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Chapter 3161

For the Vatican King Divine King, and all around Divine King’s gaze, the King of Immortal God ignored it and ignored it.

However, the more this is, the more the other Divine King is afraid to move.

After all, You Immortal God has a solemn expression and expression on his face, which makes them a little flustered.

After all, Ancient Race Divine King knows more than ordinary Divine King.

Does she know these Spirit Marks! ?

What is so strange about these Spirit Marks! ?

“Do you really want to go in !?” You Immortal God turned around and looked towards all the Divine King in front of him.

“From the Spirit Mark on this door, this round gate leads to a peerless killing ground!”

As soon as the words came out, the faces of Divine King and the practitioners all changed.

“Peerless kill the ground !? What do you mean !?”

Fanxu Divine King asked quickly.

“Tiandu Soul Funeral! Have you heard of it?”

You Immortal God King complexion slightly changed, slightly pondered, and asked.

At the end of this sentence, the Divine King who was present shuddered in unison, all his face pale.

On the other side, the core place!

“Fuck, these forbidden killing of Spirit Mark, won’t touch it !?”

Lang Yi’s face was gray, looking at the movement of all around, his voice was a little tight.

You know, his cultivation base is just human respect. In this kind of place, if you come to order any bans, he is definitely the first to die.

“You are courting death ah! Shut up!”

Hei Yao Mo Zun heard the words of Lang Yi, then instantly fired and shouted loudly.

However, he roared, but he felt the same in his heart.

The fool can see that the situation is very wrong now, and it is very likely that this is the case.

If it really touched the prohibition, it wasn’t one of them. They just scratched the ground. If the prohibition has a time difference, then the whole valley is going to break out now.

“Ready to escape!”

Hei Yao Mozun cheered himself up, staring nervously at all around.

After a few breaths, the strange situation in the valley slowly subsided.

I saw that after the Spirit Marks on the cliffs gathered together, not at all the powerful killing power poured out, and turned into a sloping ladder.

This ladder is fictitious and unreal. It is composed of all Spirit Mark lights, releasing a mysterious pole aura.

From the cliff of the valley, it leads directly to the clouds of the sky.

“What kind of stuff is this?” Lang Yi stared at Boss.

“No way !? Deng Xian Ti !? How could it be … appear here !?” Hei Yao Mozun opened his mouth wide, his face full of surprise.

“What !? Ascend the ladder !?”

Several people turned their heads towards Hei Yao Mozun, with doubts on their faces.

“Why is this ascent ladder! Cough cough… you are all young and have never heard of Antiquity!”

Seeing the eyes cast by several people, Hei Yao Mozun suddenly coughed a few times, his hands carried the look of an old Senior, and explained.

“This Divine Realm, it’s boundless, there are a lot of mysterious things pending, and some wonderful places no one has been to!”

“However, although such a place exists, not everyone can go! If you don’t do it, step out, it’s the realm of life and death!”

“So, in the Antiquity era, there was a peerless Supreme who used the Supreme Treasure of the world to refine a ladder, saying that it was specifically used to enter some wonderful life and death places!”

“This kind of ladder, although the refinement method has passed down, but the resources consumed are really scary!”

“Therefore, even the current 2 Dao Lineage, and those Ancient Race forces, are rarely refined!”

“A wonderful place, it’s a wonderful place, but sometimes it can be a white place! Nothing!”

After saying this, several people in Chu Yan were stunned.

“Putting it that way, there is a wonderful place above this valley !? So this ladder is here !?” Fan Chen asked.

“It should be …” Black Yao Mozun nodded, then shook his head.

“This ladder is here, it may be a wonderful place, or it may be a white place. Of course, the biggest thing is ….

Hei Yao Mozun looked at the ladder, and his voice became low.

“As I said just now, this ladder is very expensive. The previous owner put it here. After entering the wonderful place, so many years have passed, and this ladder is still here. What do you mean?”

“The previous owner was probably damaged inside, so the ladder was not taken away!”


All the people present changed their faces.

This is certainly true. After all, there is a core place in this fairy heavenly blessed land, and there is a heaven ladder that leads to a deeper place.

Since this ladder is placed in this valley, a lot of spirit medicine grows in the valley.

This shows that a long time has passed.

After all, whoever sees so much spirit medicine, even Supreme will charge it.

“You want to try it !?”

Hei Yao Mozun watched everyone’s eyes flashing, and immediately said with a smile.

When this sentence hit the ground, the four people of Chu Yan glanced at each other, and their eyes were shining.

Chu Yan 2 strain medicine is ready, the task has been achieved, without any burden, and now suddenly found that this ladder can lead to a wonderful place, naturally want to give it a try.

Other people face such a chance, that is not a try! ?

However, when everyone had not yet made up their minds, suddenly a cold aura in the valley spread out.

All the void seemed to be frozen in an instant and completely frozen.

Chu Yan, Fan Chen, Black Yao Mozun, and Mo Wu’s eyes, all turned around, looked towards a corner of the valley.

There is a peculiar Spirit Mark pattern flashing, emitting extremely fascinating rays of light.

A path of spiritual light rises from the pattern, as if the stars are lit.

Obviously, there is Spirit Mark to recover!

A sense of danger rises in the bottom of Chu Yan’s heart, instantly flooding his body, making him fall into the ice cellar.

“Hurry, go!”

……… ..

On the other side, the inner hall of the white jade palace.

“Sky Poison Soul Funeral!”

Burning God 5’s face was dignified and low, suck in a breath of cold air, and then looked up towards the round gate, just like watching Gate of Hell.

Now, even if he is killed, he will never step into this door.

“This round gate must be leading to the core. How could a” Sky Poison Soul Funeral “be here !? It doesn’t make sense ah!”

You Immortal God king graceful eyebrows tightly locked, continue to study her Spirit Mark.

“Excuse Sir, what a hell are the poisonous funerals that day !?”

Behind Divine King, a large group of cultivators all looked stunned, and some of them asked with their hands open.

Just ban!

There is no prohibition in that blessed land! ?

As for it! ? Frightened a group of Divine King to dare not move! ?

“This is a Great Array, composed of 31 prohibited fusions that cannot be dismantled or stopped! It is these Spirit Marks!”

You Immortal God turned around, glanced at the cultivator, and spoke softly to explain


The cultivators present all couldn’t understand it, and they still looked dazed.

“In simple terms, once this Spirit Mark is urged, the higher the cultivation base is, the stronger the attacked power is. When it is strongest, 9 Domain Supreme will die!”

This sentence fell to the ground, and the practitioners were all shocked and their faces were green.

9 Domain Supreme… mortal! ?

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