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Boom … rumbling!

Heaven and Earth trembles and the mountains and rivers burst.

Monster Beast is like a raging wave in the eyes of the mountain, directly extending the huge monster claw, covering half of the sky and waving to the heart.

This claw fell, and in the void, Space-Time was turbulent.

Monster Beast’s cultivation base has definitely reached the King Rank of God. Although it may be the weaker kind of God King Realm, it is also God King Realm.

Even if it is the Peak cultivation base of God, what is the difference with the ants in front of God King Realm! ?

“Fuck, dead …”

Lang Yi’s body fell like an ice cellar, watching the beast claws falling over the sky and falling, hoping to kill himself.

Why is my mouth so owed! ?

I can’t help it at all. If I can survive this time, I will definitely take some medicine back.


The cupola is also trembling, as soon as the Immortal Beast figure buzzes and releases a large area of ​​fairy light, covering all directions.

The Immortal Beast figure runs, releasing a large amount of Immortal Intent, covering the Monster Beast, and instantly allowing the beast claws attacked by Monster Beast to completely solidify.

“Ask God, let me go!”

Monster Beast growled and struggled, but it seemed useless.

The fairy light that enveloped him was extremely powerful and completely motionless, like the ants in a crystal bottle.

“You have banned me for so many years, I just killed a blasphemy ant, you even stopped me !?”

With an unwilling roar, the Vault of Heaven was shaking and the beast’s claws pressed down on the sky as if to break the bondage.

Ka cha !

The sound of a thunderbolt bursting from the cupola in the furnace, a thick thunderbolt chain burst a spark, and moved towards Monster Beast.

That thunderbolt lock lotus seemed to be being manipulated, completely shaking the entire Monster Beast, and instantly became a brown.

This is a heavyweight clash!

Every cultivator present can’t get involved, not even close.

Monster Beast’s strength, as everyone knows, is extremely powerful.

After all, God King Realm, in the Smelting Trial Land of this ancient Battlefield, is almost a god.

But now, everyone is looking at the Heavenly Furnace.

It was just a thunderbolt chain, which completely trapped the Monster Beast, and, asking Heavenly Furnace did not mean to kill him, just lock the trap.

The power gap between killing a person and suppressing a person is huge.

Even if this is the case, Monster Beast has tried his best, and he can’t earn the thunderbolt chain at all.

Soon, Monster Beast was suppressed again.

“Ha ha ha, let me just say …”

A hearty laugh, and heartless sounded again, causing everyone to tremble at the same time and suddenly wake up.

“Little Divine King, I want to kill me too !? I’m standing here, there is a species to kill, ha ha ha …”

The bound Monster Beast, whose eyes are getting red, looks towards the languishing demon eyes, full of flames.

This is almost crazy!

If it weren’t for this thunderbolt chain, ask Heavenly Furnace, Monster Beast can annihilate this human being with only one move.

Of course, before that, he would grab him, pull out the human Divine Soul, press it against the wall of the furnace, and rub it hard.

But now, it cannot be done.

Enduring this kind of humiliation that caused him to explode, Monster Beast suffocated a few spitting blood.

Chu Yan, Duan 9 Jiang, and Fei Yu waited for the Geshi genius to stand in the distance, looking at Monster Beast, still in Derther’s expression, all with convulsions.

In the whole Divine Realm, of all the genius, this kind of expression is absolutely unique, top grade kind!

Leave him alone!

You ca n’t control it, and you do n’t want to.

All the geius genius automatically moved away from him, ignoring the existence of top grade, and turned his attention to the heavenly furnace.

Asked the sky stove, a pair of Immortal Beast figure buzzing.

This is one of the top ten Immortal Beast in the picture, it is just it, it suppresses Monster Beast.

With just one Immortal Beast picture, a God King Realm can be suppressed! ?

Although the strength of God King Realm may have been banned for too long, only the cultivation base of God King Realm is about one weight, but that is also God King Realm.

Divine Realm represents the strongest military force class.

It was so easily suppressed! ?

The geniuses who were present, and the 100 Sect Masters, all looked dignified and looked towards the Immortal Beast.

And farther away, a large group of cultivators, because of the distance, are completely confused about what happened.

“what’s going on!?”

“Ask what happened to Heavenly Furnace !? What happened to those Immortal Beast pictures !?”

“Then Monster Beast, why didn’t it move suddenly?”

“What are you doing, geniuses?”


After the Heavenly Furnace blasted a wave of anger and isolated a space, the ordinary cultivators were blocked from the outside, always in a state of ignorance.

Because those geniuses have been in for so long, they seem to have done nothing.

“You guys garbage!”

Lang Yi turned around, looked towards everyone in the audience, his face was full of high-spirited and vigorous, and the imposing manner of the sky and air came back again.

“See? The Monster Beast is obediently and honestly in front of me. This is the Monster Beast of God King Realm! Why do you fight with me !?”

“Immortal Beast picture is mine, you guys, get out!”

The Langyi map artillery was fully opened, and after a violent bombardment, he rushed towards the Heavenly Furnace.

Because of Monster Beast’s previous reasons, he was the closest to Wen Tian Furnace. At this time, he had a huge advantage.

“Tai Chi Mantra!”



Duan 9 Jiang, Zuo Jiatian, Fei Yu waited for Geshi genius, when he heard Lang Yi’s words, he was black all the time. Now that he saw him blasting the Xiang Wentian furnace, he directly exploded.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Lang Yi didn’t look back, and a large body of fairy light poured out into his shadow, turning into ten shadows.

“Fuck! Immortal Ascension Sect’s way of asking!”

Someone recognized the unique skill of Langyi and shouted loudly.

At this time, the method of asking questions can definitely win time.

It only takes a little time to take advantage of speed and distance and be the first to grab the sky.

“Give me out!”

Duan 9 Jiang and Zuo Jiatian waited for the gegen genius to be completely angry, and the big move came out.

Boom … rumbling!

In less than a few minutes, the ten fairy illusory shadows were smashed into five, and five were still insisting.

Immortal Ascension Sect’s method of asking is extremely strong!

However, in the face of so many powerful geniuses, it is only able to support more for a while.

“haha …”

Lang Yi felt the attack behind him, his face full of smiles.

From start to finish, his goal is not to ask Heavenly Furnace, but to those Immortal Beast pictures.

It would be useless to ask Tianlu even if you got it. There are no 100 Sect Master seals and absolute strength. The hand is hot potato, which is not as good as the Immortal Beast picture.

Therefore, his goal is to capture the most Immortal Beast maps at once.

Ten Immortal Beast pictures, at least 5 to grab, then he is this time, the biggest winner.

“Not good !”

Section 9 Jiang, they finally saw the goal of Langyi, Qiqi complexion changed.

But now, they have no time to stop.

Could it be that this guy is really going to get 5 Immortal Beast pictures! ?

That thing doesn’t look like a heavenly furnace, but it can be snatched again. Once it succeeds, it kills him.

Boom … rumbling!

At this moment, a tall mountain-like ghost suddenly appeared between Heaven and Earth, and the large void crack exploded directly.

The huge Demon God’s hand, protruding from the crack of the virtual penetration, grabbed all ten Immortal Beast pictures in one hand and shrank it back.

Highlighting the changes that have come, suddenly let everyone in the audience stunned.

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