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Chapter 3137


Faced with the Divine King hunt, the Transmission Array in front is the only way to fight.

Chu Yan, who had made up his mind, was soaring, Roaming Dragon was at its best, and the Vault of Heaven was cut with a sword, breaking the road and rushing to the Transmission Array.


Three Divine King coldly shouted, a wave of tidal waves came out of the wave, Heaven and Earth turned into nothingness.

Various wind and fire thunder and lightning powerful forces, during the tyranny, just like natural disasters.

Chu Yan Waisan Divine Consciousness was disturbed by this force, and could not help but freeze all over the body. He could only lift the Xuanhuang token and prepare to exert Venerable Lord’s will.

However, at this moment, mutation suddenly took place!

The tide of the Divine King’s power flowed to Chu Yan’s 3 steps, but they all stopped together, as if blocked by some force, they could no longer move forward.

“What happened !?”

Between Heaven and Earth a long Green Ancient sounded.

Supreme pressure is like the curtain of Heaven and Earth, falling from the endless sky, the invisible pressure fills the void, and even the aura of 3 Deity King is completely suppressed.

“9 Domain Supreme !?”

The monks present only felt the pressure and found out instantly that this is the Peak powerhouse in the Supreme environment powerhouse, and the 9th domain Supreme has arrived!

“Pay respects to, Tianying Supreme Sir!”

Those Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse shot against Chu Yan, including three Divine King, turned around and saluted against the void archer.

The next moment, an old man wearing a fire robe, stepped in from the sky, and swept the audience like thunder.

In the end, the eyes fell on Chu Yan and Mo Wu Di Zun in front of the Transmission Array.

Only the Earth Venerable Realm cultivation base’s Mo Wu Di Zun, but without Chu Yan’s strength, was glared by the 9-area Supreme, and his body suddenly shivered and sweated like rain.

He is different from Chu Yan. This is the first time he has seen 9 Domain Supreme. He has no resistance to this coercion.

After all, he only has Earth Venerable Realm cultivation base. Normally, even if he saw Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse, he can only be respected.

However, now he and Chu Yan are targeted by the 9th layer building and can only be calmed down by force.

Chu Yan holds a Venerable Lord token and looks like water.

If it was Divine King before, then he can still make a fight, but now, Supreme of 9 Domain is coming in person, there is no chance.

“Xuantian, are you going to kill me !?”

Chu Yan was speechless and thought of the cause of the event, all because of the pattern of the Empress Xuan Tian, ​​so he was depressed.

Hu Ying’s sudden turning of the face was definitely not because he was Chu Yan.

After all, the 9th layer floor is lame and will not participate in the conflict between himself and the 2 1 Dao Lineage.

And when they first came, both Shen Quan and Hu Ying knew their identities.

Therefore, Hu Ying’s sudden turning of the face was definitely due to the pattern of Emperor Xuantian.

This makes Chu Yan extremely surprised.

Logically speaking, Emperor Xuantian never harmed herself, why this time …

Therefore, even if he was forced to the desperate situation just now, Chu Yan also insisted on not using the Venerable Lord token and always sticking to the last line.

If it is replaced by a 2 1 Dao Lineage chase, the Venerable Lord token has long gone away.

Well now, Supreme is here, still a 9-domain Supreme, this is a complete desperate situation.

In the eyes of everyone, Supreme 9 fell to the side of 3 Divine King, looked towards 9th layer, everyone, eyebrows slightly frowned, said

“Speak! I want to know what happened!”

Hearing this sentence, all the gangsters in the 9th layer building looked towards Hu Ying.

After all, they just came to fight, not knowing what happened.

“Yue Tianying Sir, this Chu Yan is …”

Divine Consciousness sound transmission was exhibited, and the things that were in the 9th peak trading hall were originally told to the big brothers in the 9th layer building.

There is no concealment and exaggeration. After all, Hu Ying is only a Heavenly Venerable Realm Deacon, and he dare not lie to Divine King and Supreme.

“What !? That pattern !?”

Three Divine King heard that in the end, it was all complexion changed.

Next breath, 9 pairs of eyes upstairs on the 100th layer, simultaneously shua shua looked towards Chu Yan and Mo Wu Di Zun, all with a killing intent.

The sight of this huge killing intent struck Chu Yan 2 suddenly, and his whole body was suddenly cold.

What’s the matter! ?

Mo Wu Di Zun and Chu Yan were all stunned.

I originally thought that only Hu Ying was sick, but didn’t expect that these big brothers in the 9th layer building were all sick.

Did you snatch your treasure house, or plan your family ancestral grave! ?

Haven’t offended you at all, 9th layer floor, OK? ?

Why now, it’s all a face to kill! ?

“Tianying Sir, one of the highest orders in the 9th layer building, in this pattern, immediately kill! So I shot, but unfortunately this Chu Yan is the last World’s First, and he was so strong that he let him escape here!”

Hu Yinggong said to Tianying Supreme.

Now, he is the one who found this pattern, even if he didn’t succeed in killing, but the credit is not small.

What this said is secretly inviting merits.

“This one….”

Tianying Supreme’s face has become black.

I already knew this was the case, just close yourself and just run out! ?

Well now, get stuck!

“Tianying Sir, we can do it …” Three Divine King arched.

Not waiting for the three Divine King to finish a sentence, Tianying Supreme hurriedly stopped.

“I will deal with this matter!”

In a word, Tianying Supreme turned to look towards Chu Yan Road

“Chu Yan, right ?? If you don’t want to die, follow me! And you …”

Turning his head and looking at Hu Ying, Tianying Supreme turned around and left.

“Everyone is back in place, continue!”

With a wave of hand, everyone in the 9th layer floor was dispelled, turned into a streamer, and disappeared into a great hall deep in the peak of the 9th layer.

“What !? It’s over !?”

The three Divine King and the experts on the 3th layer floor were all stunned.

They simply don’t understand, what is Tianying Supreme doing? ?

Should n’t you just kill it by pressing the command? ?

“Everyone is gone! Everyone, everyone! Resume normal trading!”

After all, the three Divine Kings are big brothers, and since they have ordered it, they can only execute it.

Supreme and the 3 gods Royal Capital ordered that the 9th layer building tycoons who were present, even if they didn’t understand, could only go back 4 times.

Chu Yan and Mo Wu Di Zun standing in front of the Transmission Array, under the glaring of three Divine Kings, could only chase towards Tianying Supreme.

Transmission Array has been controlled by them, and even if they want to go now, they ca n’t.

The point is, looking at Tianying Supreme, there seems to be a turnaround.

Moreover, Chu Yan has also been suspicious that Emperor Xuantian impossible harmed herself, intending to look at the subsequent development.

“Damn, this kid is not dead !?”

“What’s the matter !? He mixes there !? Ten 2 Dao Lineage’s !?”

“This child’s identity is not simple, send someone to check!”


See the busy cultivators below, watching Chu Yan 2 fly through the sky and startled together.

In the 9th layer building, there is trouble, and you can still live. This is probably the first in 100 years.

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