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This situation makes Chu Yan very uncomfortable and even uncomfortable!

Looking up at the eyes of the altar, Chu Yan eyes slightly narrowed, after a moment of meditation, opened the mouth and said

“No more, you want Daoguang, I will give you and tell me the method of resurrection, in addition, you better not lie to me!”

Chu Yan’s tone became extremely cold, and Divine Consciousness and Divine Soul all restored their original state.

The only thing that has not been recovered is the 9-domain star map after diffusion.

“Ha ha ha…!”

The eye of the altar does not at all too much surprise and excitement, but instead laughs out loud.

This kind of laughter is just like it should be, and everything is within its expectations and grasp.

“Ignorance ah! Ignorance is ridiculous! For a tiny woman, she is really willing to give Daoguang!”

“So, I knew it, I knew it long ago, my choices and decisions, yes!”

“You are not worthy of this Daoguang!”

“War God is stupid, even putting everything on you, I don’t listen to what I say!”

“At that time, if it weren’t for that plan …”

“Now, War God is gone, and I will continue to complete that plan!”

As if the emotions were completely released and vented in an instant, the eyes of the altar kept telling, and all the complaints accumulated over the years were poured out.

The entire golden altar was trembling, and even the huge ancient copper gate behind him was shaking.

In the sky all around, the sounds of beast roar came, the powerful demon breath lost, 4 spread out, with a powerful demon power and scattered air, as if struggling to sob, roar begged.

Even Chu Yan, was also tumbled by the wave of out-of-control emotions in this eye of the altar, the impact of qi and blood, and the corner of the mouth flow blood.

“Hand it over! You are not worthy of having it!”

The laughter just now has disappeared.

The sound of the eye of the altar became extremely cold, staring straight at Chu Yan

On the golden altar, a golden cloud surged out and evolved into a golden giant hand, reaching towards Chu Yan.

Instead of waiting for Chu Yan to give it, he directly grabbed Chu Yan’s body, forcibly broke Chu Yan’s body protection gang yuan, and rushed to his Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

This time, extremely violent, let Chu Yan groaned, his face pale.

This golden altar is not so strong, even if Chu Yan’s body protection gang yuan, which has just been honored, has been completely converted into immortal strength, it can’t stop it at all.


Daoguang in the Sea of ​​Consciousness World seemed to feel threatened, and under a slight tremor, issued a very powerful aura, rushing to all directions in 4 directions.

Like a large piece of spider web, it firmly sticks to the starry sky all around, it seems that it does not want to leave at all, and it means fighting against it.

“Come on! He is not your master! He is not worthy of you …”

The eye of the altar shouted loudly, and the power of the golden palm continued to increase.

The skyrocketing power, under the impact, even those spider webs broke down instantly and turned into Spirit Qi 4 to spread out.

Daoguang was held by Xin Se, and fiercely pulled it out of Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

Chu Yan’s face became extremely painful and completely distorted.

This sense of separation makes Chu Yan feel that his soul has been drawn out of the body.

“Hmph! It doesn’t make any sense! The War God guy, I don’t know where I put Star Sea, so it’s hidden so secretly.”

The eye of the altar made a complaint, and after stabilizing aura, it turned to look towards Chu Yan.

“I won’t lie to you! Those who promise you will definitely give you!”

At the next moment, a golden Jade Talisman rushed out of the golden altar and moved towards Chu Yan.

“This is an altar of life, which can be used directly!”

“This is in the previous friendship, the last time to help you!”

Chu Yan hearing this, while recovering himself, at the same time a smile appeared on his face.

Reaching quickly, holding Jade Talisman in front of you, your hands were shaking with force.

Finally, you can save … Yue Linglong.

“Boy, your life is very valuable! Keep it safe!”

“In addition to the stupid War God, there is also the Old Guy, who fights all the divine origins and breaks the crisis for you so that you can go to the present!”

“Although I look down on them, they are lost for you. If you dare to let them down, hmph!”

“If you are lucky, you can stick to the success of my plan, when the time comes, I can let you go to Kunlun last time and see what is the real God World!”

After saying this, the golden altar and the eyes of the altar began to blur at the same time, slowly disappearing.

Old Guy! ?

Spell out the origin of God! ?

Break the crisis for me! ?

Kunlun! ?

The words of the eye of the altar made Chu Yan stunned and completely incomprehensible.

Just the moment he got Jade Talisman, he started to check directly. Under doing two things at the same time, he was even more confused.

The content of Jade Talisman is extremely clear.

“The heavenly heaven defying technique!”

“The sky is dry, the ground is kun, Yin-Yang Avenue, Qiankun Dharma, Dharma is impermanent, the shape is impermanent, the potential is transformed into heaven, Yin-Yang reverses Innate, where blood sacrifice Vault of Heaven, Yin-Yang is reversed!

“The offering, the bloody branch, the fairy tree, the Buddha’s heart fruit, the 9 pole Fiendgod fruit …

A large text is a secret skill that is extremely heaven defying. At the same time, it also needs a lot of heavenly materials earthly treasures. As a confession, it pays homage to Heaven and Earth before it can be exhibited.

It is not a 2 kind of heavenly materials earthly treasures, sweeping at a glance, there are 10000 kinds, which is extremely complicated.

After all kinds of obscure incantation, it is the key mentality.

“In this way, you can reverse Yin-Yang and recast Divine Soul!”

Chu Yan’s eyes were bright, and immediately summoned Divine Consciousness to Empress Xuantian for help.

For Emperor Xuantian, he believed.

“This secret skill! Very good! I have heard of …”

Less than ten breaths, the voice of Emperor Xuantian sounded in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“The 9 Great Divine Venerable that year created many powerful Swire secret skills, many of which are left over by Swire Divine Race!”

“This secret skill is one of them!”

“It’s just that this is one of 9 Great Divine Venerable’s Sect’s Exclusive secret skill, which has been lost!”

“Where did you come from?”

Emperor Xuantian rarely said so much, so she was also very surprised.

“It seems that this is really useful !?” Chu Yan asked back.

“In the beginning, I got a chance, reminding me that I could just say respect …”

Then, Chu Yan told some basic information to Empress Xuantian.

“Daoguang !? Change this secret skill !?”

After listening to Chu Yan’s explanation, Empress Xuantian pondered then said

“Although Daoguang incorporates reincarnation, asking the law of Dao, Dao Realm and so on … but, I think you should not lose money if you change this secret skill!”

“As far as I know, Divine Realm is the only secret skill to recast Divine Soul! Divine Soul is the root of the cultivator!”

“If at first … forget it, don’t mention it!”

Chu Yan nodded, naturally know the meaning of Emperor Xuantian

Daoguang, very powerful!

But in the final analysis, it is also a resource to enhance strength!

However, this secret skill is different …

He can recast Divine Soul, which is equivalent to a life-saving method.

The difference between icing on the cake and charcoal on the snow!

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