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Chapter 3128

When the Dragon Master True Master departs, the Venerable Lord and the Wild Supreme are also quickly followed along.

It’s not easy for the Master to go out once, they naturally want to go, but before leaving, he still told Chu Yan about the Death God world.

The three gangsters left, and the coercion between Heaven and Earth was suddenly relieved.

By this time, the big brothers and disciples and genius who were present also felt Divine Soul loose.

But when they looked towards Chu Yan again, all the light had changed, all kinds of fear, envy, jealousy, etc. were extremely complicated, but only the previous contempt had been lost.

After all, Long Yi True Master is out, showing the importance attached to Chu Yan.

Originally, Chu Yan performed amazingly in the battle of World’s First Venerable Master. He was promoted to peerless genius in one fell swoop, but unfortunately he was cut off by the old man of Mai Mai to the Dao Foundation, and it declined.

But now, his Dao Foundation has been restored, and Long Yi True Master has also given the whole Xuanhuang Zhenjing.

What does this say! ?

Note 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect acknowledged the rank and status of Chu Yan peerless genius, and it was also Taiyu of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect who actually appeared in person.

The 6 core disciple ranks fifth, which is a terrifying identity among the forces of Number One Influence, Divine Realm 5 2 Dao Lineage.

To put it simply, all the genius in the audience add up, I am afraid that they cannot match Chu Yan a’s finger.

The gap between these two identities is like the sun and the moon.

Divine Realm, strength is respected, this is the fact.

“Chu Yan, my friend, I am 9 Puritan …”

“Haha, Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, under …”


One big man after another, quickly reacted and moved towards Chu Yan together, gathered together.

Chu Yan responded politely one by one, and all returned thanks.

Soon Chu Yan escaped from the crowd and moved towards Yue Peng and Yu Linger.

Li Mutian sat together and saw Chu Yan coming, his old face turned red, and he quickly got up and left, no face.

“Chu Yan, didn’t expect, you are so powerful!”

Yue Peng looked at Chu Yan and said with great excitement, his heart was shocked.

He has now discovered that as long as he meets Chu Yan, or together with Chu Yan, there will be a major event of heaven shaking earth shattering.

Chu Yan smiled gently, shook the head not at all and said more, but looked towards Yu Linger,

“Yu Ling’er, I’m going to leave Shenhai Realm for a while, there is a token, there is something to find me!”

All around people heard this, their eyes suddenly turned red, and they looked around.

Yu Ling’er smiled softly and nodded and said, “Well, well, see who dares to bully me in the future!”

Holding the token in his hand, Yu Ling’er also smiled and bloomed like a flower.

“This … you should know that I offended 2 Dao Lineage, so you still …”

After chatting with Yu Ling’er for a few words, Chu Yan waved to say goodbye, and his figure rose to the sky.

If it wasn’t for Yu Ling’er before, speaking for herself on the battle stage, Chu Yan would not deliberately do so.

Chu Yan’s temperament has always been like this, and he will not forget those who are good to himself.

Flying high in the sky, 10,000 li in an instant, waiting for Chu Yan to leave the Taimeng ancient city area after an hour, the Mowu Dizun, which was previously appointed, also waited to meet him in front.

On the ancient city Central Square of Tai Meng, Yu Ling’er held Jade Talisman and looked at the silhouette that had disappeared from the sky.

After a long time, you sighed faintly, and the expression dimmed.

2 It did n’t take long for the two to meet each other. She watched how Chu Yan walked from the original ascendant to the top of the altar step by step.

Now, she can only look forward to his existence, the distance between the two is getting bigger and bigger.

Martial Dao World, in addition to the rank and status gap, this more terrible gap makes all feelings change accordingly.

And Yue Peng, beside Yu Ling’er, looked even more strange.

The last time in the ancient Battlefield of the fairy, this Chu Yan with him, those seemingly amazing resources, he gave it to himself.

The 2 people fought together and wandered together, but now, it seems to have become estranged.

At this time, Yue Peng suddenly had a strong regret in his heart. If he didn’t leave but originally followed Chu Yan, what would it be like now! ?

Has the vow made in the past been completely dissipated! ?

No one knows all of this, and there is simply an answer. Once everything is decided, all you can do is face it.

Next, what happened on the ancient city Central Square of Tai Meng, like a hurricane, swept across the realm of Shenhai instantly.

8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, 9 Puritanism, 3 Confucianism, 3 Great Influence’s discipline, like crazy, there are legends about Chu Yan, the newly born peerless genius.

For a time, all the Great Influence in Shenhai Realm was shocked to heaven and man, and spread more and more.

After all, not to mention the Sea Territory, even in the Divine Realm, the birth of a peerless genius is terrifying.

Not to mention, this is a peerless genius who has been cut off from the Dao Foundation and reborn from the ashes.

With the addition of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect’s Dragon Master True Master, the emergence of 2 Supremes has made this news extremely certain.

At this time of the storm, intensified, the Holy Land of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect.

“Ha ha ha, Master very good, I 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect finally came out a peerless genius!”

The wild Supreme was full of excitement, and he didn’t wait for his Long Yi True Master to sit down, and began to roar with his throat.

“Good! The news has spread, including the news of the Master’s exit, I’m afraid it will spread more and more widely!” Xuanhuang Venerable Lord nodded, looked up towards Master Long Yi True Master.


Long Yi True Master shook the head, and then said, “I told Xuan Tian just now, she meant that the news about Chu Yan should not appear in Divine Realm for the time being.”

“Why !?” Xuanhuang Venerable Lord and Wild Supreme started at the same time.

The meaning of this sentence is too clear for them, which means that the news is sealed as much as possible.

However, although the news has just risen, but it has spread, and want to suppress it, easyer said than done.

The most important thing is that the 2 Supremes believe that this is a chance for 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect to show their faces. Why should it be suppressed, it is not necessary at all.

If it was for the people who offended 2 Yan Dao Lineage before Chu Yan, then Chu Yan has now become the 8 core disciple of 6 Yuxuan Desolate Sect.

The previous contradictions, the other Dao Lineage forces have to give face to face, although they like to talk about it, but as long as Chu Yan no longer actively provokes them, there should be no big problems.

at worst 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect gave away some resources to calm down the resentment qi of each Dao Lineage, which is not at worst at all.

“Xuan Tian means that Chu Yan is related to some very important secrets, which is not suitable for publicity now.” Long Yi True Master seemed to be a little puzzled when he spoke, thinking secretly.

“Secret !?” 2 Supreme Supreme stunned.

What this said is unclear, it looks like Xuan Tian’s human nature.

“Do what Xuan Tian said, you go and execute!”



Not long afterwards, as 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect issued a formal notice, some of the previous things were distorted and reversed in a way that made the original rumors become a little more complicated.

Among them, regarding the appearance of Long Yi True Master, the appearance of the 2 Supremes are all said to be for God to prepare for the breakthrough of the breakthrough.

The recovery of Chu Yan ’s Dao Foundation, also said to be a Sect secret skill, just a temporary recovery …

As a result, the speed of news spreading really slowed down and gradually became less turbulent.

However, some big guys of Sect forces still have a little bit more doubts about the operation of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, and began to secretly lay out, ready to find out the situation.

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