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On the viewing platform, the elders of all forces, Supreme Elder looked towards Chu Yan, were all black-faced.

“This kid is even famous!”

each and everyone 2 1 Elder of Dao Lineage, all eyes are on kill Chu Yan with red eyes.

“Chu Yan, let’s hurry down!”

Yue Peng’s feathers exploded, looking at the red eyes, urging Chu Yan.

Not only because of these complaints, but also, he saw an extremely familiar silhouette on the main stage.

Tiande Divine King!

Yue Peng’s father!

At this time, his father was staring at him, unemotional in his eyes, he could not see anything at all.

But the more this is, the more hair is made on Yue Peng.

“It’s over! It’s over!”

Yue Peng was more afraid the more he thought about it. He glanced at Chu Yan next to him. If his father knew that he had become Chu Yan’s mount, the consequences …

And beside him, Chu Yan had a pair of eyes at this time, but he was staring closely at the group of big brothers, a smiling face that also looked at himself.

That man, smiling brilliantly, gave Chu Yan an extremely dangerous feeling.

If you guessed it right, this old fogey should be … Shengong Creek!

At this time, Shen Gongxi, sitting on the golden chair, smiled like a flower on his face, watching Chu Yan motionless.

Chu Yan glanced at him, didn’t think much, turned around moved towards and fell down.

3 On the Fangguan Litai, find a place to sit down and wait for the war to begin.

At this time, above the sky, 4 directions of all directions continued to have cultivators flying and falling onto the viewing platform.

An extremely magnificent scene is slowly taking shape.

3 Fangguanlitai, 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect is divided into many areas, according to the identity and strength of the practitioner, it is divided into 9 viewing areas.

9 districts, more and more people.

The cultivators and gangsters present at the scene swept through a circle, and many eyes stopped on Chu Yan.

Especially those geniuses who participated in the war are almost immediately. Looking at Chu Yan, his eyes are not good.

Among them, there is a female cultivator wearing a white long robe and a cross-dresser with three long spears on his body. He has not looked at him from beginning to end, but has been sitting in cultivation.

Her appearance clearly contrasted with the hustle and bustle of all around.

Therefore, it also attracted Chu Yan’s attention!

“Son of Vault of Heaven 9 !?”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, thinking of Duan 9 Jiang.

However, who the Vault of Heaven 9 is, Chu Yan has not really heard of it, just guessing.

The aura on her body is extremely dignified, and the void all around her body is a bit frozen.

This is an extremely strong performance of battle strength, and it is also a powerful method of cultivation to ask questions and integrate the effects of Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, this woman’s battle strength is definitely not weak.

The next moment, the woman who had her eyes closed all of a sudden, her eyes were suddenly opened, her gaze passed through a large crowd, and she looked at Chu Yan who was staring at her.

4 eyes, 2 people startled at the same time.

Only slightly nodded, the woman withdrew her gaze.

Chu Yan also nodded, but he was a little surprised in his heart.

It stands to reason that he offended 2 Dao Lineage, those big guys must have talked to their powerful genius.

Therefore, there is no trace of murderous aura and hatred in this woman’s eyes, which makes Chu Yan take a different look.

Looking away, Chu Yan looked towards other places …

Vault of Heaven 9 I heard that there will be a few of them, I do n’t know how many are here.

Looking around, in addition to this white robed woman, Chu Yan found another one.

100 li Hao soul!

Zhen Tianjiao ’s largest discipline, cultivation base, has reached the 6th Layer of Human Respect, a purple robe, and a fairy pen.

The appearance of a temperament scholar, with a pair of eyes looking at female cultivator, all eyes are green.

Occasionally speaking, all around female cultivator screamed, and under laughed heartily, it seemed extremely easy.


The 7th Layer of Human Realm turned out to be a Loose Cultivator. The whole body is full of muscles like iron. It seems to be the limit of body refinement. Martial Artist and Slaughter Qi are extremely heavy.

Huayang Divine Consciousness sound transmission told Chu Yan that this fitting is said to be a reincarnation, and the inheritance is extremely out of the ordinary.

And the next one, named Simon.

This person turned out to be the disciplinary of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, with his whole body up and down, one after another, the air of water, could not control it at all, the void all around, and fluttering snow.

It is similar to Emperor Xuantian’s cultivation.

The last one, Fan Wuye!

It was the one who had played with Chu Yan in the Celestial Tomb of the Heavenly Tomb. After his respect, the cultivation base reached the 7th Layer of Human Respect, which is very strong!

The last battle, the hurry of the end, let him suffocate for a long time, and now see Chu Yan, all smiles come out.

Chu Yan’s lips were light, nodded, and he said hello.

“You are famous! Many people want to kill you!”

Heaven Sealing Xuan suddenly appeared beside Chu Yan. While speaking, he sat beside Chu Yan.

Huayang and Yue Peng were startled and almost copied the guy directly.

“The body of Young Palace Lord Fulu is so close to me, not afraid of being affected !?” Chu Yan said with a smile.

With this sentence exiting, Heaven Sealing Xuan suddenly twitched his corner of his eyes, and his breathing was short.

The pot won’t open, you have to mention it! ?

This is to let yourself go! ?

Just don’t go!

Heaven Sealing Xuan took a deep breath, endured not speaking, and his face was slightly red.

“Young Palace Lord, you are such a big man, you can sit in the middle of the main stage, crowded here, isn’t it good?”

Huayang wanted to laugh, but he was also running.

Originally, with his character, he would not say such things, but when he thought of the things Heaven Sealing did in Five Elements ancient city, he could not be to bear at all.

“I have something to say!”

Heaven Sealing Xuan glanced at Huayang, gritted his teeth, turned his head towards towards Chu Yan, and then said.

“My Tianxuan Earth Palace, the gold signboard, before the handicap, you won, you can pick it anytime!”

The export of this sentence immediately made Chu Yan startled and immediately smiled bitterly.

This matter is really not easy to handle!

According to his and Heaven Sealing Xuan’s handicap, that is worthy of gambling.

However, he still has a trace of Divine Strength, and he has not completely changed. This is a success or failure, and he does not know.

So, wait for the battle to start, so many gangsters are present.

At that time, if I had already taken these three Heavenly Paradise, it was really hard to talk.

Therefore, Chu Yan has not taken the initiative to find Heaven Sealing Xuan.

But now, the person Patriarch has found it!

“Ha ha ha, Fellow Daoist, come late, come late!”

At this moment, above the sky, a thunderous laughter sounded.

Everyone’s ears buzzed, and they all looked up together.

But I saw, a silhouette, flying from the sky and falling to the viewing platform.

This is a bearded man, his body full of magic energy, like a black cloud falling, followed by a green-clothed woman and an iron man.

“Pay respects to Longevity Venerable Envoy! Hehuan Venerable Envoy! Yang Long Venerable Envoy!”

The whole crowd, standing together, pay respects to, even the 2 Dao Lineage is no exception.

Including 3 people who died Divine King, they also stood up.

“These three are … 3 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, innocent religion, the three emperors of the three ancestors!” Hua Yang explained.

The so-called Venerable Envoy is the Venerable Lord Envoy!

Those Dao Lineage Sect Masters call themselves Venerable Lord!

In other words, they are the Sect Master messengers of the 3 Dao Lineages, and their status is outstanding!

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