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Chapter 3148

Chu Yan turned around and looked towards all around other Ancient Race practitioners.

“Everyone, please give me a look at Ba’an Saian. I will fight with this Chu Yan life and death. Please Fellow Daoist, don’t interfere. Anything will wait for the battle between me and him to end, OK?”

Saian naturally understood the meaning of Chu Yan, and bowed his hand to the Ancient Race clansman all around.


“no problem!”

“Do not worry!”

Although the Ancient Race on the scene came from three Ancient Race forces, but the core disciple of the tribe like Saian, they are all known and will naturally give face.

Did n’t you see that Royal Capital did not say anything! ?

They are even less qualified to say anything.

At this point, it seemed that all the problems were solved. Saian raised his hand directly and smiled to Chu Yan with a please gesture.

But Chu Yan stood there, but still didn’t mean to move.

This Saian, not simple!

First invited with bait, and then convinced several Divine King and all clansman, now there is no reason to refuse.

He seems to be determined to get his Xuanyuan Sword!

Moreover, the method used can be described as courageous, and is the master of the major event.

“Hei Yao, Heavenly Might vows in such a heavenly blessed land, is it useful !?” Chu Yan Divine Consciousness sound transmission said.

Chu Yan remembered that when he first met Hei Yaozun, in the Ancient Battlefield, he also seemed to have issued the Heavenly Might vow, and then … ran away.

Hei Yao Mozun looked towards Chu Yan, his face was red and black, and he quickly covered his face with a smile

“Oh, that, hehe, in fact, not everyone has the power of true body! This Heavenly Might vowed to be isolated in this immortal blessed land, and the binding force was a little, but with the strength of this kid I think it takes at least 2 hours to ignore it! “

This sentence landed, Chu Yan turned his head suddenly, fiercely glared at the black Yao Mozun.

You knew the feelings from the beginning, so I took the vow of Heavenly Might as a guise! ?

“Okay! Since that’s the case, let’s fight!” Chu Yan looked up and looked towards Sai’an.

“Ha ha ha, happy! Please!” Saiyan waited for Chu Yan’s words, laughing suddenly, his eyes glowing.


“Uh … but still !?”

The smile on Saian’s face instantly solidified, and he looked at Chu Yan nervously.

Do n’t, it ’s a pity that the duck in the mouth flies directly.

“Since it is a life and death battle, it is natural to talk about a fair battle. My cultivation base strength, Earth Venerable Realm Peak, Dao Foundation has just been recast!”

“Fair! Of course be fair. My cultivation base is … ah !? What! Your Dao Foundation is restored !?”

Xian, who hadn’t responded before, almost jumped at the next breath.

“Restored … Dao Foundation !?”

Not only Sai An, several Divine Kings not far away, but also the Ancient Race cultivators present, all were stunned.

For a full 3 breaths, all of the people present were shocked and couldn’t react at all.

Is it so easy to recast the Dao Foundation! ?

World’s First Venerable Battle, it seems that a few months have passed! ?

In a few months, the Dao Foundation was recast! ?

Among those present, including those of Divine King, who can do it! ?

The answer to this question is obvious. Someone can do it, not to mention Divine King. It is not always possible to find a Supreme.

“Sure enough it’s rubbish! It’s scared to urinate pants! What a hegemon, what a hell, call the rubbish!

The slogan standing beside Chu Yan couldn’t hold back, and finally found an opportunity.

However, this opening suddenly allowed Hei Yao to respect several people, all of which were corner of mouth twitching.

Owe ah!

Why owe it so much! ?

You can’t stare at it for a while, this opening offends the entire Ba tribe.

However, what makes Hei Yao Mozun unbelievable is that none of the Ancient Race people who were stunned by Lang Yi even blasted!

In the next moment, Hei Yao Mo Zun started, followed everyone’s eyes, looked towards Chu Yan.

I saw Chu Yan at this time, standing there like a green pine, a towering peak, and a sea, so that people could not see the origin at all.


Chu Yan now is not the Dao Foundation that was destroyed before, and the futureless genius, but … peerless genius!

Looking at the entire Divine Realm, the number of peerless genius is like phoenix scales.

The most important thing is to deal with peerless genius, the consequences …

After all, Saian is the core genius of the Ba people. This game is a Life and Death Battle when he is young, and he is also the face of the Ba people when he is bigger.

He was impossible to know. At the time, Chu Yan had swept through the 100 geniuses who were present at the World’s First Battle.

And himself, at most, is the stronger kind of genius.

At the beginning, when the forces brought back the news that the Chu Yan Dao Foundation was destroyed, there was once a person 9 Domain Supreme said

“This Chu Yan, if the Dao Foundation is restored, within 100 years, it must be the next Xuantian!”

Xuantian ah!

Emperor Xuantian, why did that exist! ?

Just after breakthrough reached Supreme, I swept the entire Divine Realm, and the Supreme folded in her hand has reached the number of palms.

She still just broke through the Supreme. If you continue to scan like this, I’m afraid it won’t take long before she can win the Supreme 9 domain.

When the time comes, there are a few people in this Divine Realm who are her opponents! ?

invincible exists!

And now, this Chu Yan in front of me seems to be an invincible existence!

There was a trace of confusion in Saian’s eyes.

What was originally planned, and everything under control, is now such a big accident.

This is like watching a tiger mighty, jump up, and then it becomes if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off.

Peerless genius, is he his opponent? ?

“Fellow Daoist An, if it’s not right, just leave it alone!” Chu Yan said.

Martial Artist cultivation is based on war.

life and death Battle, since it has not started, even if it is canceled, it is normal.

If you and these Ancient Race people do not at all hate, you will naturally not hold on to each other.


Saian was dumbfounded, brows tightly knit.

Fight or not! ?

Is there a little chance! ?

As the core genius of the Ba people, can you withdraw from this! ?

A few flashes of light flashed across his mind, in a flash, he made a decision.

“This is a bad word. Since I started the fight, I will not let it go! Even if you restore the Dao Foundation, your victory or defeat will be unknown!”

He, the core genius of the Ba people, will never retreat!

Although Geish genius and peerless genius, although it is only a kind of identity gap, it is only one step away.

Moreover, just like the Martial Dao rules understood by Chu Yan, Xian knows that if you want breakthrough, you want to improve, resources and opportunities are one thing, but sometimes, a real opponent, a battle against life and death, but Is more important.

Otherwise, why go up to the 9th Supreme and down to the ordinary cultivator, why are there 4 fights! ?

“and many more!”

At this moment, Divine King suddenly shouted.

The eyes of everyone in the audience turned their heads together.

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