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No one thought that this Divine King actually sold Taobao here! ?

“God … Fiendgod fruit !?”

Chu Yan glanced casually across the Divine King booth, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he sucked in a cold breath.

It was a golden-black bicolor fruit with palm-size, 2 eyes like a tai chi, arranged on the 2 sides of the fruit, the released aura, with obvious Immortal Intent.

After a few glances, Chu Yan, who was completely determined, was instantly shocked.

That’s right!

It is exactly the same as the pattern on the information provided by the 9th layer building.

This is … Level 9 Fiendgod fruit!

The person who digs out the Fiendgod fruit along the way turned out to be the Divine King with a cold eyebrow.

No wonder …

If the general Divine King hurries, he will not deliberately collect some kind of heavenly materials earthly treasures.

And this Divine King, even for the purpose of stalling, I am afraid all the way, even low-level spirit medicine will not let go.

“Hu … huh … huh …”

Chu Yan took a few breaths, forcing himself to calm down, and quickly walked to the Divine King booth and bowed his hand.

“This Divine King Senior, I don’t know how to change this fruit !?”

The Divine King glanced up at Chu Yan and found that the other party was just an Earth Venerable Realm cultivator.

“Can you afford it ?!”

Although the voice is not loud, there is obviously a tart and mean in the tone. I am afraid that it will never be easily exchanged because this Fiendgod is picked by him.

After all, the cultivation resources, or treasures, that Divine King needs will never be simple. Even he even took Daobao out to show that the treasures he needs are by no means mere mortals.

“Chu Yan, you brat, if you dare to take this king to the top again, I will turn your face!”

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness World, the roar of the fierce Hades is rolling like Heavenly Thunder.

This fierce Hades is really a small weapon, Chu Yan just took him a shield, he always remembered.

Now that I saw Chu Yan wanting to change the Fiendgod fruit, I roared.

“Relax, no!” Chu Yan chuckled and thought for a moment, then took out a bottle of medicine pill and handed it to Divine King.

“Inside, there are 3 medicine pill, I don’t know if it is possible!”

With that said, when I opened the cap, a strong pill fragrance overflowed, attracting all the practitioners around the complexion changed.

Top Divine Pill!

Divine Pill of Grade 7 at least!

This is the best healing medicine pill for cultivators, even the god Royal Capital can recover the injury in an instant.

All around on the 100 pairs of eyes, simultaneously shua shua looked towards Chu Yan, all with a stunned face.

This cultivation base, but the youth of Earth Venerable Realm, has such a top medicine pill on his body! ?

“Hmph! Laozi is not rare! All the things I have here are only for Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal these two distinct things. Other things don’t need to be taken out!”

Divine King’s stall owner’s tone is extremely proud, but he has detailed his exchange rules.

“Ji Soul Flame !? Spirit Crystal … what is it !?”

Chu Yan startled, never heard of these two distinct things.

However, the Divine King stall owner at this time turned his face and ignored Chu Yan.

“I said this brother, this is the first time you come to Forbidden Land !?”

A bustling Heavenly Venerate cultivator was sitting around the booth, but he smiled and said to Chu Yan.

“The Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal are two types of treasure produced by Forbidden Land in Pantian, but it is extremely difficult to find in Forbidden Land in Pantian.”

Speaking of which, the Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivator raised his hand and said,

“Look here, half of the people should come to find these 2 treasures!”

This sentence fell to the ground, and all the practitioners around all laughed.

Soul Flame, Spirit Crystal, so easy to find! ?

Especially this Forbidden Land is extremely dangerous, not to mention Heavenly Venerable Realm, even if God King Realm and Supreme are in it, it may be damaged.

Therefore, what is produced in such Forbidden Land is of course a good thing, but only if you can find it alive.

“Such ah! Many thanks!”

Chu Yan bowed his hand and turned to leave the stall.

He returned to the street, long relaxed, not unhappy at all.

After all, at least the news of the Fiendgod fruit has been found.

Next, he only needs to find the Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal in Forbidden Land, and he can exchange this Divine King with Fenglei.

This is easier than to find a needle in a haystack.

According to the previous guess, if the Divine King has received the Fiendgod fruit, it will not be sold if it is not used, but it will remain there, even if I never know where to find this Fiendgod fruit.

But now, just go to Forbidden Land in Pantian and find 2 produced treasures, which can be exchanged, which is relatively easier.

“Quickly enter Forbidden Land!”

Chu Yan pondered a little, and then made up his mind, lighting 4 overflowed in his eyes.

Fiendgod is by no means an ordinary product. Although its usage is a bit biased, there are so many Divine Kings here that may be of interest.

When the time comes, if it is exchanged by others and you want to exchange it, it will be much more troublesome.

At this time, not far from the street …

A group of young cultivators were walking around on the street. One of the young pupils with double pupils saw Chu Yan at a glance, and the complexion greatly changed.

“Chu … Chu Yan !?”

This person is the 9th layer building, telling Chu Yan of the Peerless Fairy Sword to the person in Saian, whose name is Wen Hao.

“This is the World’s First Venerable !? The one with the peerless fairy sword on the 9th layer floor !?”

Several young cultivators beside Wenhao hearing this, all looked up towards the black robe silhouette on the street in the distance.

These people are all Ancient Race cultivators, and they are also the genius of the overlord, but their identity is much lower than that of Wen Hao.

“Isn’t the Senior Brother in love with the Immortal Sword !? It’s better to grab his Immortal Sword and dedicate it to the Senior Brother.”

“Good! Senior Brother Sai is always looking for the right Life Source fairy sword, this is an opportunity!”

“Isn’t this World’s First statue ruined that the Dao Foundation was ruined !? Then I am enough of us!”

“Yes, you can try it!”


Under the Divine Consciousness sound transmission of a few people, the matter was so given, obviously this kind of thing did not do much.

“You are right! This kid is very arrogant!”

Wen Hao certainly remembers that at the 9th layer building, this kid used Divine Consciousness to probe himself.

The people of Ancient Race have a very heavy face, and they are investigated by the public Divine Consciousness. In addition, this kid is actually wearing a peerless fairy sword, then went directly to the 9th layer peak, and then went to the 4 Layer peak.

This made Wen Hao always remember, very unhappy.

Now, it just happens to be an opportunity!

During this time, their group of people has been trapped in a Danger Land in the East Sea Territory. They just got out of the house and they don’t know the outside world. They naturally do not know that the abandoned World’s First Venerable has been restored.

They don’t even know that not only Sailan, but also Ancient Race and Great Influence are looking for this Chu Yan.

“Ho Senior Brother, a trifling without Dao Foundation cultivators, just leave it to us! Let’s go …”

A young man waved his hand and tried to stop Chu Yan, but was suddenly stopped by Wen Hao.

“Wait, the situation is wrong!”

Wen Hao stared at Chu Yan in the distance, and a young man of purple silk appeared in the robe with a sudden look of shock.

Tianxuan Earth Palace, Young Palace Lord! ?

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