on the surface of the lake.


The two words sounded, the lake water and the sound all belonged to silence.

next moment, a dazzling rays of light, rushed out of the bottom of the lake, straight into the boulder with the body.


Under the powerful force, the boulder suddenly froze, and the cracks on the surface of the stone continued to explode.

That glare seems to be searching for Divine Soul of the boulder.

“This … this is 9 War Gods !?”

Green Ancient’s voice was shocked.

“Impossible! The absolute impossible is … 9 respect War God! This young man …”

The sound became more and more heated, even with a tremor, and it seemed extremely shocking.

At the same time, another piece of hentai in the sky.

In front of Chu Yan, two huge altars stood, on top of the altar, a black light group, and another white light group.

Five Elements Xiangu, alone.

Completely isolated from Divine Realm World, similar to the existence of an independent plane such as Ten Directions Star Domain.

However, there are two entrances in front of Chu Yan, which surprised him.

It will never be said that these 2 entrances will enter 2 completely absent small worlds! ?

“Tai Chi Sheng 2 instruments, 2 instruments into 4 elephants, 4 elephants produce 8 hexagrams, 8 hexagrams play Heaven and Earth 10000 things …”

A chaotic sound rang through Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

“Left for life, right for death! Between life and death, it is Supreme Taoism, all based on one thought! It is so …”

Not even waiting for his chaotic voice to finish, Chu Yan glanced at the sky, hooked the head, and lifted his foot to the door.

“So much nonsense! Say a student, a death gate, who will go to the death gate, are you stupid !?”

By Chu Yan, the realm is only half way away from the realm. This kind of pseudo-sky technique is deceptive to mortal.

The cultivator is respected, and the cultivator is aligned with the sky.

How could it be believed that this illusory, dominated by Heavenly Dao’s tone, where the voice bewitched.

Moreover, most likely, from the moment of standing in front of life and death, the cruelty of Five Elements Xiangu has already begun.

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