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Without thinking, Chu Yan can determine.

The so-called destined person is not a 9-domain star chart.

If there is no 9-area star chart to lead the way, this lotus fire is urged, and there is basically a fusion image.

That is to say, all this is related to your own reincarnation.

War God! ?

“Last time Xuantian Senior said, my reincarnation is the Number One Person or the second person of the gods, didn’t expect such a great influence on me!”

Chu Yan had doubts in his eyes, but he was not curious.

It seems that everything has a fixed number.

All you have to do is to follow the instructions and open up the fog of all this.

“Crazy … Crazy Sir, it has nothing to do with me, really! Not at all, I don’t know anything ah!”

The sound of Hei Yao Mo Zun came from outside the room.

Chu Yan complexion changed. When I just wanted to go out, I saw the black Yao Mo’s face retreating in horror and entered the room.

In front of him, it is … Mad Knife Supreme!

Moreover, beside her, also followed the Divine King Divine King and Divine King 10000 soul.

The two Divine King Sirs were also grimacing, all with unwillingness and regret in their eyes.

“En!? How did you come in !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes narrowed, and he turned over to take the token of Xuanhuang Venerable Lord. His eyes were fixed on the Sword Supreme, ready to be launched at any time.

“Here, I want to go in!”

Sword Supreme has a pair of beautiful eyes, looking at Chu Yan, full of interest. When her eyes swept through the incense burner, a sudden flash of surprise appeared.

“It turns out that you are the old guy who has been waiting for the destined person!”

The corner of Supreme Knife’s mouth curled up, and he suddenly smiled.

“Old Guy !?”

Black Demon King and 2 Divine King, startled at the same time.

“You know this !?”

Chu Yan complexion changed, looked towards Mad Sword Supreme, after a little deep pondering, he bowed his hand directly

“Please also Senior, tell me about the previous owner of Lotus Fire!”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s question, Supreme Knife Supreme is the head, saying with dissatisfaction

“Is it so much !? Between you and me, you still need to be called Senior !? Call me … Lin Meng!”

Sword Supreme, surnamed Qin, named Lin Meng!

This sentence landed, Hei Yao Mo Zun and Two Great God Kings, directly dumbfounded.

This … what does this mean! ?

Between you and me! ?

Listening to these words, it seems that two people have known each other for a long time, and the relationship is still quite good.

Could it be said that Chu Yan has been here too long before, and this game was laid by him together with Sword Supreme.

I have become a prey in the game! ?


Chu Yan was stunned, but he was even more surprised than Hei Yao Mo Zun and Two Great God Kings.

do you know it! ?

Don’t know me at all! ?

Who is Lin Meng! ?

“Okay, Lin Meng!”

Whether he recognizes it or not, first stabilize the other party and ask about this lotus fire is the key.

9 Domain Supreme, the strength is monstrous, almost reaching the tip of Divine Realm’s gold domain.

Compared with the Martial Artists of other cultivation base realm, they do not want to improve the cultivation base and impact the Supreme environment all the time. Their 9 domain Supreme characters are mostly quirks.

Anyway, following the other party, there should be no danger for the time being.

“Want to know !? Give me your sword!”

Supreme Knife stretched out jade hand to Chu Yan said with a smile.

“My sword !?”

“Just borrow it for a while, don’t kill you!” Sword Supreme saw Chu Yan’s dazed look and smiled more happily.

“Do you want to borrow that one?”

Of course Chu Yan would n’t think that he had a few swords that the other party could n’t see.

“Of course it is Xuanyuan Sword!” Sword Supreme said with a smile.

“Here, here …”

Boneless, Bai Ruyu raised his hand, tapped the left and right shoulders 2 places, turned his head towards towards Chu Yan, and said pitifully

“Several talisman hit by Antiquity taboo, a little trouble, need your Xuanyuan Sword to break the law!”

Chu Yan suddenly understood this sentence.

There were 2 talisman on the Sword Supreme that had not come out before in Putianshu.

Now she has been torn off by her, but the 2 o’clock golden light is still on her, obviously not ordinary means can be removed.

After all, the forbidden technique that can seal a 9-domain Supreme will not be so easily broken.

However, your Xuanyuan Sword has this power! ?

It can also break such a powerful forbidden technique! ?

“Why, don’t you want !?” The smile on the face of Sword Supreme disappeared instantly.

“How is it possible! Of course I am willing, I am willing to die, absolutely no problem, just borrow it and use it. Chu Yan and I have no opinions …”

Hei Yao Mozun heard this sentence, and then saw the face of Kuang Dao Supreme, quickly opened the mouth and said

Originally, he thought that he would be the same as the two Divine King, and he was directly sent to the servant by the Supreme Knife Supreme, and stayed in this Cave Mansion forever.

But it’s didn’t expect, under every cloud has a silver lining, Chu Yan has such a good relationship with this …

How can this be missed, not just a sword! ?

At this time, Duansheng and 2 souls standing on the side of the back of Supreme Blade Supreme looked at Chu Yan with envy and jealous face … hate.

They could not have imagined that their two Divine King, in the eyes of Mad Sword Supreme, were not even as good as ants.

Instead, it was this trifling Earth Venerable Realm kid who had destroyed the Dao Foundation.

“Still worried !? Then I make a Heavenly Might oath …”

Sword Supreme glanced at Black Yao Mozun, the smile on his face appeared again, and he was ready to raise jade hand.

“No need!” Chu Yan shook his head. “I believe you!”

After the big hand turned over, the Golden Dragon soared into the sky, Xuanyuan Sword broke through, and 10000 golden lights spilled out.

It’s not that Chu Yan really completely believed in this Sword Supreme, but because Xuanyuan Sword is different from ordinary Spirit Sword.

It chooses its own initiative!

That is to say, even if anyone grabs the hand, it is impossible to force it to recognising Master.

“Good sword!”

Looking up at the Xuanyuan suspended in the sky, two bright glow burst out of the eyes of the Sword Supreme.

Xuanyuan Sword slightly startled, a sword light struck out, and directly cut those 2 pupil lights into utter powder.

This time, several people present, including Chu Yan, were all started together.

Sure enough … good sword!

9 Domain Supreme in front of it, it seems a bit meaningless.

This sword is awesome!

Raising his hand and waving, Supreme Divine Consciousness enveloped Xuanyuan Sword, but Xuanyuan Sword did not move, but turned the blade of his sword, looking towards Chu Yan.

Only in Chu Yan nodded, Xuanyuan Sword was transformed into a golden light, and fell into the hands of Sword Supreme.

“What a great sword ah! You got it from there !? People also want one …”

Sword Supreme looked at Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and talked to Chu Yan without turning his head, staring straight at Xuanyuan.

“Tell you! That Old Guy, is among the ten gods, specifically which one, Old Guy will not say!”

“But, there is a good thing to tell you! Hehe …”

I seem to think of something happy. On the peerless face of Supreme Knife, there is a naughty look, and I lowered my voice to Chu Yan

“If you take this lotus fire and practice the spirit medicine outside, your Dao Foundation … will be able to recover!”

“Dao Foundation … can it be restored !?”

Chu Yan was stunned, as if was struck by lightning.

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