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For Yan Chen ’s words, Chu Yan and the others were all blinded and completely incomprehensible.

“7 Star Altar, each one is born of Heaven and Earth, mortal power can be created!”

“Once the shape emerges, the might will lead to the Taoist Supreme powerhouse!”

“And, according to the last record, this Star Mist Altar should be breakthrough to Daoqi … above level!”

This sentence landed, and the faces of all the people on the scene changed in unison.

Level above Taoism! ?

“Putting it that way, this altar is a Taoist Supreme Treasure !?”

Hei Yao Mo Zun was a little depressed, and asked.

“Hehe, yes!” Fan Chen smiled suddenly when he heard Hei Yao Mozun’s words.

It’s needless to say that he is a Taoist cultivator, and as long as he has the opportunity, he will refining him when he looks back.

“Go! Go in and see first!”

Chu Yan glanced at the two of them, and raised his foot to the Star Mist Altar.

The others quickly followed, and went to the altar together.

When a few people walked quickly, when they entered the hall on the first floor of the altar, they glanced at it, and the complexion changed.

I saw that the whole hall was full of scattered sundry treasures and so on.

The scene was as chaotic as it was swept away by some thief.

All kinds of Spirit Treasure, Magic Rune, Spirit Medicine, Spirit Armament, Scroll, Stone Statue Chaos are scattered around the ground, many of them are damaged.

And let everyone’s eyes shine together, is in the middle of the altar, above a blue stone platform, a black flower is placed, and a drop of liquid floats on the core of the flower.

It was this drop of liquid that released a rich magic breath, which was terrifying.

However, it seems to be suppressed by this altar, these terrible magic breath can not be within the scope of this hall.

If this is to be seen by other demonic path cultivators, it may cause a battle in the Divine Realm.

Chu Yan pupil technique and Divine Consciousness spread out together, after sweeping the black flower and liquid, eyebrows slightly frowned.


This magic breath liquid seems to have any conflict with the Taoist aura, not at all all around, but it has a feeling of mutual integration.

How can this be! ?

Since the Martial Dao, whether it is Divine Realm or Ten Directions Star Domain in the lower realm, it is true.

But this drop of liquid is obviously the demonic path!

Could it be said that this magic breath liquid is extremely powerful and has completely conquered this Star Mist Altar! ?

Although Chu Yan thought of this, Divine Soul shuddered, but knew that this was the only reasonable explanation.

“This … what am I … fake?”

Even if it was ordinary dust, seeing this scene, they began to doubt Dao Sheng!

“Ha ha ha, sure enough … I will say, this demonic path blessed land, how could there be no demonic path Supreme Treasure!”

Hei Yao Mozun, however, had bright eyes, and looked at the magic liquid, laughing wildly.

At this moment, his eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

Finally, is it finally restored! ?

At this moment, how long did he expect, 100 years, 1000 years! ?

As a demonic path Supreme, he is well aware of the terrifying existence above 9 Domain Supreme.

And this drop of liquid in front of me should be the kind of essence left by existence.

As long as it can be obtained, let’s not say that everything will be restored to him, and it may even allow him to surpass Peak in cultivation base.

“Look … over there!”

It was at this time that he had been watching the ghost of all around and suddenly shouted.

Chu Yan and the others subconsciously looked away.

I saw, in the hall far away, those stone statues moved!

6 stone statues, 3 people and 3 beasts, trembling together, stone chips falling, obviously to wake up.

“This is … Antiquity’s top ten Demon Beast King !?”

Fan Chen exclaimed, and immediately made everyone complexion changed.

“Good! Exactly, 5 of Antiquity Demon Beast, 7th eight-nine!”

When Hades said this, his face was low and his face was full of anger, then he said

“Who is !? How dare you make the Ten Kings like this and put it here !?”

As if his dignity had been blasphemy, Ominous Fiend Qi on Nether King surged as if he was out of control.

“This is refined !?”

Chu Yan, Hei Yao Mozun are all complexion changed, and they can’t believe it.

This is 4 Supreme, who has such power! ?

However, since such a marrow has appeared here, other things are much easier to understand.

“Don’t worry about the four, let’s take a look at the two first. Is it the Antiquity Fairy!” Ghost King’s gaze turned to the other side, and said.

“What !? Antiquity ancestor !?” Fan Chen and Hei Yao Mozun, shaking their bodies, rushed out at the same time, and came to the two humanoid stone statues.

“Antiquity Fairy !? Fairy !?” Chu Yan stunned.

In this world, there really exist fairy! ? impossible! ?

“En !? You don’t know the first Antiquity !?” Nether King looked towards Chu Yan in amazement, as if looking at a little doll.

“Antiquity fairy is the first bloodline race between Heaven and Earth in the legend! There are all races, people, beasts, demons, demon, etc.!”

“Actually speaking, all these Antiquity ancestors disappeared before the end of the Antiquity era. It sounds that some stone statues have been found in some places! All are the same, and this ghost looks like!”

“Don’t know who did it!”

Hearing the words of Nether King, Chu Yan suddenly puzzled, “But, what’s the use?”

“Who knows! It’s just a legend that these Antiquity ancestors have the power of creation, I don’t know if it’s true or false!”

“The power of creation !?” Chu Yan exclaimed.

“En! But I heard that it is necessary to collect all these stone statues!” Ghost King nodded, his eyes have been glancing back and forth on these stone statues.

Creation! ?

Chu Yan, the entire Divine Soul is shaking!

These ordinary stone figures have such a horrible effect! ?

“Whatever his legend is! Anyway, as long as you know a little bit, these things are all good things. When you see them, put them away. You can’t be wrong!”

Ghost King seemed to care about these legends, and when he said this, his eyes shone slightly.

After all, whether it is the previous valley spirit medicine, Daobao, or this drop of marrow, it makes little sense to him.

But these antiquity ancestor stone statues may be a great opportunity for him.

“Good! This aura is right! It was Antiquity’s ancestors. I recorded this kind of record in the Taoist sect!”

Fan Chen made several circles around the two stone statues, nodded said with great certainty.

“Well, it shouldn’t be wrong, just go … rely on!”

Before he could finish speaking in a word, Suddenly yelled.

“Why don’t quarrel, you can’t … yi !?”

Fan Chen was about to scold Black Yao Mo Zun, but his eyes flicked fiercely at a glance.

“This is … legendary heavenly monument ah! The picture above seems to be” Tianlu Picture “, this, this Taoist soldier should be the accompanying Taoist soldier who killed Heaven Supreme!”

Hei Yao Mozun was shocked by the newly discovered treasure, and was a little stuttering in shock.

“What !? Sky Record !? Then !? Wouldn’t it be the missing Founding Sect treasure of Flying Immortal Sect !?” Even Lang Yi rushed over with a look of shock.

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