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Chapter 3126

Facing the startled gaze of the audience, Chu Yan pondered for a moment, and began to replied

“In this case, you can spare them their lives! But …. They insult my friends, they will be disciplined!”

The words fell to the ground, Chu Yan waved his long sword, and three sword lights were split, straight to the body of 3 people.

pu! Poof pu!

3 bloody flowers collapsed, 3 people’s chests were immediately cut a wound, flesh and blood rolled.

The powerful Sword Qi did not stand still, poured into the wound, and drove away all the way, shattering the three people’s meridian and Qi Sea.

The sound of mournful scream echoed all over Central Square.

“My son …”

When God King saw this scene, he immediately fell down like an anxiety, and put a top elixir into Zuo Lie’s mouth, and at the same time immortal strength poured into Zu Lie with the body as much as he did not need money.

Divine Consciousness swept away, where God King’s face, instantly gloomy terrifying, purple face all over, as if time would burst.

Zuo Lie’s within the body, the injury is extremely serious!

“Chu Yan!”

Suddenly turned his head, blood red eyes stared at Chu Yan, where God Wang Shengruo thunderclap, roaring the sky.

“It hurts my parents and sons, you can’t spare you today!”

One big wave, thunderbolt 10000, Heaven and Earth discoloration, Divine King’s prestige, 1000 miles of wailing.


Yang Longzun made a quick drink and flashed directly, standing in front of King God, just blocking Chu Yan.

“Yang Long, go away! No one can control today, I will kill him! Even if the Venerable Lord is here …”

Where Godine’s divine might keep rising, the entire Taimeng ancient city is trembling.

As a Divine King, he is naturally not an impulsive and unwise person.

Previously, Chu Yan was rational. His son Zuo Lie was actively provocative and was defeated by Life and Death Battle. He couldn’t intervene too deeply.

But now the situation is different, Life and Death Battle is over, Yang Long Zun comes forward, Chu Yan also hit Zuo Lie, which violates Sect’s law.

According to the Sect’s law, since such a thing is true, since Yang Long Zun is present, he will naturally handle and decide.

The last time is Sect’s law enforcement Elder level to deal with.

Chu Yan does not comply with Sect’s law enforcement, but he does not comply with the rules.

So now, when God God is taking advantage of it, he is waiting for this opportunity, and he happens to kill Chu Yan to retake the bloody branches, in one go.

As for Zuo Lie’s injury, there is no other trouble if God is there.

Kill Chu Yan first by mistake. Other things can be handled easily.

“Father … Dear … Report …”

Zuo Lie, who served the top elixir, eased a little pain and struggled to speak to King God, but was suddenly pointed by King God, unable to speak.

In fact, he wanted to tell father that revenge is not in a hurry. This Chu Yan recasts the Dao Foundation, which hides its strength. The real cultivation base probably exceeds the Sect 5 core disciple.

Moreover, he foresees that Chu Yan, with his full outburst, may surpass the five cores to be at the top of the list.

In this way, this Chu Yan is not only not waste, but also become 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, the most innate talent and aptitude discipline.

If this is the case where King God killed Chu Yan, then the consequences …

However, he spoke only a few words and was sealed by father, completely unable to speak.

Originally, where God was afraid that he would say revenge, he did n’t expect at all, he wanted to tell father Chu Yan the truth.

Now, everything is late.

In the sky with a radius of 10,000 li, it suddenly turned into a sea of ​​radiant light, and countless terrifying pressures poured out from the sky and fell between Heaven and Earth, flooding the entire Taikoo Dream City.

All the practitioners in the field were all trembling by Divine Soul, his face was shocked.

“Heaven, what are you doing !?”

The sound was thunderous and the clouds were rolling, shocking the audience.

2 thunderbolt-like silhouettes, flying from a distance, are the Venerable Lord and the Wild Supreme.

2 The person’s complexion, gloomy terrifying, especially the Xuanhuang Venerable Lord, the complexion is darker than the pot.

“Two Supremes are here!”

The cultivators were stunned, and their faces were unbelievable.

This is the 8 Supreme of the 2 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, which will not appear for several hundred years.

Now, the last time World’s First was less than a few months, it appeared again, or at the same time.

It’s afraid that something big will make 2 people show up.

“Teacher … Senior Brother !?”

All the gods of God are stupid, especially when they see the Supreme Supreme.

As a Venerable Lord’s junior brother, he certainly knew that it was not a major event related to the survival of Sect, two Supreme simply appeared simultaneously.

Just like last time, the expert at the level of sackcloth old man appeared, two Supreme would come out at the same time to defend Sect.

But now, there is no danger ah! ?

Why do these 2 big guys suddenly appear, they can think of it with their heels, of course, for … Chu Yan!

However, a scrap material that the kid Dao Foundation destroyed, why is it worth the appearance of Senior Brother.

This is not reasonable ah!

“Hmph! Get away!”

As soon as the Venerable Lord arrived, he immediately cold shouted to Fan God, and frightened him.

Senior Brother usually does this to himself.

However, not waiting for God to open his mouth to explain, the two Supremes suddenly turned around and bowed to the void together.

“Welcome Master!”

Master ! ?

2 Masters of Supreme! ?

Everyone in the audience heard this sentence, and then saw the bow of the 2 Supreme, suddenly all crazy.

what’s the situation! ?

8 Mount Tai Big Dipper of Yuxuan Desolate Sect is coming! ?

This is nothing more than a three-discipline exchange meeting, which is held sporadically every year. Even this kind of Three Great Sects exchange is a 3-year event, which is nothing unusual.

How is it possible that even the 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, the terrifying existence, is inspiring! ?

A path of consciousness, exploding in everyone’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, is like a thunderbolt of sky anger, so that everyone is scared to move.

“Zu Zun is gone !?”

8 In the Holy Land of Yuxuan Desolate Sect, in the Holy Mountain one after another, there are constantly 9 domains of Supreme awakening from a 10000-year slumber while looking towards the distance.

They displayed various pupil techniques and secret skills, and all turned their eyes to the Central Square in the outer city, their faces full of doubts.

How existed Zu Zun! ?

If there is no great thing, he simply shot.

In the next moment, the whole Heaven and Earth becomes silent, and there is no more aura.

Everyone looked up at the sky, waiting quietly.

Above the skyline, a silhouette is slowly emerging, walking across the sky, moved towards the Central Square below.

Each step stepped out, is the color change of Heaven and Earth, 9 kinds of different colors flash, and pieces of Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon continue to appear.

Although there is no strong aura in the old man, the horror of this step, a natural phenomenon, can make people feel that he can completely destroy this side of the world by raising his hand.

In front of him, the Venerable Lord and the Venerable Lord 2 are extremely small.

“Disciple mystery, pay respects to Master!”

“Disciple is wild, pay respects to Master!”

“Disciple longevity, pay respects to Ancestor Master!”

“Disciple Yanglong, pay respects to Martial Uncle!”

“Disciple …”

One after another 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect gangsters, after the reaction, Qi Qi visited.

“Master … Master, you … how do you … come …?”

All God’s people are stupid, their tongues are knotted, and there is a bad hunch in their hearts, which is madly surging.

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