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Chapter 3150

Five Ancient Race genius shot, immediately shocked the audience.

The powerful 5 gangs passed, releasing the immaculate Immortal Intent, fuse everything together, and continue strikes away.

Those who are all around, there are many Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouses, all with a look of surprise.

You should know that it is extremely normal to destroy a void in the genius level, but to crush all around the void, the pure power of Heaven and Earth wrapped in it, and integrate it into your own attack.

With this method, that’s not what a genius can do.


The dragon roar trembles and shakes, and the powerful Dragon Weishi unfolds and instantly suppresses the imposing manner of 5 people.

The next moment, the giant dragon takes off, the dragon’s claws are like a gang, and fiercely grabs it, and directly catches 2 attacks into gang powder, and the dragon’s tail pulls back and then destroys a.

The dragon’s head breathed out the dragon’s breath, and the sword glow was like thunder, which also crushed Saian’s tyrant power.

Under these battles, it was clear that Chu Yan was at the top.

“Respect World’s First!”

Among the crowd watching, countless eyes looked towards Chu Yan, all with a look of shock.

Thinking of this name in my heart, all of them are look of shock.

This … is the prestige of World’s First!

“En! A trifling Chu Yan, after the Dao Foundation is restored, it is eligible to support 3 moves under my hands!” Langyi stood next to Hei Yao Mozun with a proud face opened the mouth and said.

This sentence landed, and suddenly exchanged a blank eye and speechless.

Including Hei Yao Mozun, he is also full of black, and he moved a few steps to the side, I don’t know the expression on this face.

This guy, the map cannon is also divided into enemies, okay, and everyone is bang! ?

Lang Yi turned his head and saw that within ten steps of himself, no one was there. Hei Yao Mozun and Mo Wu Dizun all ran away, and he embarrassed himself instantly.

To be honest, I really owe this mouth, but I can’t control it, or I won’t be driven out of Sect.

At this time, the battle on the sky became more and more intense.

After losing one of Sai’an’s five moves, not only did he not be weak, but he became even more courageous.

One trick Immortal Technique unique skill, constantly strikes out, the attack is more stable and powerful.

Before, they did not despise Chu Yan’s heart. Now that they have played against each other, Chu Yan really has an enemy of 5 and still has the upper hand, naturally making them more cautious.

Ancient Race genius is much stronger than that of the same level, and the brutality of the battle is more dangerous.

Can become a core disciple in Ancient Race, the least experienced life and death is the genius of the ordinary Sect forces of Divine Realm, many times more.

However, in front of this Chu Yan, in the eyes of five Ancient Race genius, it is more and more terrifying.

The pair of flashing technique of flashing 5 different colors can almost penetrate all their attack routes. The fairy sword in his hand is unstoppable and unstoppable.

As a result, the 5 people were at a disadvantage regardless of whether they were attacking or defending.

“No way! Fellow Daoist, we must find a way!”

Donghe flashed away from a sword light, Divine Consciousness sound transmission said to the other four people.

“How !?” Saian and the others asked knowingly, quickly.

“We must be like this …”

After some agreement, the five people were nodded replied “Just do it!”

In the next breath, Saian shot first, and the flames on his body changed into a large black light rushing out. Wherever he passed, Heaven and Earth instantly became a dark World.

Countless stars flicker, from weak to dark, from dark to brighter, getting brighter and bigger and bigger, turning into countless meteors, moved towards the bottom falling down.

Chu Yan raised his head and saw Clear Sky Sword flying in his hand, cutting out the Sword Intent storm, sweeping past, all falling meteors shattered.

This ranged attack has weak formidable power and is useless to Chu Yan, but it can limit him to an area.

“Sky mortal mortal weeping, dead end has no sun, this path changes, everything falls into a spring!”

As a disciplinary of Pfazong, Donghe is only one step away from the realm of Taoism, and the magic power of the Taoist spell he performed is amazing.

An incomparable gigantic figure of eight hexagrams rises from him, and a lot of light is like the bright sun, making it impossible to look directly at.

Such a powerful Taoist power, if it is a weak first-level cultivator, I am afraid that the Dao Foundation will be shaken directly and lose the power to fight again in an instant.

This unique skill that attacks Divine Soul, in the martial skill, is the strongest existence.

Some weaker cultivators may even be directly destroyed like the one before Chu Yan, after the Dao Foundation was shaken.

Without the Dao Foundation, there is no possibility of advancing into the Jin realm.

But now, this move can be almost ignored by Chu Yan, especially after he recasts the Dao Foundation.

Even the Divine King of their Franco-Pazong personally performed it, and it had little effect on Chu Yan.


Chu Yan’s sword is straight, and the sword light is like thunderbolt.

Boom … rumbling!

The sword surged, swept through the sky, and the huge dao chart was cut into two and a half, and it shattered instantly.


A mouth of Donghe Trail, a big mouth of blood mist, spouted and fell.

“Arrange! 100 ancient and 1000 back to Saint Race Great Array!”

Just as the East River fell downwards, Sai’an 4 people roared together, flipping the hand seal at the same time, 4 people’s brow position Spirit Seal flashed, and all kinds of auras were all connected together, crazy Fusion.


The ground is shaking, the sky is shaking, the whole World is shaking.

In the Saint Tian City not far away, a large area of ​​immortal light rises up, and countless immortal strength is like the 10000 river returning to the sea, moved towards the center of the Great Array under the cloth of 4 people.

In an instant, 4 incomparably tall illusory shadows appeared in the illusory shadow, standing behind 4 people, with a vicious face and a roaring heaven shaking earth shattering.

“4 kills!”

Drink out in one word, Saian waved his hand, 4 silhouette simultaneously move, moved towards Chu Yan.

This Great Array can only be arranged by the people of Ancient Race. The more people, the greater the formable power.

Of course, it also has a great relationship with the strength of the people who form the array. Like the 4 Killing Formation distributed by these 4 Ancient Race genius, it is equivalent to the formidable power exerted by dozens of fellow practitioners of the same rank.

The key is that the 4 Killing God they summon does not require them to manipulate, and together with them, it is equivalent to forming a battle strength of 8 people.


Fanxu God 5 looked at this scene, slightly nodded, with a smile on his face.

This Saint Race formation is the housekeeping skill of their Ancient Race, which has always been invincible, crushing the existence of the same order.

And this power is also the advantage of Ancient Race can be stronger than ordinary Sect forces.

Now there are 5 geniuses, cited by one person is, and 4 people are in formation. It is so brave and ambitious to bring this Saint Race formation to the extreme.

With this, against a trifling Chu Yan, what difficulty is there degrees! ?


In the sky, Chu Yan’s eyes were as cold as flames, and the Clear Sky Sword trembles in his hand, and he flew out of his hand instantly, like the outbreak of Ominous Beast, moved towards one of the 4 Killing Gods.

Boom … bang bang bang!

The violent and explosive gas explosion sound resounded through the whole Heaven and Earth.

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