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The sky full of fist, like a vast ocean tide, surging.

Facing this sea of ​​fist shadows, Langyi and 2 geius genius sucked in a breath of cold air.

Even if it is one of them, they can’t catch it, let alone this tide.

“Fuck, Chu Yan, you shameless …”

The smile on Lang Yi’s face was completely solidified, and he opened his mouth and scolded.

The two geniuses beside him were bloodshot, and fiercely glared at him.

That expression, simply is to go up and kill him!

This is good, there is no chance to escape!

Hang goods ah!


The scream, the first came from Lang Yi’s mouth, after resisting 2 punches, the light of his question shattered, and the whole person was bombarded into a parabola, flying into the sky.

It took 3 breaths for it to fall from the sky, and was directly received by Chu Yan’s 9-domain star chart.

“Good! Good beating!”

Divine King Monster Beast, who was still confronting Tianluo, saw this scene and shouted with excitement.

It was finally a bad breath.

Before reporting, he was suffocated by the boy’s breath.

Even if I did n’t do it myself, I could see it with my own eyes.

The last two geniuses, with the endless Evil Thought for Lang Yi, can’t escape the shackles of the 2-domain star chart.

After a war, it finally calmed down.

None of the world-famous genius escaped.

Now, in addition to the previous collection, and this time more than a dozen geius genius, Chu Yan’s 9 domain star map, there are 23 geius genius.

“Ask the furnace!”

Chu Yan aura converged, turned his head, his eyes looked towards the Heaven Furnace, and spoke softly.

“100 20 7 Sect Master seals, my strength, you have also seen it, now recognising Master!”

According to the rules, the 100 Sect Master is printed, and you can be a World’s First sect by keeping one hour of the Heavenly Furnace, and get the reward of the Heavenly Furnace.

But now, the audience is emptied, and the rule of one hour has no meaning at all.

Therefore, Chu Yan didn’t want to waste time and asked directly.

“This kid is pretty good!”

Divine King Monster Beast stared at Chu Yan 2 eyes, monster qi disappeared, no longer asked Tianlu to fight, and returned to the furnace.

Buzz …!

Ask the heavenly furnace to tremble and aura rushes.

This aura gushing, in contact with Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, seems to convey a certain will.


Chu Yan nodded, looking at the heavenly furnace replied

“Take the Heavenly Might oath in my name, and never insult you to ask the name of heaven!”

This sentence landed, Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, instantly melted with the aura, and rushed into the aura.

An extremely terrifying coercion rushed in like a tide.

Above the sky, the Celestial Immortal is radiant, and it disappears completely and instantly.

The whole piece of Heaven and Earth is calm.

“Chu Yan, die!”

It was at this moment that there was a sudden violent loud noise and a sudden explosion.

Above the sky, a silhouette of Blood Asura suddenly appeared, followed by 4 stream of light, flying.

After being beaten by Chu Yan, Blood Asura has been hiding on the edge of the battlefield with great care.

At this time, seeing all the genius being destroyed, he dared to come out entirely because of the 4 stream of light behind him.

I saw that one of the four headed, a silver robe, with a clear jade face, looks like Pan An.

It is the disciplinary of the true disciples of the Tianlun Sect.

On the world list, ranked the second existence.

According to Tianlunzong’s plan, he will go to get another Chongbao Opportunity first, and then come here to compete with Duan 9 Jiang for the final question.

But now, the situation seems to be somewhat beyond the plan.

“En!? Duan 9 Jiang !?”

Blood Asura and Flower Impermanence are stunned.

Not right ah!

Blood Asura thinks he has a good time. Duan 9 Jiang Gang went to war with Chu Yan, so he went to find the impermanence.

But now, the impermanence of flowers is coming, Duan 9 Jiang is gone!

This is too unreliable! ?

“The situation is wrong! Withdraw!”

The impermanent jade face is dignified, and his eyes are swept towards all around, and he feels a powerful pressure.

“Withdraw !? It’s late!”

Chu Yan was in an imposing manner, constantly rising, a teleportation, and came to them.

If it was usual, Chu Yan would not be like that.

But now, with 9 domain star maps, Chu Yan will naturally not let them go.

Moreover, the World’s First sect’s fight not at all ends, letting them go is to leave trouble.

“Sky Wheel Falun!”

There is no trace of hesitation in Hua Chang, it seems that he has already prepared, Chu Yan has just appeared, he raised his hand is a huge **, and he rose from the sky.

** Among them, countless illusory shadows sit cross-legged, singing in their mouths, imposing manner.

Chu Yan cut out with a sword, and the sword glow passed by, just like a thunderbolt sweeping the hole, splitting the huge magic disc, and directly cutting it into two and a half.


Hua Wuchang opened his mouth and sprayed the blood mist all over the sky. In his eyes, all looked terrified towards Chu Yan.

“You … your cultivation base !?”

Blood Asura and other other geniuses are all surprised.

The most shocking thing is, of course, the impermanence of flowers. His Tianlun Falun, in the disciplinary of the true disciples of the Tianlun Sect, has the best cultivation.

This time, I originally wanted to use this move to compete with Duan 9 Jiang for the number one position on the world list.

According to Sect Elder, he is the powerhouse of the 1st Layer of Human Realm, which is extremely difficult to break.

But now, this Chu Yan, a sword! ?

He simply did not respect him, how could he have such a strong strength! ?

Now, Hua Wuchang can completely confirm his guess. Those of Duan 9 Jiang, I am afraid, have been killed by this Chu Yan.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Raise the sword and cut again, the sword light is thunderous, and rushes out, sweeping the silhouette of 5 people.

ah! ahh ah ah!

The screaming sounded, no matter it was body protection Spirit Treasure or Gang Yuan body protection, it was all chopped by sword light.

9 domain star chart operation, will be a silhouette income of 5 people.

Now, the genius in the 9-domain star map has reached 28.

Uh …!

Chu Yan raised his head and looked around. There was no other person’s silhouette in the whole sky. He suddenly flickered and returned to the heaven.

In the distance, outside of the waves, the ordinary cultivators are all astonished expressions.

“Immortal Beast is missing!”

“Look, Chu Yan is refining to ask the hearth!”

“God, isn’t this an hour!”

“Are you blind !? Didn’t see all the genius, all were destroyed !?”

“I rely on, this … this won !?”

“…… ..”

All the cultivators are stunned, their faces full of disbelief.

Before the war, in a blink of an eye, it was cleared.

Ten Immortal Beast pictures, I am afraid all of them were acquired by Chu Yan.

All geius genius were killed by Chu Yan kill.

Q Tianlu, obtained by Chu Yan, is being refining.

Then this World’s First case is naturally Chu Yan!

This … too terrifying it! ?

But Chu Yan, who is more than 60 in the world rankings, has gone all out against the audience, and he has cleared the game! ?

“My grass, this is over !?”

Yue Peng, who was in the final stage of sprinting, was so shocked that his eyes flew out, and was almost chopped to death by Thunder Tribulation.


next moment, ask the sky stove, divine light soars into the sky.

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