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World’s First Battle, the cradle of the next generation of powerhouse.

Vault of Heaven 9 sons, 7 of them participated in this time of battle, so that everyone is full of anticipation.

However, the expectations in some people’s minds have changed.

It seems that looking forward to a match between a dark horse and Vault of Heaven 9 may be more interesting.

“Look, there!”

Suddenly, someone shouted, finger sky dome.

“Chu … Chu Yan !?”

A God realm powerhouse, who may have participated in the ancient war, recognized the silhouette on the sky at a glance. It was the legendary natural disaster.

“I depend, it’s really a natural disaster!”

“How is it possible !? He could live here !?”

“Ten 2 Dao Lineage people, just let him go !?”

“Is this impossible !? Say good chase !?”

A cultivator, looking up, was all in amazement. He couldn’t believe it, that person was a living person.

At this time, above the city gate, a long-haired young man stepped into the sky, with a whole body of blood glow hundred zhang, such as Chongxiao red light.

His face was indifferent, like everyone entering the city, ordinary.

“Chu Yan, be bold!”

A thunderclap-like drink sounded in the city.

“Tianmeng Taicheng, how dare you fly in the sky! When I am 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect !?”

Along with the roar, a silhouette rises into the sky and flies directly to the city gate.

However, he didn’t wait for his action at all, but the complexion changed, and he almost fell off the ground.

At a glance, there are 3 Divine King behind that Chu Yan! ?

Moreover, ten 2 Dao Lineage’s horses and horses, like a thundercloud, rumble shocked from the void.

These people, like their classmates, are scattered around Chu Yan all around, typical … guards! ?

“3… 3 Divine King Sir !?”

“Am … Am I blind !? Ten 2 Dao Lineage’s big brother, guard him !?”

“Hiss! 封 … Heaven Sealing Xuan ah! Young Palace Lord of Tianxuan Earth Palace!”

“Fuck, hastily, this show is too big !?”


Not only the elder of the 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect’s law enforcement, at this time, all the practitioners in the audience looked at the sky direction of the city gate mouth, and they were all silly.

This is not a cracking a joke! ?

A group of Peak giants, guard the natural disaster! ?

This result is completely beyond the scope of normal people’s thinking.

Do n’t say that this natural disaster, Chu Yan, offended the 2 Dao Lineage bosses, even if they did n’t offend you, an ordinary monk who participated in the war, why should all the big bosses be your guard! ?

This is simply impossible!

But now, the fact is in front of him, as long as Chu Yan hasn’t hurt Mao, he swings into the city, and behind him is destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

“Wind erosion, what are you stupid, immediately tell Chu Yan the detailed rules of the first battle, and then go through the registration procedures for him!”

Behind Chu Yan, 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect’s Great Elder, reprimanded the fool for law enforcement.

“Ah !? Oh … yes! Yes!”

The wind eclipse froze for half a time, and the pupils returned to normal again, quickly nodded to respond.

Cracking a joke! ?

Great Elder personally escorted the people who signed up for the war. This seemed to be the first and only one.

“This … this is a token!”

He hurriedly took out a token from his body. The wind erosion had just imposing manner, and the disappeared disappeared into nothing, completely turned into a waiter sprinkling food in the building.

“Token urged, my sect disciple will guide you right away, go to the place of rest, and start the battle 5 days later!”

This is a piece of iron token with the three characters “First Respect” on it.

Chu Yan looked at the token handed to him, but he didn’t have any meaning to reach out.

“Wind eroded Elder, right ?? Just listening to what you meant, just want to rule me !?”

At the exit of this sentence, the eyes of 3 Deity King behind Chu Yan instantly moved over and fell on the wind-eroded Elder.


Wind erosion Elder was like being hit by 3 mountains, Divine Soul shuddered, almost spitting out an old blood.

This is the coercion of 3 Deity King, that can be carried by ordinary people! ?

“No … no! How is it possible !? I just want to remind …”

Wind erosion exhausted Divine Strength, and finally squeezed a smile that was uglier than crying, and explained.

“is it!?”

Chu Yan smiled gently and took the token.

Joining the war this time, Hua Yang and Yu Ling’er in the Chu Yan entire group are not prepared to participate.

After all, this first battle is a battle of fame, and now it has no meaning for them.

After all, with Chu Yan participating, what else can they reveal! ?

As for Yue Peng, he is hesitating along the way, whether he wants to join the war or not! ?

Originally, he was honored this time, he was ready to be majestic, but …

In his current identity, if he wants to be really powerful, he must reveal the true body. In that case, he must be known by Father, Divine King of Tiande, and he will mount Chu Yan.

Golden Wings Great Peng clan ah!

Mount an ordinary person! ?

Don’t even want to face! ? You do n’t want it, Divine King. ?

In this case, without pulling out his feathers, there would be a ghost.

However, if you do not reveal the true body to participate in the war, then the strength must be greatly reduced. When the time comes ca n’t be known, it ’s a sure thing to be beaten.

After all, this is the Battle of World’s First Venerable, but it is not comparable to those of the Ancient Battlefield.

I didn’t see that even Huayang and Yulinger chose not to participate in the battle! ?

It is because of the World’s First Battle, that is the real battle that Divine Realm Peak genius participated in.

“Chu Yan! Now, should it be released !?”

10000 Axe Heavenly Venerate watched Chu Yan take the token and suddenly shouted.

“Release !? Why!” Chu Yan turned his head and grinned.

“I just entered the city, and someone rushed over with an axe in an imposing manner. If I were not running fast, maybe …”

“You said, in this case, do I dare to let go !?”

The speech was silent.

A few hundred pairs of eyes, all looked at Chu Yan with a dumb face.

Carry an axe for anything! ?

Whatever you run fast! ?

From start to finish, you did n’t even move, OK? ?

And the wind-eroded hands are empty, what bullshit axe there! ?

This guy is so shameless! ?

“Chu Yan, you are courting death, believing or not I am an axe …”

It ’s really unbearable, no one can bear it, not to mention this group of various sects big brothers, took out the axe of 10000 axe Heavenly Venerate, pointed directly at Chu Yan roared.

“Look, it’s not finished yet, another one!” Chu Yan shrugged, his face helpless.


10000 Axe Heavenly Venerate almost flew the axe straight out.

“Everyone, leave first! When I participate, I will let go!”

Facing a group of black-faced gangsters, Chu Yan raised his hand and turned away.

Urging the token, moved towards the city fell.

A group of big brothers’ eyes moved sideways, all staring at the wind erosion.

If it were not for you!

That shameless kid can find an excuse! ?

In an instant, dignified 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect’s law enforcement Elder, like a Little White rabbit stared at by a group of tigers, shiver coldly.

Who am I recruiting? ?

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