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Chapter 3135

The reward of this ancient Battlefield, Chu Yan has been left, it is now useful.

“This is … ask Heavenly Furnace !?”

Hu Ying’s pupils contracted instantly, flashing this strange light.

“Does this work?” Chu Yan asked.

Even Mo Wu Di Zun also stood aside, looking up towards Hu Ying.

He has never seen this question.

“Isn’t this stove … lost ?! How come …”

Hu Ying looked towards Chu Yan, his face was shocked, but he quickly reacted and quickly said “This is no problem, absolutely no problem!”

“The value of this furnace is still on top of your golden sword, which is completely enough!”

As a hospitality discipline on the 9th layer floor, it is a rule not to ask the source of treasure.

If not too surprised, Hu Ying would certainly not lose self-control.

“Chu Yan VIP, if you are sure to use this thing to trade, no identification is required, I can sign a contract with you now!”

When looking towards Chu Yan again, Hu Ying’s face became solemn and tense.

Whether it’s the golden sword or the heavenly furnace, as long as it can be traded, it’s a big deal for him.

“En! I’m sure to use this to ask the heaven to pay …”


I didn’t even wait for Chu Yan to finish his sentence. Suddenly I asked Tian Tian to tremble, and issued a Divine Consciousness sound transmission, which exploded in Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The voice was extremely angry. It seemed that a peerless Ominous Beast woke up from a deep sleep and suddenly found the kind of anger he was sold.

“Leave this stove!”

Immediately afterwards, another sound in Sea of ​​Consciousness sounded, cold as ice, and it was Emperor Xuantian.

“I have something here, you can exchange it for spirit medicine!”

“What !?” Chu Yan was stunned.

He didn’t expect, this small transaction, the Empress Xuantian would even intentionally come to prevent it.

“No! No! It’s too much trouble for you, I can …”

As a Pill Master, although he was reluctant to ask Heavenly Furnace, Chu Yan was still willing to resurrect Yue Linglong for 3 strains of spirit medicine.

But for the help of Emperor Xuantian, Chu Yan was really sorry.

After all, since he became acquainted with Empress Xuantian, the other party has been helping him.

Those major events related to life and death, he could not refuse, but this kind of transaction matters, it is troublesome to others, it is really a bit unreasonable.

“You don’t have to be polite with you! Your origins are one!” Empress Xuantian said in silence.


Chu Yan naturally knows the relationship between Emperor Xuantian and Qing God War God, and Qing God War God is fully integrated with himself. It is true that the origin is one.

“It’s not just giving away, I need you to help me do one thing!” Empress Xuantian continued.

“Then … okay!” Chu Yan nodded with a wry smile.

In any case, Emperor Xuantian said this part, if you refuse it again, it will be bad.

“Jade Talisman gives him!”

After saying a word, Chu Yan felt that the token of the Empress Xuantian Jade Talisman shuddered, and it seemed that there was a will of the Empress.

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness explored it and found it to be a special pattern that shimmered.

Immediately, Chu Yan gave Jade Talisman to Hu Ying and said, “Sorry, I have a friend, let me show you something!”

“Oh !? There are good things !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Hu Ying’s eyes lit up.

Whether it is a golden sword, or asking Heavenly Furnace, if the transaction is successful, your 9th-level Deacon status may be promoted to the first-class Elder.

If there is any good thing, it is not impossible to upgrade to Elder 2 and so on.

If you arrive at the 2nd class Elder, you do n’t have to enter the square to entertain you in the future, you will be directly assigned by large customers, and it will be much easier to accumulate credit.

He served 9 years in this 300th layer building and spent nearly 150 years to entertain guests.

For another 150 years, the cultivation in the 9th layer building, plus Deacon salaries, is comparable to the hard work of 900 years of outsiders of the same level.

The most important thing is that the identity of Deacon in the 9th layer building gives him the right to receive various resource treasures and news first.

Even if it is a breakthrough cultivation base bottleneck in the future, it needs more opportunities, and it is much easier than scrambling outside.

This is why the 9th layer building can attract a large number of Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouses to serve them.

Now, Chu Yan introduces friends again, which is the most ideal situation for people like Hu Ying.

“Don’t give him Jade Talisman!” Empress Xuan Tian’s voice rang again.

Hearing this, Chu Yan quickly withdrew Jade Talisman, and immortal strength urged the pattern in Jade Talisman to flash directly in front of Hu Ying.

As soon as the pattern appeared in the room, Hu Ying froze.

“this is….”

Seeing Hu Ying’s expression, Chu Yan asked.

Since Empress Xuantian asked him to do this, there must be a reason. Now seeing Hu Ying’s reaction also proves this speculation.

“This … this … is it …”

After stunned for 3 breaths, Hu Ying suddenly turned his head, looking towards Chu Yan, and his face was full of look of shock.

In the enlarged pupil, half is for confirmation, and half is for sure.

Although he knew exactly what the pattern represented, he couldn’t believe it when he saw it.

In the next moment, Hu Ying’s face was getting heavier and he began to twist.

“Chu Yan, die!”

Suddenly, Hu Yingshen’s Heavenly Immortal strength exploded, a immortal strength turned into lightning in his hand, and bombarded Chu Yan directly.

This thunder came over, and Chu Yan and Mo Wudi Zun were suddenly stunned.

what’s the situation! ?

If you turn your face, just turn your face! ?

Fortunately, both Chu Yan and Mo Wu Di Zun were prepared in advance when Hu Ying’s face changed, and they all urged immortal strength and shot at the same time.

Bang! Bang!

Immortal strength collided, exploding 2 bursts of gas, and the whole room buzzed and trembling.


Chu Yan draws a sword in his backhand, Clear Sky Sword draws a silver light, the void is broken, and fiercely cleaves to Hu Ying.

This sword was cut down, Hu Ying complexion greatly changed, hurryed to avoid, the hand seal that was not shot in his hand, also collapsed, and the offensive was instantly stagnant.

“What are you doing !? Why kill me !?”

With this opportunity, Chu Yan asked.

It turned out that after a good deal, the whereabouts of 3 spirit medicines would be known immediately. This Hu Ying suddenly turned his face and said that if he cut people, he would cut people.

Is this 9th layer building a black shop? ?

is it possible that you have to directly snatch your Xuanyuan Sword and ask Heavenly Furnace! ?

Staring at Hu Ying, Chu Yan’s expression was cold, and Clear Sky Sword trembling in his hand.

“Hmph! Chu Yan, you still have a face to ask !? No wonder your Dao Foundation was destroyed and recovered so quickly! It turned out to be because of this, but today, no matter what, you have to die!”

In a word, Hu Ying’s hand seal also condensed again, raised his hand to shoot, smashed the void in front of him, extended his hand into it, and pulled out a Ghost Headed Great Saber directly.


The sword was held high, Heavenly Venerate 1st Layer cultivation base poured out, the blade light on thunder and lightning 4 overflowed, fiercely moved towards Chu Yan.

This blade, Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivation base plus Thunder Element increase, formidable power is strong enough to destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

Chu Yan didn’t expect at all, this Hu Ying would go all out, and it was still inside the 9th layer building.

What a hatred, what a grudge! ?

You must kill yourself completely regardless of it! ?

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