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Chapter 3141

Hei Yao Mozun and the young man were there for a while, staring at Chu Yan.

“You … how could it be here !?”

Regardless of whether it’s the Black Yao Mozun or the young man, obviously didn’t expect to meet Chu Yan here.

And that young man has a profound influence on Chu Yan, just like that before … Lang Yi!

In this battle of respect, Chu Yan’s eye-opening vision is definitely a wonderful flower among the genius.

The ability of that kind of map cannon, in terms of cultivation base, is definitely far superior to all powerhouses of the same level.

“Ha ha ha, fate ah!” Hei Yao Mo Zun smiled strangely.

Chu Yan looked at the two people and wondered, “How did you get together !? Know?”

He was released from Forbidden Land, the Old Demon 1000 years ago, impossible was previously known.

Therefore, it is only possible to know later, that time after Chu Yan and Hei Yao Mozun separated.

“Well, it’s interesting to say that it’s a windy day … My day!”

Hei Yao Mozun’s face smiled, just spoke a few words, suddenly the complexion changed, and turned and ran.

“Chu Yan, Sir, I won’t care about you today. I’ll see you again …”

Lang Yi seemed to have a tacit understanding, and at the moment when Hei Yao Mozun turned around, he lifted his feet and walked away.

The two of them loved and hated Chu Yan, and they suddenly remembered bad luck when they met each other.

Anyway, I can’t beat it, and I might be alive if I run.

Otherwise, with Chu Yan’s ability to cause trouble, the chance of survival is too low.

“Want to run !?” Chu Yan smiled.

Raising his hand a bit, 2 sword fingers shot out, with a striking bright mane, instantly splitting the void, breaking the ground in front of them, breaking a large groove.

Chu Yan will not know what these two people are! ?

If it ’s not that there is something good in this holy heaven, they appear here at the same time.

When I see myself, I run away, definitely not because of anything else, I am afraid I want to hide something.

It happened that they were not familiar with the situation of the Holy Heaven, and impossible let them go.

“Chu Yan, are you crazy !?”

Hei Yao Mozun looked at the deep ditch in front of him, his face twitching.

If this was cut on them just now, they might peel off without fear of death. This kid is too dark.

The point is, it is obvious that Chu Yan’s strength has improved a lot compared to before.

This girl is abnormal!

“Am I crazy !? Why don’t I know !?” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“You …” Black Yao Mo Zun wanted to vomit blood.

In Supreme Cave Mansion, I finally caught the water of Dianqingyu Lake and was swallowed clean by Qilin.

Anyway, the next time I went to Supreme Cave Mansion with Chu Yan, I didn’t get much benefit.

However, this blame Chu Yan completely, it seems impossible to say.

Boom … Rumble!

At this moment, an amazing rumbling sound came from deep in the forest, a path of fairy sound.

Correspondingly, there is a strong magic sound that shakes Heaven and Earth and fights against it.

The towering ancient trees all around, under the collision of these two raucous sounds, were constantly shaken and the branches fluttered.

The experts of the 3-wave Ancient Race who are fighting in the distance suddenly have deep frowns, complexion greatly changed, and the twisted expressions are all painful.

In addition to Chu Yan, the black Yao Mozun groaned, madly urged the magic breath, resisting these two kinds of gang sounds.

Mo Wu Di Zun and Lang Yi, also released immortal strength, strong mind.

Among these two voices, there is obviously a strong willpower.

If you are below the powerhouse, you must be devastated on the spot Divine Soul.

That was seriously injured!

Martial Artists all know that physical trauma is easy to recover, but Divine Soul is extremely difficult to recover from.

“Are you breakthrough!”

Chu Yan turned to look towards Lang Yi, with a stunned expression on his face

At the time, Langyi was also one of the geniuses who were included in the 9-field star map. At that time, he was not honored by not at all.

Missing the opportunity of Immortal Ancient Battlefield, it would be ten times more difficult to honor.

“Hmph! Little lowly me, what is the realm, the garbage you want can be recast into the Dao Foundation, I am the Son of Heaven, and I am a good man!”

When Lang Yi heard Chu Yan’s words, he was very proud.

“What about the face !? I mean, the face is gone !? I almost died in the taboo hole, and was disqualified by Immortal Ascension Sect …”

Black Yao Mozun didn’t hesitate to breathe, and took it straight on the spot.

“Damned old man! You …”

Lang Yi was so angry that his face was green, glaring at Black Demon Venerable, and both nostrils were jetting.

“Fuck, this is troublesome! Fairy demon showdown, Heaven and Earth backlash, those guys are going to succeed!”

disinclined to pay attention to Langyi’s black Yao Mozun, turned his head to look at the horizon, his face full of regret.

“What are you talking about?” Chu Yan asked.

“Hehe, you didn’t know when you first came here, there is one …”

Hei Yao Mo Zun laughed, just about to be proud, but suddenly reacted, staring at Chu Yan

“If you want to pit me, I won’t tell you!”

With a light smile, Chu Yan didn’t care about “There should be something good !? Someone snatched it, you can’t do it, so you just watch it here, right?”

At the exit of this sentence, Hei Yao Mozun and Lang Yi looked at each other, and they all looked black.

Do you want to make it so clear! ?

Do you want to have fun together! ?

“Join together?” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“Bah! Bah! You’re killing me with a sword!” When Heo Yao Mozun heard this, he jumped up like a cat stepped on its tail.

Without any hesitation or hesitation, he ran away again.

This Chu Yan, although recasting the Dao Foundation, is stronger again, but what does this have to do with him! ?

With Chu Yan, this time it was not my bad luck! ?

Moreover, every time this kid is in trouble, he is either chased by a group of gangsters or chopped by Supreme …

What are you doing?

It’s no good, but it’s still life. Who will do such a thing! ?

Black Demon Venerable who has suffered a few losses and will not be killed, absolutely!

This is a natural disaster, absolutely!

Those outside are still correcting his name, saying that he is simply not a natural disaster, rely on, let him try …

As long as it is within 30 feet of this product, this Devil Venerable with no bad luck can stand on its feet and urinate.

“I have the Venerable Lord token!” Chu Yan looked indifferent, looking at the background of Black Yao Mozun.

In the next breath, Hei Yao Mozun’s feet stuck to the ground and could not be pulled.

“Mysterious … Hard Venerable Lord !?” Black Yao Mozun turned around and asked.

“Of course! You know!” Chu Yan said with a smile.

Understand fart! but….

“Xuanhuang Venerable Lord, but Supreme Peak exists, his Supreme will is enough to sweep more than 90% of Supreme! If you add this boy’s strength, plus our words …”

The more Hei Yao Mozun pondered, the brighter his eyes became, and when he looked towards Chu Yan, he found that this kid had more eyes.

“Okay! Join forces!” Langyi quickly answered. “True body will give you this garbage a chance.”

“That’s not good !? You are not afraid …” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“What are you afraid of? How did this Devil Venerable exist at that time! There are things that this Devil Venerable is afraid of on this earth and the earth !?”

“That is, after the Immortal Sovereign is honored, I am going to sweep all directions and dominate Divine Realm, I will be scared !?”

2 people are all indignant, and Chu Yan was shocked.

These 2 goods are really all the way!

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