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Bang! Bang! Bang!

Various Immortal Techniques flooded like water, hit the body of the black mountain Fiendgod, and exploded countless air storms.

In the aftermath of the explosion, the body of the black mountain Fiendgod, but did not even tremble, stood tall.

All powerful Immortal Techniques are blocked.


Chu Yan looked at Li Mutian with his long sword in his hand, Sword Qi like Rainbow, and came out at night.

Li Mutian’s complexion changed instantly, and he only felt a strong sword power, as if all the anger of the Gods were pouring onto his head, and his whole scalp exploded.

This sword is the most terrifying sword he has ever seen, as if he wanted to include everything and shred it all.

“Sacred Heart Goes to Xuan Jing!”

“Tianta drop magic scriptures!”

“Zhenxuan …”

Li Mutian dared to hesitate there, and directly exerted the strongest method of asking the question, while the two next-generation genius also performed the method of asking the question.


a A huge explosion sound came, and the two ways of asking questions were directly split by Jianhong, and the remaining Jianwei passed through the air waves, and fiercely hit Li Mutian and the others.

The screaming sounded, and the blood spattered into the sky.

At this moment, the power of the Code of War is reproducing Divine Realm!

“Ha ha ha, it didn’t disappoint me, Chu Yan is mine, don’t grab anyone!”

Fan Wuye, not far away, seeing this scene, the whole person seemed to be mad, and moved towards Chu Yan in a rush of laughter.

Person and Blade Unite, knife meaning realm Perfection, Fan Wuye’s body, burst out of a terrifying Dao.

Above the blade, the Daoguang foot has a length of ten zhang, overbearing unparalleled.

The black armor on his body was also full of light, and the imposing manner was more than several times stronger than the last time he met.

breakthrough respect for the situation, the help to the practitioners is extremely huge.

For those who are a giant amongst men, they often use this opportunity to gain something else.

For example, Fan Wuye broke through 4 lines of powerful bottleneck and touched the threshold of Dao Realm.

“Chu Yan, receive my move!”

The metal fittings in the distance also rushed out, waving the purple hammer in his hand, and fiercely hit Chu Yan.

As the son of Vault of Heaven 9, of course Dao Realm is mastered, and every move of this contains a might of Grand Dao, which is by no means comparable to ordinary cultivators.

Even, compared to the universal genius, it is more than several times more powerful.

“Roaming Dragon, the world is fighting!”

Chu Yan’s eyes flashed with brilliance, as fast as electricity, and the whole body’s imposing manner broke out again, holding a long sword standing in the sky, and behind him Fiendgod Qingtian, like the rule of Heaven and Earth.

In all directions, there are more than 4 geniuses under siege, which cannot be sustained in this way. The situation must be broken first.

Not waiting for Li Mutian to breathe, he suddenly felt that a terrible might struck above his head.

“Cloth … burst!”

With a roar, Li Mutian threw both hands forming seals fiercely.

The Golden Seal of the group rushed out, and took out another Divine King order of Saint God, spurt a mouthful of blood, and immortal strength.

He all around, a dozen other geniuses, without any hesitation, at the same time took out the Divine King order and began to perfuse.

weng! weng weng weng!

More than a dozen powerful golden lights rise up to the sky like a dozen golden pillars and go straight to the sky.

Exploded in midair, countless golden clouds appeared instantly, merged and evolved, and gave birth to an incomparable gigantic stone tablet.

“Holy Heaven Stele !?”

Chu Yan raised his head, looked at the huge golden stone tablet, and suddenly the complexion changed.

This golden stone tablet is very similar to the holy stele that Chu Yan shattered in Ten Directions Star Domain.

Or, Chu Yan’s guess is correct, and Saint God is the one he is looking for!

“Chu Yan, die!”

Li Mutian below, with a dozen geniuses behind him, urged the Holy Heaven Monument, moved towards Chu Yan, suppressed it, and roared loudly.

“Not good !”

All around A few geniuses who had just rushed to Chu Yan, the complexion greatly changed, and they clearly felt that the Holy Heaven Monument was extremely overbearing, and clearly there was no separation between the enemy and the enemy, even they also enveloped them together.

This method of Li Mutian is really amazing!

It seems that many people want to win World’s First respect.

Everything happened just like in a flash. In a flash, the Holy Heaven Monument fell, and it was too late to respond.

Boom … Rumble!

In the sound of heaven falls and earth rends, the entire white jade field is shaking, even if it is the 4 corner guard Elder, it is complexion changed.

Chu Yan’s Divine Strength is introverted, War God’s green armor on his body, bursting into the hot rays of light, soaring into the sky, and the repressed Holy Monument

Crashed together, the sound and energy made is terrifying.

Just like the sky, Dragon-Tiger fight, Heaven and Earth discoloration.


Chu Yan loudly roared, all will, power, the power of War God poured into the sword body, a sword slashed toward the Holy Heaven Stele.

“Hmph! Want to break it !? You are dreaming! Let you know today, the end of the enemy against Saint God!”

Li Mutian succeeded, his face was smug, he shouted loudly

“Give me a sigh!”

The huge Holy Sky monument, the continuous outbreak of golden light, and various dazzling Spirit Seals, coiled around the body of the monument, making the strength and imposing manner of the stone tablet stronger and stronger.

“A dead monument is also worthy !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes froze suddenly, within the body a followed by the light of a, rushing out constantly.

These Daoguangs are obviously much stronger than those of Fan Wuye and the others.

From the beginning to the end, Chu Yan has not fully exerted Dao Realm formidable power, no one here knows, he has already Dao Realm Great Accomplishment!

Now, it’s time to show true strength!

“The prestige of War God, cut across the world!”

On Chu Yan’s body, the powers of Longwei, Zhanwei, Dao Realm and so on, all broke out, like a torrent of floods, transformed into a Great Desolate giant dragon, roaring Vault of Heaven.

The huge monster-like dragon body, covering the sky and the sky, traveling between Heaven and Earth, is just a sling, just before the stone tablet.

The golden stone tablet clearly felt the formidable power, the golden light was like a tide, and it broke out instantly.

The repressive force, which was originally heavy on Chu Yan, disappeared instantly.

On the contrary, the golden stone tablet kept trembling, as if supporting the pressure of the giant dragon.

As everyone knows, the power of Dao Realm is the foundation of cultivation’s law of asking. Only comprehend the genius of Dao Realm’s ability to cultivate the law of asking.

The higher the realm of Dao Realm, the greater the benefit of cultivation of the method of asking.

Therefore, only by asking the law, can there be a detailed classification and outline.

If you come to Dao Realm Great Accomplishment, the method of asking ordinary questions is almost endless.

But the general Dao Realm threshold or Dao Realm Small Accomplishment cannot simply cultivate all the ways of asking.

In this way, the same is the law of asking, but the formable power is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

At this point, Li Mutian, including more than a dozen geniuses behind him, is basically impossible to compare with Chu Yan.

Dao Realm Great Accomplishment, in the face of Dao Realm Small Accomplishment, is definitely a rolling existence.

Even if they use the Divine King token to exert their strength, they are still relatively resistant after the fusion of the various card powers of impossible and Chu Yan.

“Dao … Dao Realm Great Accomplishment !?”

The whole audience, big brothers, giants, all stunned, look all over the face.

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