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Chu Yan also felt relieved when she heard about Huayang.

Listening to Sword Supreme, there are 2 Supreme, not at all fighting among those who came before.

Huayang should be fine, so he left.

“Lin Meng, so I will stay soon and hope to see you next time!”

For Yan Dao Supreme, Chu Yan’s impression is still good. Since Putianshu, she has never shot herself.

Of course, apart from having to marry yourself, everything else is fine.

“Okay, Husband!”

Sword Supreme blinked with a smile, lotus step moved slightly, bowed down to perform a woman’s salute, and scared Chu Yan’s eyes twitched again.

“Congratulations to Husband!”

After one sentence, Supreme Blade smiled happier, and his figure slowly melted into the void and disappeared.

Chu Yan was there for a while, the whole heart was 7 up 8 down, and he couldn’t tell what it was like.

This crazy knife Supreme, how to say it is 9 domain Supreme, why do you have to stare at yourself?

Also give away! ?

Is it really impossible to escape her palm this time! ?


Although she is not as good as her, as long as she goes to the Dead Sea world, then …

Chu Yan thought for a long time and finally set off.

This Supreme Cave Mansion can’t stay any longer, and if it doesn’t work, it will come out.

As a result, Chu Yan hurried on the road while cultivating the new Dao Realm.

Great Perfection Dao Realm, it takes a long time to consolidate.

Because of the presence of different-colored Daoguang, his comprehension speed is much faster. In less than 3 days, the method of asking questions in the 9-domain star map merged with most of them.

Now, he can be said to be a fusion of Divine Realm’s existence.

If the ordinary person has learned so much Taoism, I am afraid that Dao Realm himself will be affected.

But Chu Yan’s Dao Realm recasting, coupled with the presence of different-colored Daoguang, not only has no effect, but has greatly increased its strength.

The strength of every interest is increasing, the speed is amazing.

As long as there is a chance, collect all the remaining Dao Lineage Dao Lineage’s Dao Laws. At that time, how strong will your Dao Lineage be! ?

“The law of asking is the foundation of Divine Realm’s power. Every law of asking is extremely mysterious and must be obtained!”

“Of course, apart from the 2 1 Dao Lineage, those Antiquity Sect Aristocratic Family and other forces should also have ways to ask, pay attention!”

Chu Yan pondered the plan in his heart, the speed became faster and faster.

Heavenly Dream City, as the main city of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, generally does not allow other cultivators to enter, but now Chu Yan’s identity is the disciplinary of the Xenhuang Venerable Lord, with a token, of course, free access.

Randomly found a restaurant, just sat down to rest, I heard the sound of all around.

“Emperor Xuantian Sir, it’s really great ah!”

“That is, of course, a single retreat directly breaks through Supreme’s realm, I heard that about 3 major Supreme battles, 3 battles and 3 wins!”

“It’s too strong! Was World’s First breakthrough in Supreme at first, so powerful !?”

“Good! Inside the sect Elder said that she was about 4 of the 2 Supremes a few days ago and was preparing for Life and Death Battle!”

“What, Life and Death Battle !? Is this going to ask for the 4 Supreme ?!”

“Too terrifying! Empress Sir, is this about to win World’s First Supreme !?”

“Haha, our elder, really strong ah!”

“Impossible! A cultivator like us, afraid that it would be impossible to reach such a realm in my life!”

“That is of course, only those geniuses have hope. I heard that the 3 geniuses and other Sect geniuses have come to our Sect recently. What happened?”

“I heard that it is Sect communication and so on, who knows, this kind of thing often happens, not surprising!”

“That’s it, I just don’t know how strong these geniuses are!”


The restaurant is talking about some Outer Sect disciple. Usually the tasks and cultivation are not too heavy, so there is only time to mix in the restaurant.

Chu Yan listened to all this, but was shocked.

Emperor Xuantian really broke, and just after the breakthrough, he declared war with those veteran Supreme!

It’s really tough!

However, this is Emperor Xuantian, otherwise, she is not her.

“Should I congratulate you?”

Chu Yan took out Jade Talisman and thought about it to send a consciousness.

“Xuantian Senior, congratulations to Supreme, because the recasting of the Dao Foundation was delayed, so we must prepare a congratulations!”

Immediately after the consciousness came out, I immediately received an echo, like an ice tide hitting.

“What’s the matter?”

2 words, it is still the style of Emperor Xuantian, without a touch of emotion.

“Cough cough… is just asking, I have arrived at 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, those spirit medicine, what should I do !?”

Chu Yan is a little embarrassed, so straightforward? It seemed as if she had something to do with her, congratulations are just an excuse.

However, regarding the spirit medicine, Chu Yan really can only find her.

“Wait, someone will come!”

After the full breaths time passed, the Empress Xuantian only answered.

“many thanks !”

Chu Yan hurriedly politely, at the same time long relaxed.

Why every time I talk to Empress Xuantian seems to be more tiring than playing a Life and Death Battle.

“No need to thank you! Your status is different now, you don’t have to be so polite with me!”

“Different identities !? You mean the disciplinary title of Xuanhuang Venerable Lord !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Supreme husband!”

This sentence came, Chu Yan suddenly twitched his face, the whole person was ignorant.

what’s the situation! ?

Why is Supreme’s husband-in-law! ?

How did the Empress Xuantian know! ?

No, I am simply not. I never promised Supreme Sword.

“No … no, not what you think, before I was just …”

Then, Chu Yan hurriedly told what happened in Supreme Cave Mansion.

Including sackcloth old man, starry throne, and so on, no one conceals.

After all, he believed in Empress Xuantian, plus many things, Empress Xuantian knew more than him.

But the next step was silence, for 3 hundred breaths, there was no movement from the Emperor Xuantian.

“Dao Foundation, how to recast !?”

Although Emperor Xuantian closed her door and attacked the Supreme, and then fought against the Supreme, she was concerned about the destruction of the Chu Yan Dao Foundation from beginning to end.

Some people were even dispatched to find opportunities to recast the Dao Foundation.

As a result, none of the dispatched people’s news came back, and Chu Yan’s Dao Foundation has been restored.

“This … luck! I found the inverse Divine flame!”

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan again told the Emperor Xuantian of the matter of countering the Divine flame and the Cave Mansion of the Sword Supreme.

After that, there is no more …

At this time, Emperor Xuantian was completely silent, completely ignoring herself.

After a full hour, there was another noise from the restaurant.

“Pay respects to Changsheng Senior Brother!”

All the recipes in the restaurant stand up together, facing the silhouette of stepping into the restaurant and bowing saluted.

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