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At this time, in Supreme Cave Mansion …

Chu Yan wholeheartedly felt the amazing change brought by myself and the body’s inverse Divine flame.

Qilin roared out with that fire, with 7 colorful flames all over his body, rushed to Qingyu Lake, and with just one bite, he devoured Qingyu Lake for half.

Those Qingyu Lake essences devoured by the fire Qilin were all turned into extremely pure immortal strength and poured into Chu Yan within the body.

Chu Yan now is like a gluttonous, myriad things source between Heaven and Earth, almost refusing to come and devour all.

But what surprised Chu Yan was that after swallowing so many Immortal Intent sources, he did not make any progress in the power of his within the body.

Cultivation base is also stuck in the Earth Venerable Realm 9th Layer, which can no longer be achieved.

Then, these spirit sources that they devoured themselves ran away! ?

“I depend, don’t bring this!”

Hei Yao Mozun almost cried, looking at Qingyu Lake with 30% less in front of her eyes, tears hua hua flow.

Is it easy! ?

Is it easy for yourself! ?

Finally, it is difficult to set up a line, want to engage in the spiritual source of Qingyu Lake, and recover yourself.

But who thought that this Chu Yan suddenly inserted a hand horizontally, swallowing so much Qingyu Lake water in just one stroke.

In the past few days, I did it day and night, not even 10% of others.

There is no comparison between this person and others.

But is this Supreme yourself a fake? ?

Not even an Earth Venerable Realm! ?

It ’s better than that, is there a big gap! ?

“Forget it, forget it, true body does not lower oneself to somebody’s level with him, this kid has to cause trouble, stay away from him!”

Hei Yao Mozun wanted to go to Chu Yan to settle the account, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

xiu! xiu!

2 electric light flashed in front of him, and he could not see clearly at all.

“What’s going on !? Ghost !?”

Hei Yao Mozun was stupid on the spot, but he is Supreme, how can he see clearly! ?

What is the situation now! ?

Are you getting worse! ?

“It seems to be 2 people, I … I’m going to die soon !? I didn’t even see who it was!”

In the dark corners, the black Yaomozun collapsed.

The old man of Mai and the knife of Supreme, without stopping, passed through Qingyu Lake and entered Cave Mansion.

“It’s so easy to rebuild the Dao Foundation, even if all the ancient Immortal Medicine here, give him refining, it’s just …. yi !?”

As soon as the mad knife Supreme entered the courtyard, he glanced at the spot and stood up, looking up at Chu Yan in the sky, and looked towards the courtyard, the spirit medicine that disappeared completely.

Before he finished speaking, he saw the towering body like a mountain behind Chu Yan.

“It really is …”

Even the old man of sackcloth has a complex look, watching the majestic silhouette of his eyes, trembling constantly.

“War God big brother! Gods No. 5, his name is as dazzling as Star River!”

The old man’s gaze stayed on that tall silhouette for a long time, and he said after a long time.

“Really !?”

Sword Supreme’s eyes flashed instantly.

War God!

Who does n’t know, why do n’t you know! ?

Under this starry sky, how many Martial Artists does War God look up to! ?

Buzz …!

At the next moment, Chu Yan’s body suddenly shook violently. In the distance above the sky, the fire Qilin roared and roared.

Above Chu Yan’s body, a huge black hole directly appeared, swallowing the spirit wave from Qilin crazy.

The whole body is getting brighter and brighter, and the red glow changes from light to strong, like a blood light covering all directions.


Thunder is surging, Heaven and Earth are drums.

The sound of the sky drum sounded one after another, resounding through the Vault of Heaven, as if the heart and sound of Heaven and Earth universe shocked Divine Soul.

Flames like clouds of fire, burning in the sky, dyed the whole sky with fire red.

“Good ah! This kid …”

Sword Supreme looked at Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, and finally looked at beautiful eyes to Chu Yan.

“After the Dao Foundation is recast, it will directly hit the threshold of Dao Realm, and the trend of Dao Realm Small Accomplishment!”

“This is the ordinary person, not destroying the Dao Foundation. It is as difficult as heavenly ascension to achieve this level!”

Speaking of which, Supreme Knife looked at the sky, the thicker and thicker clouds of fire, and glanced at the towering giant green armor.

“This kid seems to have Great Destiny added, won’t he rush to Dao Realm Perfection at once !?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Chu Yan’s body of Daoguang suddenly burst out.

The red glow of the original week has become a variety of different colors of flashing light.

Moreover, Daoguang is getting stronger and stronger, and in just a few breaths, it has hit the edge of Dao Realm Great Accomplishment.

At this time, mutation is born.

In the void of Heaven and Earth, an extremely powerful gust of wind suddenly appeared, like a huge fan. Fiercely swept through, sweeping the diffuse Heavenly Dao light, and all of it was turned into dust.

The Dao light on Chu Yan disappeared for a moment, and the 7-color Xiaguang became dark.

“what’s the situation!?”

The old man of Mai and the knife of Supreme were surprised at the same time. They saw clearly. The light on Chu Yan now is at most Dao Realm Small Accomplishment.

Among the Divine Realm, the Dao Foundation was destroyed, and the opportunity to recast the Dao Foundation was found, and it did not happen.

Peerless genius is certainly there, and for a Sect, peerless genius is extremely important, and it will be restored if you try your best.

However, I have just heard that after recasting the Dao Foundation, it will be stronger than before.

But I have never heard of anyone who recasts the Dao Foundation will become weaker than before.

Bang! Bang!

It was like two rumbling sounds between mountains, suddenly coming from Chu Yan.

The Daoguang that had weakened on him suddenly was deformed by bumps and depressions.

A puff, like a water polo rupture, a large number of Daoguang spirit sources gushing out of the gap, a flicker of different colors.

“This is a different-colored Daoguang !?”

Sword Supreme was full of surprise, turned his head towards towards the old man of Mai, but only a heavy look on the other’s face.

“You … you already knew !?”


Mai old man nodded, just glanced at Sword Supreme, then turned to look towards Chu Yan.

“He is … my lord!”

At the exit of this sentence, Supreme Knife suddenly opened his mouth slightly, his body trembling.

She never imagined that she had waited for countless years for the Lord to be this young man.

Trifling Earth Venerable Realm cultivation base, also destroyed the Dao Foundation.

How can such a weak strength be its own master! ?

“I am different from old 5!”

Mai old man turned his head, looked towards Sword Supreme, took a deep breath, and showed his eyes.

“This child innate talent is different, Great Destiny is added, Heavenly Dao is cursed in his body, and he is merged by the old 5 with the origin, it should be our wait … Lord!”

“But now, if you look at him, you are thinking about a woman, and in order to resurrect that woman, she gave up a great opportunity.”

“So at that time, the old 2 banned his reincarnation, I was next to it … I hope you can understand!”

“His Dao Foundation, impossible is fully recovered, the one who has found him!”

Mai old man said this, pointing to the top of his head.

“You mean, Supreme will !?”

Sword Supreme’s face has become shocked.

“Good! I came late, did not stop him from praising, the old ghost of the extremely sea fairy mountain, told me a lot, most of the things, I understood!

“Later, he will go his way!”

“And you can only rely on yourself, as for me, so be it …”

Speaking of which, the old man’s voice sank in silence, no longer silent.

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