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Chapter 3171

The treasure in this 7 Star altar is enough to excite the Chamber of Commerce forces Elder like Hu Ying and Duan Yilang, let alone the cultivators of the ordinary forces.

Therefore, when Liu Piaopiao made a request, they agreed without thinking.

On the 100 pairs of eyes simultaneously shua shua stared at Chu Yan several people, these people are ready, as long as Hu Ying and Saian they started, they immediately swarmed up.

However, Hu Ying and Saian, after walking a few steps, turned around and moved directly towards the green stone platform.


“What’s the matter !? Don’t do it !?”

“Mocking a fart, didn’t you know that Chu Yan defeated Xian and Paxiu with one enemy 5 before?”

“My grass, so powerful !?”

“I also heard that Chu Yan was on the 9th layer peak of the 9th layer building, which angered Tianying Supreme, but left without incident!”

“Fart is safe and sound, you know a yarn, when Chu Yan left, he also took away the treasure of value!”

“What !? Why is this !?”


Seeing that Hu Ying and Sai’an turned a blind eye to Chu Yan, Duan Yilang was a little embarrassed there.

“Forget it!”

Finally, Duan Yilang also cleared the teeth and walked towards the green stone platform. Like Saian and Hu Ying, he sat directly cross-legged on the green stone platform and released his aura to control the spirit.

In fact, Saian and Hu Ying are not so stupid!

impossible Because of one sentence, he directly killed and killed Chu Yan.

Not to mention Chu Yan’s strength and background, even if it is a victory or defeat, it doesn’t make any sense at all.

This essence is not something you can take, it depends on chance.

Therefore, instead of spending time fighting, it is better to adjust interest rates and use immortal strength to sense these treasures, which is more practical.

As for Divine King’s order, Hu Ying and Duan Yilang don’t care, whoever wants to fight himself is better.

Although Saian had to follow Divine King’s orders, he had played with Chu Yan and knew that he was not Chu Yan’s opponent at all.

So, as long as you can win the treasure here, when the time comes can be explained to Divine Kings.

The most important thing is that in this way, there is no mortal danger, how good! ?

“Hmph! Let’s go!”

But not everyone is the same as these, and completely ignored the orders of Divine King.

A group of cultivators stared at Chu Yan and rushed up with a murderous aura.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The war was on the verge, and the whole hall was full of waves.

The black Yao Mozun in front of the green stone platform looked at this scene, and suddenly the complexion changed, and the eyes opened would get up.

“You have a good feeling, and leave it to me here!”

Chu Yan a Divine Consciousness sound transmission, sounded in the mind of Hei Yao Demon Zun, followed by a sword from Vault of Heaven, slashing towards a cultivator preparing for a black attack.

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Black Yao Mozun sat down again and continued to feel.

“The kid is not bad! The pit is a little bit pitted, and it’s reliable at the crucial moment!”

Hei Yao Mo Zun secretly said in one’s heart, after turning back to take down the Essence, he will give him some benefits.

“Junior Brothers, you are not so good! How much do you want me to face !?”

Fanchen ran over and spoke to some practitioners of Pfazong.

“Bah! You’re so kind!”

A cultivator of Pfazong, looking at Fanchen, shouted directly.

“We are not you Junior Brother, you traitor!”

A recipe headed by Pfazong, named Fan Nan, is the same brother Senior Brother as Fan Chen, staring at Fan Chen, his face full of anger.

“Chu Yan, fight again!”

Saian, who had been sitting in front of the green stone platform, saw Chu Yan fight with the Ba tribe cultivator, and suddenly took the head and stood up again without a word.

Why don’t these guys think about it! ?

Grab the treasure, grab the treasure, why do you have to fight! ?

The key point is that I can’t watch the Ba tribe’s siblings being killed by Chu Yan. Ignoring it, I’m afraid it will be finished when I return to the tribe.

“10000 Flame Dragon Heavenly Heart!”

A long whistle, Saian’s big hand waved, and countless flames rushed out, turned into a fiery sword, and slammed into Chu Yan.

Hu Ying sat there, turned his head to look at it for a long time, his eyes flashed finely, and finally he couldn’t hold back, and stood up.

“If you kill Chu Yan, count me one!”

A trick came out, Hu Ying also went back and joined the battle.

Dozens of Earth Venerable Realm, as well as many core genius-level core disciple, together, how amazing it is.

Even if it is a Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivator, in the face of such a lineup, as long as the result of panic and escape.

After all, there are 100 cultivators here, all of them are extremely powerful existence, as the so-called many people, the other party is only trifling 2 people.

“Yi !? It’s really fighting !? Good-looking …. fun …”

Liu Piaopiao was not disappointed when he saw it, but now he was a little disappointed. Now he finally sees the small hands of pats who are immediately happy.

“Ask Heaven Furnace, shoot!”

Chu Yan raised his hand, took out and asked Heavenly Furnace, and shouted at the Nether King.

A large amount of immortal strength is poured into the furnace, a path of furnace body Spirit Mark keeps shining, and a mighty might rushes out of the furnace, like a wave rushing to all around.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The various Xiang Wentian furnaces attacking the hiding the sky and covering the earth were trembling.

However, asking Tianlu can withstand the blows of the murderous creatures, these attacks are nothing! ?

“This is … Daobao !?”

Hu Ying, Saian and other practitioners changed their faces.

Chu Yan’s strength is already very strong, and now there is such a horrible Taobao.

What shocked Hu Ying the most was that he was in the 9th layer building before. Why didn’t he see it? This question asked the furnace to reach the level of Taobao! ?

If I saw it at the time, I would have to trade this treasure first before I say anything. It is not that Chu Yan battle strength is so strong now.

“Chu Yan, in order to help that old ghost, you still want this king to be unable to shoot !?”

Nether King disdained his face and flicked Hei Yao in front of the green stone platform to Chu Yan shouted.

Just now he was clearly understanding the antiquity ancestor stone statue. As soon as he found a feeling, he was summoned by Chu Yan, and all feelings were cut off instantly.

How can this make him not angry! ?

“There are too many people, and the essence is the key, so work hard!” Chu Yan smiled softly.

“It’s okay to fight, at least they can’t feel it anymore!”

When the words fell, Chu Yan’s two swords waved together, a white sword glow, a golden sword glow, and they all slashed to the opposite group of practitioners.

“Chu Yan, what do you want to do !?” Hu Ying said.

At this time, at the position of the green stone platform, both he and Saian had already left. Only Duan Yilang was still there to understand, and to see how he could not stand, it might have already felt some.

Without any hesitation, Hu Ying turned into a residual image, rushing towards Chu Yan, Immortal Technique attacked like a tide.

With his cultivation base, although he wanted to defeat Chu Yan impossible, it was completely ok to block Chu Yan for a while.

Chu Yan saw him in front of him, standing like a wall, immediately grinning, and then raised his sword in his hand.

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