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Chapter 3123

The voice of surprise continued, and the audience was full of hustle and bustle.

“It is worthy of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, it is worthy of Xuanhuang Venerable Lord, his new Master, I am afraid that it will give him great benefits!”

“That’s right, the identity of the named discipline is really easy to use ah!”

“I want a Master like this, so can I!”

“It seems that it is not just the bloody branches, there are a lot of heavenly materials earthly treasures refining !?”

“What’s the use !? Cultivation base In front of Dao Realm, it’s scum. Isn’t he going to lose today !?”

“That’s right, Zuo Lie’s cultivation base and Dao Realm are only one line away from Dao Realm Great Accomplishment!”


The people who responded have regained their original judgments. Under various accounts, they still believe that Chu Yan is going to lose.

After all, it is a fact that the Dao Foundation was destroyed.

In Divine Realm, everyone knows the importance of a base.

You can make great progress in cultivation base, but on Dao Realm, you want to break through and improve, but it is countless times harder than raising cultivation base.

Otherwise, so many geniuses are the elites and core disciple of the Great Sect. The resources are not worse than you, and they have been flying into the sky.

After all, Dao Realm has very little external force and can only rely on comprehend and cultivation.

However, these people have a sour feeling when they listen to them.

Three Great Sects so many genius, the real genius, can get a lot of Sect resources, so there are so few.

Now that I see Chu Yan, a destroyed genius of the Dao Foundation, can cultivate base breakthrough to such an extent in such a short period of time. If you are not jealous or jealous, it is impossible.

Zuo Lie on the battle stage was also stunned, but soon recovered his calm.

Just like those voices of discussion, since the promotion has been great, your innate talent is amazing, and what about World’s First! ?

Today, it is not about losing in my hands.

“Half-step Heavenly Venerate, I thought you broke through directly to God King Realm !?”

His cultivation base is Earth Venerable Realm Peak, which is only one step away from the half-step Heavenly Venerate, but his Dao Realm Small Accomplishment Peak, if the bottom card is exhausted, can barely fight Dao Realm Great Accomplishment.

With his strength, to deal with a half-step Heavenly Venerate, what difficulty is there.

The most important thing is that if the opponent does not have the Dao Foundation, the a hand will be destroyed.

“Respect World’s First, come on, receive my move!”

At this time, the argument of all around has been unbearable. More importantly, take this opportunity to defeat Chu Yan with a move to let everyone know their strength. That is the true focal point of ten thousands.

You can also let father and Uncle know that this Chu Yan is abolished, it is abolished, how big is the gap with itself.

Cangxuezhi should get it himself!

As he spoke, the immortal strength of Zuo Lie was all stirred up, the imposing manner continued to soar, and the powerful immortal strength surged across the entire battle stage.

Although there was no outbreak of power in his body, but in this imposing manner, falling into the eyes of the practitioners, he knew how terrible he was.

“Tian Xuan 9 is terrifying, and the Promise!”

Zuo Lie shouted and flew out, within a radius of 10 li, immediately a raging fire sea.

At the end of the fire sea, a group of horrible forces like a star burst, burst out.

Heaven and Earth is dark, and the wind is like a wave.

A genius and the monks present were all complexion changed.

Although standing in the stands, just by feeling the power of this energy, you can know how terrifying this move is.

Replaced by other geus genius, simply impossible to accept this move.

“Zuo Lie! Really strong, is this move going to kill Chu Yan !?”

Longevity complexion slightly changed, hurry to run immortal strength, mind divided into two, staring closely at Chu Yan and Zuo Lie.

As long as Chu Yan showed a slight invincibility, he would shoot and save it to stop the battle.

“It’s over! One move is over!”

“The gap is too big!”

“The Dao Realm in this fist has faint power of Dao Realm Great Accomplishment, which Chu Yan can’t stop!”


The big men present could see the original power and shook their heads together.

This kind of punching force, even if it is 4 lines of extreme strength, cannot be blocked.

After all, it is the old-style Gaius genius, which is by no means comparable to the new Gazegen genius.

However, at this moment, the black robe silhouette above the battle stage actually moved.


The moment when the feet landed, the terrifying power directly blasted the battle stage away from a huge deep pit, reviving the power like a frenzy.

The Chu Yan just now was just exposed in an imposing manner, like stars.

So now, it is like a sea of ​​stars.

No power can compare with it in front of him.


Chang Sheng’s eyes shrank suddenly.

“This is impossible …”

The big men present were all stunned and all stood up.

Just that moment, they all felt it.


Very strong!

The speed, power, and how terrible might be can be seen at a glance.

The words of the big brothers haven’t landed yet. Chu Yan’s fists full of black flames have burst out.

Boom … Rumble!

Above the battle stage, it seems as if a thunderbolt burst directly.

Heaven and Earth like the Thunder Dragon gang wind, screaming all over the world, rushing all directions.

Everyone can see that the fist wrapped in a strong black flame is smashed out, as if with the power of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth. .

Even if it was vigorous, Yu Wei rushed away, and the entire battle stage was cracking.

With a stunned face, Zuo Lie stood there, staring at his fist, staring at him like a toy and being hit by Black Flame Dragon Boxing, then hit him.

The whole body flew upside down, hitting the battle stage, forming a giant pit.

“How … how … what’s going on?”

Zuo Lie’s face was covered in blood, and his eyes were all confused.

After all, it was a core disciple, and the injury was not heavy. He jumped out of the pit and looked at Chu Yan with a ghost expression.

It’s just that anyone can see that his eyes are unbelievable.

You know, although he didn’t use his full shot, he also had at least 70% strength.

After all, he abandoned Chu Yan’s mind with one stroke, and used the unique skill.

The Law of Asking Questions implies that, logically, even if it is not invincible, it is impossible to be backlashed.

After all, this Chu Yan, who just entered the 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, has no time to ask the cultivation main sect.

Moreover, even if he got the main sect’s method of asking, but his Dao Foundation was ruined, what kind of cultivation! ?

This is the biggest basis for Zuo Lie to always consider himself in an invincible position.

But now this fist really blasted him.

“But 30% strength, are you really a core disciple !?” Chu Yan coldly said.

“Wh … what !?”

Zuo Lie pumped all over his body, flushed with blood, and his eyes were breathing fire.

30% strength! ?

This Chu Yan dare to humiliate himself! ?

“It must be Uncle, gave the life-saving forbidden technique! It was used against me !?”

Zuo Lie’s brain was running fast, and he finally got a reasonable explanation.

“What about the forbidden technique, at most people can improve their strength in a short period of time, either 2 times or 3 times. That’s all external force, how long can you support !?”

In Zuo Lie’s head, he was gradually replaced by anger, clenched the teeth

“Okay! If so, then come true!”

On the ground, Zuo Lie began to reprint his hands, and various colors and colors rose from his within the body.

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