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Chapter 3139

After the things were in hand, Chu Yan and Mo Wu Di Zun left.

Although the danger has been lifted, the 9th layer building has after all killed himself, although it is because of the pattern of Emperor Xuantian.

But here, it is not easy to stay for a long time.

After Chu Yan 2 left, Hu Ying was still there and turned his head looking ignorant towards Tianying Supreme.

“Big … Sir, this …”

He asked, let ’s just let Chu Yan go! ?

But dare not ask ah!

“I know what you are going to say!” Tianying Supreme stared at Chu Yan’s disappearing direction, his face full of iron.

Released, but also paid a huge price.

“Please be foolish!” Hu Ying really wanted to know.

The most important thing is that, as a result, your own rewards are probably going to collapse.

“There are some things that you don’t know, or have heard of! One thing that happened after this figure issued a kill order downstairs on the 9th layer!”

Tianying Supreme murmured, his tone sad.

“Yes, I heard that someone broke into Chaos Divine Realm!”

After all, the 9th layer building is a Chamber of Commerce force. These Deacons pay more attention to some big and small things that happen at various times.

“Yes! After the order is given, it cannot be recovered! Otherwise, the person who broke into the Divine Realm of Chaos will come …”

“What! Come … come to the 9th layer floor !?” Hu Ying’s face was astonished.

The man used Heavenly Venerate to break into the chaotic Divine Realm, turning Heaven and Earth turning upside down the entire Divine Realm.

And now, she is already World’s First Supreme!

If this happens again in the 9th layer building, then the consequences …

Hu Ying thought of it, and suddenly his scalp was numb all over his body.

“So, a few cents of spirit medicine, only two Heavenly Paradise, compared to the price is already very small!”

Tianying Supreme looked at Hu Ying and hooked the head.

“The forces that were destroyed in the Divine Realm of Chaos, it is estimated that they still don’t understand how a Heavenly Venerate killed them!”

“Martial Dao World, the vast Vault of Heaven, the ordinary Martial Artist in this world occupies 90% 9, but the remaining cultivators who are less than 5% are really Heavenly Dao people, which is by no means imaginable! “

“Remember, she passed this picture to Chu Yan, just asking for some resources, which is equivalent to resolving the grudges of the year with my 9th layer floor!”

“If she kept this picture, it would be like a sword hanging from the top of my 9th layer! Now, this sword is finally put away!”

“So, it is our 9th layer floor that really takes advantage! Do you understand !?”

Tian Ying Supreme’s remarks, Hu Ying said suddenly, his face full of fear.

It turned out that the kid had something to do with her!

Then I still had a dead hand! ? Don’t kill yourself! ?


After Chu Yan left, they went directly to Transmission Array and returned to 2th layer Loushanmen Square.

When preparing to find the Transmission Array to Sky Sacred Domain, Shen Quan came.

Regarding the previous thing in the 9th layer peak, the 9th layer downstairs was given a password, so except at the 9th layer peak, not at all spread in the 9th layer building.

Shen Quan’s duty was to warmly welcome Chu Yan and take it to the Transmission Array leading to the Sacred Domain.

Regarding Tian Sacred Domain, Shen Quan knew a lot of things and told Chu Yan carefully.

In a chaotic place like Sacred Domain, Chamber of Commerce forces such as the 9th layer building have become the dominant forces.

And the areas dominated by Chamber of Commerce forces will create a situation in which money is 10000.

As long as there is money, anything can be done.

Cultivators, their own strength is important, but Spirit Treasure resources are equally important.

Most cultivators have been looking for various opportunities and Spirit Treasure to break through bottleneck for almost their entire lives.

Because most of the practitioners are in the bottleneck period, it is difficult to break through.

At this time, the importance of Chamber of Commerce forces is self-evident.

After hundred breaths, Chu Yan and Mo Wu Di Zun appeared through the Transmission Array in the Holy Heaven.

The intensity of the spiritual breath here is similar to that of Shenhai Realm.

However, these spiritual rests are extremely complex, and if the cultivation base realm is low, they are easily affected by these spiritual rests, and serious cultivation deviations are not necessarily the same.

“No wonder there are no forces here, it is too difficult to cultivate here!”

Chu Yan shook the head, looked towards all around.

The location where the 2 people stood is an extremely huge ancient city, but most of the urban area is dilapidated and has a sense of desolation.

Obviously, here are not at all how many cultivators and forces have stayed here for a long time.


Chu Yan didn’t hesitate, his figure rose to the sky.

With the Immortal Medicine information provided by the 9th layer building, the map and so on are complete, and Chu Yan ’s route and goals are extremely clear.

2 people flying at high altitude, from time to time were rushed by various spirits and turbulent auras appeared suddenly.

This makes 2 people very careful, on the one hand to hide their aura, but also control the flight speed.

The two of them flew all the way and were extremely surprised.

On the ground below, there are battlefield ruins everywhere, and there is no good place in the whole land.

Moreover, there were constant outbreaks of fighting in the places below, and the sound of rumble continued.

Some cultivation bases are only God Realm, Earth God Realm, higher Earth Venerable Realm, and Heavenly Venerable Realm, which are very confusing.

In the end, even a few Divine Kings were found fighting in the high altitude, and the void was constantly broken, and the turbulence was more serious.

The reason for so many battles is extremely simple.

As long as it is the place where fighting takes place, there must be heavenly materials earthly treasures, antiquity ruins, etc. all around.

These things may have to be found in other Divine Realm, but in this holy heaven, it seems to be everywhere.

More is more, but no matter how many resources and heavenly materials earthly treasures, no one will dismiss them.

Therefore, any cultivator who comes here wants to occupy as much resources as possible.

In this case, the occurrence of fighting is almost inevitable.

“According to the information on the 9th layer floor, there are no fewer than 300 Antiquity battlefields in this holy heaven, and there are dozens of ancient ruins, but nothing happened, maybe more!

“I don’t know if Green Lotus has any effect on this place !?”

Chu Yan continued to move forward while pondering.

The flight time lasted 3 days.

Chu Yan, 2 people, finally arrived outside of St. Tian City.

Saint Tian City is different from other archaic ruins. This is an archaic ruin that was discovered a long time ago and is almost one of the symbols of the Saint Saint heaven.

A large number of cultivators poured into it, looking for ruins that had been rummed through countless times, hoping for new discoveries.

However, with the ebbing of time, the number of cultivators who come to St. Tian City is also decreasing.

Standing in front of the holy sky city gate, Chu Yan saw all around and was actually established a dozen Transmission Passage.

These are some of the previous powerhouses, specially created for the convenience of access.

After a long time, it was abandoned here. After being immortal strength infused by other monks, it can still be used continuously.

Chu Yan glanced at it and randomly selected a Transmission Array to go directly into it.

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