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Chapter 3174

After the Essence entered the body, it rushed under Chu Yan within the body 4.

In just a few breaths, Chu Yan’s body meridian, flesh and blood, all walked through.

Wherever he passed, all kinds of magic breath surged, changing Chu Yan’s blood.

Finally, the drop of marrow stopped at the heart of Chu Yan’s heart and began to evolve and condense.

A huge black heart appeared in a symmetrical place where the heart was originally located.

That’s a … magic heart!

The whole process, like flowing clouds and flowing water, may not even be known at all if Chu Yan is not watching, but is in a sleeping state.

Now, the already formed magic heart began to release a faint magic breath, poured out of Chu Yan’s body, and scattered towards all around the void.

These magical breaths, all the sky charts of all around, Antiquity ancestor stone statues, 4 Great Demon King statues and other Taobao, various demonic path marks are clearly shown in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Chu Yan.

As long as Chu Yan thoughts move, you can directly communicate with them.

what is happening! ?

Chu Yan couldn’t react at all. All kinds of consciousness in the Sea of ​​Consciousness flashed over and I couldn’t find North.

“Is it a 9-domain star chart?”

Suddenly, Chu Yan’s eyes swept the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky and saw that piece of Boundless Starry Sky, the stars were shining exceptionally.

If you are within the body and have a terrifying existence mention on equal terms, you can only have 9 domain stars.

“My grass, what kind of world is this?”

Hei Yao Mo Zun is the first among all the people to react, and he opens his mouth and scolds.

At this moment, his heart is ashamed!

There is really an urge to die …

Especially when I think of the Cave Mansion in Mad Sword Supreme, Chu Yan took away all treasures in his presence, even Mad Sword Supreme.

And he even drank a soup and was robbed by the flame Qilin …

Now, it is difficult to meet a demonic path great opportunity, which has nothing to do with Chu Yan.

If you are full of money, why should it be your turn! ?

This is good!

As soon as he turned his head, they didn’t even think about it, kicked him away with one foot, and took the initiative to find Chu Yan.

This is the chance to reach the Supreme of 9 domains, and even higher levels!

Big chance!

Among the Divine Realm, 90% of the cultivators have great opportunities that they can’t meet in their lifetime …

“Can’t wait anymore! Everyone!”

Duan Yilang wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes looked towards Chu Yan, all of which were all venomous.

“This Chu Yan, got the marrow, which is a big problem for us. Now, while he has not refined the marrow, he quickly shot together and killed it!

This sentence fell to the ground, he jumped directly from the ground and urged the whole body to breathe, moved towards Chu Yan fiercely to attack.

Compared with Hei Yao Mozun’s desire to die, he is more angry …

In any case, as long as he can grab the essence back, he still has a chance.

He thinks so!

“Yes! Everyone shot together!”

Hu Ying, Saian, and other practitioners saw Duan Yilang shot, and they all awakened, all with blood on their eyes, bursting out in the strongest imposing manner, like a group of beasts moved towards Chu Yan.

In an instant, countless attacks came together, like a raging wave, hiding the sky and covering the earth, rushing to Chu Yan.

“Hmph! There is this king, who dares to attack him!”

Not waiting for Chu Yan’s reaction, a thunderous roar around him sounded.

Asked in the furnace, a horrible silhouette rushed out, stood in the void, and stood in front of Chu Yan, waving a large piece of fierce light across the audience.


Duan Yilang, Hu Ying, and other practitioners simply cannot react, and completely didn’t expect the magic shadow in the heavenly furnace, which will suddenly rush out.

In an instant, I saw a fierce tide sweeping away, directly annihilating everyone’s attacks, and fiercely bombarding all the practitioners.

pēng pēng pēng… ahh ah …!

The sounds of strikes and screams sounded at the same time, and everyone was blasted, flying all around, just like a celestial girl.

Just one move, swept the audience, and the team is destroyed!

Whether it is human respect, earth respect, or even Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivator, before the fierce Hades, it is really like trivial ant.

At this moment, all cultivators realized that what is the king of Dequit Beast in Antiquity!

“Quick, withdraw!”

Hu Ying, Saian, and other practitioners, all with blood on the corners of their mouths, looked up at the fierce Hades standing in the void, and turned around and left.

Chu Yan’s hands are terrifying, too terrifying!

Being able to attack and defend is definitely the top level existence among Taobao.

This Chu Yan hasn’t shot yet. If you fight again, it will all be lost here, it is possible.

Moreover, what is the point here if the marrow has been lost and cannot be recovered! ?

“Chu Yan, wait and see!”

Duan Yilang is the most depressing existence of all, staring at the bloodshot eyes, glancing at Chu Yan, and turning away.

Compared with other people, he is a little bit worse, and he can get the essence.

This disappointment under hope made him unacceptable for a while.

It’s as if the duck in the mouth is flying.

“Ha ha ha, yes, Chu Yan did a good job!”

Seeing a group of ants running away, the fierce Hades had no interest in chasing it, turned directly towards Chu Yan, and quickly praised it.

“What is the origin of this essence?”

Chu Yan remembers very clearly that this former fierce Hades seemed to see the origin of the devil.

“This one….”

Hearing Chu Yan’s question, the fierce Hades suddenly complexion sank, and his smile was completely lost.

“This devil, if I am not wrong, it is … Antiquity Gods No. 6, Black Jade Demon God left.”

“Now fuse together with you, it must be a great benefit!”

Speaking of the Hades, his eyes were shining again, and his eyes swept towards all the piles of treasures, and his laughing mouth was crooked.

Ten gods, it is the Antiquity legend, the Supreme above Divine Realm exists.

Even if he is the 3rd king of Antiquity Demon Beast, he can’t even compare his leg hair.

“The Sixth Gods !?” Chu Yan complexion changed.

Of course he knows the 6th of the gods, but to his surprise, didn’t expect among the ten gods, there is even a demonic path Supreme.

“Wrong! Simply not!”

At this moment, an icy voice sounded, but it was Emperor Xuantian’s breakthrough sound transmission.

“Isn’t it? That’s …” Chu Yan asked.

“The spirit is, but it’s not him who suppresses everything here!” Empress Xuantian continued.

Hearing this, Chu Yan froze for a moment.

Putting it that way, this 7 Star altar, and others! ?

Moreover, listening to the meaning of Emperor Xuantian, the person behind this is probably more powerful than the dark Demon God of the sixth gods! ?

Who is this … ?

“No need to guess, that person, even I didn’t find out clearly!” Emperor Xuantian said.

“Now, you have to remember that this essence is integrated into your within the body, which may trigger some things!”

“Cause something !?”

“Yes, about your reincarnation, maybe it will finally begin!”

At this moment, in Chu Yan’s eyes, a blazing fire burst into flames.

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