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Asked the law was stolen, this is the major event of heaven shaking earth shattering.

If, as these geniuses have said, ten Dao Lineage’s method of asking, it is that ten have been stolen.

This is incredible!

“Everyone, Five Elements Xiangu World War I, by means, you have the method of asking, and I have my own Illusion Technique!”

Chu Yan face doesn’t change, looked towards the Dao Lineage gangsters present, explained.

Of course impossible admit it!

If you really want to admit it, then the Empress Xuantian came, and she couldn’t live.

“I soared from the lower realm, except for the 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, I have not been to the any Sect Dao Lineage forces, and simply got the way you asked!”

“And, how long have I been here, you can check, in such a short period of time, is it possible to cultivate the ten ways of asking at the same time, I believe that all Seniors are smart and will not make jokes!

“If the method of asking is such a good cultivation, then …”

The export of this remark, the presence of the 9th Jiang, Lang Yi, blood cultivation, etc., was suddenly silly.

“What ?! Illusion Technique !?”

Doubt is of course doubt, after all, Chu Yan played against a group of genius alone, and won.

However, Chu Yan’s explanations are completely okay and extremely reasonable.

Is it really a powerful Illusion Technique, which makes all the geniuses have their way! ?

“Hmph! Rubbish Chu Yan, rubbish Illusion Technique, in fact, I have long seen it!”

Lang Yi said in a word, suddenly like earth shattering, let all eyes turn and look together.

What are you talking about! ?

You see, his Illusion Technique! ?

“Garbage Chu Yan, the last match is not counted, we fight again, this time I let you a hand!”

The next sentence is re-exported, the big brother and the world genius, all eyes twitch.

The map is articulate, it really is name is not in vain.

What this said, as if it were true, let a hand! ?

Are you sure, you and Chu Yan one on one, can not be disabled! ?

This guy obviously heard Chu Yan say Illusion Technique and thought he had a chance to beat Chu Yan in one fell swoop and became famous 10000.

However, you just came out, it seems that the white jade field is a blank.

Just when Chu Yan played against nearly 70 world-famous genius alone, and more than 200 powerful respected genius, you were still dreaming in other people’s prisons.

This dream can’t wake up, right? ?

“Forget it, see that you are not injured, or fight next time, otherwise you will win and be unfair! Hmph!”

Lang Yi turned his head, and the expression on his face completely restored his usual imposing manner.

Regardless of his own heart, it is not clear, but at least, the language imposing manner is still very strong after saying this, completely suppressing this Chu Yan.

“Is it really … Illusion Technique !?”

In the words of Langyi, Chu Yan was speechless, but the people present were a bit ignorant.

“Chu Yan, if you don’t agree, come fight now, I let you 2 … ah! Master, what are you doing !?”

Before waiting for Lang Yi to be arrogant again, Zong Tian, ​​a black-faced ascendant, directly dragged Lang Yi away.

How can I accept this, such a discipline, shameful ah!

Even if the Chu Yan Dao Foundation is destroyed, the previous strength is still there.

In the presence of these geniuses, I am afraid that in the case of one-on-one, no one is Chu Yan’s opponent.

You still have 2 hands! ?

“Fellow Daoist, everyone in this World’s First Battle, no one has done it well, and it’s a big accident!”

Yang Longzun stood out from the crowd, arching all directions, light road

“This war is over, 1st place Chu Yan, Fellow Daoist, don’t you have any comments?”

World’s First Battle, there is no actual content.

After all, it is nothing more than a Dao Lineage, Sect’s young generation of disciples, a famous battle.

Moreover, this time World’s First Battle, from beginning to end, Chu Yan played the whole game alone, really want to find another person to fight for the first, there is no way to start.

Is it lighter than who was beaten by Chu Yan! ?

Hearing Yang Longzun’s remarks, the Dao Lineage bosses pondered for a moment and stared at Chu Yan for a while, then some people turned and left.

Up to now, there is nothing to stay.

“Chu Yan Little Felo Daoist, congratulations!”

Shen Gongxi walked in front of Chu Yan with a smile on his face, full of adultery in his eyes.

“I believe we will meet again next time, it should not take long!”

Seeing Chu Yan ignore him, Shen Gongxi still smiled and turned to leave.

King God, who was with him, glanced at Chu Yan and turned away.

The big troubles are gone, but the threat in their hearts is gone, and they are in a good mood.

It must be removed, but do n’t worry.

“Chu Yan, you first recover from the injury inside the sect. How much can you recover? Sect over the resource pavilion. I will say hello to the elder at the pavilion. Resources are at your disposal!

Yang Long Zun always stood beside Chu Yan, looking at the background of Shen Gongxi and St. God ’s departure, eyebrows slightly frowned, and turned to Chu Yan

“In a short period of time, you don’t have to go out, no matter whether it is the 2 2 Dao Lineage or the 1 people, please stay out of the limelight!”

With these words exported, Chu Yan looked towards Yang Long Zun En, thankful.

“No more! I promised 3 Divine Kings. I’m going to do something for them!”

Chu Yan was grateful, but did not forget the death of Divine King 3 people, but waited all the way for a long time.

“En !?”

This sentence fell to the ground, and Chu Yan suddenly felt a dizziness, and his eyes were black. The whole body shook and almost fell.

Stations are not stable! ?

Although the Venerable Lord healed his wounds, Divine Soul was injured and Immortal God was rescued.

“You … that’s all! I don’t advise you, be careful outside, you can contact me if you have something, your token will do!”

After finishing his speech, Envoy Yang Long glanced at Chu Yan, again deeply sighed, and turned away.

Today, 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect had such a major event, he was busy.

3 Deity King is with Chu Yan, and it shouldn’t be anything.

“Brother Chu, I am with you!”

Huayang heard, and his face was determined to speak.

For him, Chu Yan is extremely dangerous now. He must stay with him. Even if he is going to hell, he must stand in front of Chu Yan and make a break.

This time, Chu Yan was a little surprised. She turned around towards 3 Deity King and saw them nodded before agreeing to Huayang.

“That … Chu Yan, there is a little thing …”

Yue Peng walked in front of Chu Yan with a purple face, and said squeezed

“I know what you think! Bet on gambling, right?”

Chu Yan glanced at Yue Peng and asked.

“My dad told me to go home! If I were to mount you here, the feathers would be pulled out by him! My feathers are the most handsome in our family, so …”

Yue Peng is really sorry. As a genius, he made a bet about not counting, which is absolutely shameful.

Of course, the most important thing is that he does not want to be a mount.

Originally, Chu Yan breakthrough peerless genius, he still wanted to try.

But now, the Chu Yan Dao Foundation is destroyed, and it will always be a genius, and it will only be King Rank in the future.

This kind of realm, absolutely impossible with Peng Race, became his mount.

“It’s okay! You go, bet on the bet!”

Chu Yan smiled gently and raised his hand.

“Huh! Really ?! You can rest assured that I will compensate …”

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