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Liu Piaopiao had just left, and with a fat face, he entered the courtyard again.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, everything is now, should we honor the promise between us!”

Before, he made an agreement with Chu Yan, and now it’s time to settle the accounts.

This matter, Fan Chen had been thinking for a long time.

However, from the beginning to the end, it was said that it was a joint cooperation. In fact, Fanchen did not do much. It seemed to be an Appraisal Master, explaining the origin of those Daobao all the way.

But in the end, he also got a 7 Star altar, which is a legendary Taobao.

So, even if the fat is thicker, he is now blushing slightly.

“Well, yes, you say it!” Chu Yan nodded.

“Dead old facetious, what do you want to do !?”

Not waiting for Fanchen to speak, Black Demon Venerable, Hades and Langyi and the others, also walked in, staring at Fanchen and asked.


Liu Piaopiao, who had just left, smelled another 8-gram aura that made her excited, and Fartian ran back again.

“Just a few questions, please answer them!”

This is what they agreed before, as long as he takes Chu Yan and these people away from the tide of dry bones, Chu Yan will answer his question.

For this Chu Yan, it was originally just curious, and finally completely shocked.

Fanchen naturally wanted to know the secret of Chu Yan.

This matter, not only him, those Divine King, even the Chamber of Commerce forces like 9th layer building and Big King Island, are thinking about it.

Recast Dao Foundation!

After several months, the destroyed Dao Foundation was recast, which was amazing.

Others don’t know, but who he is, it is peerless genius who specializes in Divine Soul.

How can I become a peerless genius, there is no stranger.

The strange thing about Fanchen is that when he saw Chu Yan on the first side, he discovered Chu Yan within the body, hiding the aura of the ten gods of the horrors.

This can’t escape his Divine Soul exploration!

Therefore, he judges that Chu Yan’s recasting of the Dao Foundation is most likely directly related to the aura of the gods within his body.

How could he miss such an opportunity.

The common sects of Pfazong believe that Fanchen is crazy, but Fanchen himself can understand what he is doing.

He has a way to dig up Chu Yan’s secrets.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, you and I are together, we are in love, we are the most beautiful 2 in the vast sea …”

Every dust hand seal is flying, the light of Divine Soul flashes in a pair of eyes, watching Chu Yan keep talking.

“My grass, do you want to be so sick …”

These words landed on the ground, and the fierce Hades and Hei Yao Mozun had a urge to vomit.

I can’t stand it!

And Liu Piaopiao saw this scene, but it was a little brows slightly wrinkle, all eyes were full of surprise.

What’s the matter! ?

She’s a temporary master, it won’t be good … Then! ?

No wonder, his unique skill is of no use to him. It turns out he is good at this.

“If you want to die, just say so!”

Chu Yan felt that Fan Chen was using the power of God Soul Power, but he still didn’t feel anything and opened his mouth to be replied.

Although he has been prepared to know that this mortal will be measured by the God Soul Power, but didn’t expect, he has not completely prevented him.

This is a very strange state.

Just like the moment when I woke up, I was still in a dream.


At this time, Hei Yao Mozun also found anomalies and their faces were dull.

“This mortal Divine Soul innate talent is very strong!”

Lang Yi heard that, quickly nodded.

Before, he was pitted by Fan Chen, and he even shot flattery.

It’s the exact opposite of his thinking and mouth, and he can’t even do a little defense.

“Strange, Chu Yan’s god Soul Power is not weak, why is it …”

Mo Wu knows Chu Yan, opened the mouth and said with doubt.

“That’s because Chu Yan now thinks that all around, including us, is safe and has no sense of alertness. Otherwise, if you are fighting, there is no way to do this.

“The fatty thief is so cruel, the first sentence is … everything is done. It is to let Chu Yan relax further Divine Soul …”

Hei Yao Mozun they found the law, all stared at Fan Chen, all the expressions of teeth and rodents.

“Shall we give him a hand?”

The fierce Pluto is very unhappy, raising his hand is a fierce light, condensed into a solid gang, and aimed at the ordinary dust.

“do not!”

Black Yao Mozun quickly stopped.

Cracking a joke !

At the beginning, all the practitioners were blasted in the first place. If you fist this fist, you must not lose fatty on the spot! ?

Besides, do n’t you want to know Chu Yan ’s secret! ?

“This is a good opportunity!”

Hearing this sentence, the fierce Hades immediately understood, laughed, and closed his fists.

The secret of this monster Chu Yan, of course Interesting.

Not far away, Liu Piaopiao listened to these words, but she was completely ignorant and didn’t know what they were talking about.

“Yi !? It seems useful!”

Fan Chen saw Chu Yan’s reaction, and he was very happy.

This time, in order to clean up this Chu Yan, he didn’t even want to exercise.

“You and me are absolutely the best! Believe in yourself, believe in your heart, you are in love with this fairy …”

“Tell me! The secrets of the gods!”

Gods! ?

As soon as the core content is exported, Divine Soul, the fierce Hades, the Black Demon Lord and the others, are all complexion changed.

This Chu Yan, is it possible to recast the Dao Foundation to be related to the gods! ?

“No! Nothing! No secret!”

Chu Yan’s eyes lightning 4 overflow, his mouth lightly raised, answering fatty’s question.

“I can recast the Dao Foundation because of the reverse Divine flame, plus a large amount of Ancient Immortal-grade spirit medicine.”

“What !? What about the gods !?” Fatty was startled.

“There are no gods!” Chu Yan shook his head again.


At this moment, Fat Fanchen was completely confused, and he was wrong! ?

The gods in Chu Yan, aura, feel wrong! ?

Either it was his own Divine Soul method, which was cracked by Chu Yan.

However, no matter what the result is, it represents his behavior at this time, and it fails completely.

Moreover, this is still beating the grass to scare the snake, let Chu Yan understand his purpose, and later want to formulate words, it will be more difficult than heavenly ascension.

“No! Never allow it!”

Fatty clenched the teeth, roaring with sorrow.

“I’m not wrong, it must be related to the gods, must ask, otherwise, why is he the World’s First Venerable, and why is he recasting the Dao Foundation within a few months!”

Staring at Chu Yan, Fan Chen’s eyes rolled rapidly, and then asked.

“Then if you have innate talent, there must be something amazing, and why?”

Change the direction, no longer chase after the gods, from the most basic question, this can never be wrong.

Even Liu Piaopiao, not far away, looked over curiously.

“This fat, badly broken!”

Liu Piaopiao silently drew a circle.

However, she is also a little curious, what is the best of this Chu Yan, the choice of the essence is really strange.

“Are you blind? Didn’t you see the Green God War God behind me !? This is my innate talent and chance! And …”

roar! roar! roar!

next moment Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Black Tortoise, Vermilion Bird 4 venerable mountain-like silhouettes, appearing together, appearing in front and back opening directions of Chu Yan, 4 pairs of Divine Beast eyes looking down together, watching fatty whole body fat Are trembling.

“Heaven … beast spirit! I … I am ah!”

This scene shocked everyone in the yard soul flies away and scatters.

what is that! ?

That’s Divine Beast, and I still have 4 respects!

Ordinary world, 10000 Spirit Supreme, even exists side by side with the gods!

Especially the fierce Pluto, the king of Antiquity Demon Beast, immediately appeared on the 4 Divine Beast, and fell down to suppress, his body was shaking.

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