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Mai old man disappeared, the Tao disappeared!

If the oil lamp has exhausted the last trace of power, it will be reduced to light smoke and no glory.

If it were n’t for the witness, who could think of this cold in the sky, there was once a dim erosion! ?

Sword Supreme looked at the empty place, 2 eyes lost, he said nothing for a long time.

She didn’t understand, even now, she couldn’t understand at all.

Brother 9 is the ninth person of the gods. Why haven’t they searched for the restoration method in these 9 years, but have been floating everywhere.

Why, the ninth person of Divine Realm used to respect the descendant of Earth Venerable Realm in front of him.

Even if it is reincarnation, it is the past, can it represent the present! ?

Is all this worth it! ? Does it make sense! ?

If it were her, even if the damage disappeared, she would never bow her head to anyone.

But I don’t know why. The scene before her 9th brother dissipated appeared in her Sea of ​​Consciousness. There was always a sense of inexplicable, unclear feeling, such as the gurgling of the river, which couldn’t calm down.

“Reincarnation is for you, is it really the same as before !?”

I don’t know how long after that, Sword Supreme looked up towards Chu Yan and asked directly.

At this time, Chu Yan was still immersed in the consolidation of Dao Realm, like a light sleeper, although he heard some vaguely, but not at all woke up completely.

So naturally, I can’t answer her.

“Forget it, whatever he does!”

Sword Supreme was suddenly relieved, yawned a lot and said to himself

“Old ghost lets me protect you, but my crazy sword will only kill people!”

“However, if you owe Brother 9, you still have to pay it back!”

Seeing that Chu Yan was still immersed in Dao Realm, the Supreme beautiful eyes sparkled, and his figure slowly disappeared.

Supreme Cave Mansion was completely silent.

A few days passed as the time shook.

The peaceful Supreme Cave Mansion is like a land outside the world, without waves and lands.

But in the outside world, the entire Divine Realm is still rising winds, scudding clouds, and the battle is constant and extremely exciting.

In the meantime, there was the rise of genius, the loss of the powerhouse, and the rebirth of others, and the breakthrough realm, which soared day after day.

At the beginning, Chu Yan, who had fought against all the world’s first genius and won World’s First Venerate, was forgotten by others.

As if the lake surface was rippling, the calm was completely restored, and no one remembered that black robe silhouette on the white jade field, beating the Vault of Heaven.

After all, a World’s First statue that destroyed the Dao Foundation, not worth mentioning.

At this time, Chu Yan experienced the biggest twists and turns in his life in these few months.

What is Dao Realm! ?

That is not a cultivation technique, nor immortal strength, nor is it something tangible.

It is an understanding of Heaven and Earth 10000 method, a mysterious comprehend that is affectionate to sexual.

The Chu Yan people ’s Dao Foundation was destroyed. Between the current Dao Realm Great Perfection Realm world, Chu Yan breathed through at a stretch, but mysterious among them, it is not a day to want a transition.

But the gains are enormous.

The former Dao Realm Perfection, to him, was like a mist, what can be seen between the haze, but always see the water.

The entire Dao Realm World is gray, and people can’t see the direction clearly.

And now, the whole World is clear, and what you see is what you get is excellent.

“hu ….”

After a long exhales one breath saying, Chu Yan finally recovered Divine Consciousness and slowly opened his eyes.

A mighty divine might, like a spitting spring, rushed to all around, flooding the entire room.

The touches of divine might, whether it’s tables and chairs, walls, melted together.

Continue surging, mountains, rivers, Jiang Hai, whoever touched this divine might start mutation.

In Chu Yan’s eyes, there is a bright starlight, raising his hand and waving, immortal strength is like a tide …

“Half-step Heavenly Venerable Realm !? Not bad …”

Recasting the Dao Foundation, the cultivation base has also been improved by half a step, from Earth Venerable Realm 9th Layer to the door of Heavenly Venerable Realm.

This benefit is really huge.

Ordinary Martial Artist, after being respected, wants a breakthrough to Heavenly Venerable Realm, at least 100 years.

Of course, after honoring the genius, each Sect will be inclined to resources, and he will go all out to find all kinds of opportunities and human medicine.

Some mighty genius may only take several decades, and it is enough.

However, Chu Yan seemed to have spent less than 3 months.

For 3 months, as far as the past few days are concerned, if people know that Chu Yan has just refined the original 100 Immortal Medicine, there are 9 ancient Immortal spirit medicine, most of Qingyu Lake, a strange fire, The words of countless god venerable origins are estimated to scare the chin.

So many resources are enough for a lot of people to reach Heavenly Venerable Realm.

“Yi !? My light …”

Chu Yan, who was awake, immediately discovered that his Daoguang had undergone tremendous changes.

A cluster of light that shimmers like a glow in the sky, like a star hanging in the sky.

The endless glow of the sun radiates from the depths of the clouds, rendering the entire road light into a 7-color color, from inside to outside, from strong to weak.

“This is wrong !?”

Chu Yan looked incredible.

Daoguang is the color of Source Dao, and his own source Dao is the War God Code, which should be azure.

“Is it the reason to recast the Dao Foundation !?”

Chu Yan ’s thoughts flashed in his mind, and after thinking for a long time, he could n’t find a reason, so he could only hook the head.

However, at least it is possible to confirm that this situation is by no means a bad thing.

Dao Realm Great Perfection, it’s not too bad! ?

“The power of War God!”

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness World, in the 9-domain star map, that nebula becomes extremely condensed.

The power of War God originally called from it is also much stronger.

“9 domain star map, I don’t know what has changed!”

Even the prestige of War God has changed, so the 9-domain star map should also change.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan divided a Divine Consciousness into the 9-domain star map.


Almost at the moment when his Divine Consciousness touched the 9-domain star chart, the entire Divine Consciousness instantly became a Divine Consciousness body and was sucked into the 9-domain star chart.

The next moment, the world in front of us is changing dramatically.

The original World disappeared, replaced by a World of Great Desolate Constant Antiquity, with slaughter and bloody aura everywhere.

Where the eyes see it, Divine Consciousness sweeps the boundaries, all are battlefields.

“This is there !?”

Chu Yan’s fear of cultivation’s way of killing, which just appeared in this world, was shuddered by this rich murderous aura, Divine Soul who was shocked.

Here, how could there be such a powerful slaughter aura! ?

Is this the Supreme battlefield! ?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of a path of thunderstorm exploded on the sky, and Chu Yan quickly looked up.

I saw that mountains stood on the sky, completely covering the sky, the strong Daoguang 4 overflowed, and the eyes could not be opened.

When Chu Yan got used to it slowly, when the eyes opened and looked at it, they found that those were not mountains at all, but silhouettes.

More than 40 powerful silhouettes standing above the sky like the Spiritual God of Heaven and Earth!

“Then … that is …”

With a glance of his eyes, Chu Yan was so shocked that his pupils shrank, and he stared at a silhouette of a blue armor, his face full of surprise.

“War … War God !?”

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