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Divine King Divine King, who is closing his eyes in front of the booth at the booth, looked up to see Chu Yan, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

“It’s you! Look at the bid! The highest bidder gets it!”

Look at the bid! ?

The highest bidder! ?

Are you going to auction? ?

However, it seems that all around has no other sellers at all, only himself ah!

“In this case鈥?”

Chu Yan’s eyes flashed slightly, thinking about it for a while, opened the mouth and said “Can 5000 plants be !?”

what! ?

The people around all heard Chu Yan’s offer, all complexion changed, and they all glared over.

“5000 plants !?”

“I depend, who is this guy, so rich!”

“Won’t he be the one who specializes in growing Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal !?”

“Is it too terrifying now?”


All of them were all shocked, all of them looked at Chu Yan’s eyes, they couldn’t believe it.

5000 pole Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal!

That is by no means a small sum.

But when everyone turned around and looked towards that Divine King, they found that the other party didn’t even lift their heads and said nothing.

“10000!” Chu Yan offered the price again.

“What !? 10000 !?”

The faces of the practitioners all changed, all twitching.

Is this price increase doubled every time! ?

10000 pole Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal, that’s already sky-high price!

This guy is rich!

Not ordinary rich!

There are 10000 strains of Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal in Tian City, there is no problem to change a Daobao!

There is a Taobao! ?

If there is so much money, why not exchange for a fairy medicine pill, it is a treasure that can save lives.

“Ha ha ha, this is the Fiendgod fruit of the fairy order. You want to change 10000 Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal !?”

As everyone waited for Divine King’s response, a strange sound rang next to him.

“What !? Fiendgod fruit !?”

“To … Heavenly materials earthly treasures of Supreme rank !?”

“No way! This fruit is Supreme !?”

“Oh my god, I’ve been here for several days, and simply didn’t find it!”

“Didn’t expect, even selling on the stall, this … but Supreme Guoah!”

“If this is really the Supreme fruit, 10000 strains are really not enough!”

“No wonder, this Divine King stall has been silent, it turned out to be ah!”

“I said, great!”


All around the exclamation of the cultivator, Chu Yan brows tightly knit, turned his head towards towards behind him.

I saw a chubby old man with long beard and scales on his head, standing there with a light smile on his face.

Beside old fogey, there are 2 green robe old man.

“Divine King !?”

Although the old man aura is weak, it seems that the aura is deliberately hidden and changed, but Chu Yan can still sense the strength of the other party within the body.

With this glance, Chu Yan suddenly froze.

Is this Divine King also fancy Fiendgod? ?

Moreover, from the current situation, it seems that these pole Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal are not enough.

“This Fiendgod fruit still has 9 Emperor Flowers, I will always be old!”

Ignoring Chu Yan’s gaze at all, Divine King old man said directly to the stall owner.

“Bid price, ten 50,000, how are you?”

As soon as this remark came out, the practitioners present, sucked in a breath of cold air.

Ten … ten 50,000! ?

In Pantian Forbidden Land, Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal are abundant, and even many treasures use this as the price unit.

However, it does not mean that Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal are Chinese cabbage.

The price of ten thousand 50,000 is almost equivalent to the price of 20 pieces of Taobao.

2 10 Taobao ah!

Even if it is Divine King, I am afraid it is all family property! ?

The Divine King stall owner suddenly looked up and looked towards the Divine King 3 person opposite.

Obviously, the price of ten 50,000 made him a little moved.

“This Senior, although you are Divine King, but this is the trading area, should I talk about the rules of first come, first served!”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, looked at each other and said.

“courting death !”

The two green robe beside Divine King old man suddenly shouted loudly, the pressure of the whole body surged out, and the killing intent was locked.

“A little Di Zun, dare to talk to the Lord like this, get lost immediately!”

When the sound fell, the two stepped out and stood in front of Chu Yan. The whole body of coercion and killing intent broke out again.

The Divine King old man didn’t even look at it. He kept looking at the Divine King stall opposite, the smile on his face was the same.

The cultivators of all around, seeing this scene, shook their heads slightly.

In their view, this black robed youth only has Earth Venerable Realm, this courage is really too big.

Where is this Tian City! ?

That’s where Supreme was walking around, Ancient Race was shaking everywhere.

If you encounter some bad temper, you will kill anyone.

“The 2 guts seem to be even bigger! My friend, are you also qualified to let him get lost !?”

Waiting for Chu Yan to speak, another a cold voice sounded.

A group of people turned their heads together and found out that it was … Heaven Sealing Xuan!

Tianxuan Earth Palace Young Palace Lord, with a few Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivators, is strolling around.

Chu Yan slightly startedled, glanced at Heaven Sealing Xuan, and suddenly understood what.

Last time I was in front of this Divine King booth, I met Heaven Sealing, and the other party also knew that his goal was Fiendgod fruit and would naturally come back.

So, if you pay a little attention, you will find yourself back.

But he keeps staring at himself, what is he doing! ?

Heaven Sealing Xuan looked at Chu Yan’s face with question marks, and seemed to understand something, so he quickly grinned said with a smile

“Last time I said, I’m going to fight against you. You are running around and you’re in trouble …”

Speaking of which, Heaven Sealing Xuan suddenly stopped, approaching Chu Yan and whispering again

“However, I understand! After all, the body of the natural disaster! Understand! Understand!”

Understand a ghost!

Chu Yan suddenly looked speechless!

Why does this guy just say that he doesn’t listen, he must think that he is a body of natural disasters, and die with himself.

However, Chu Yan has a good impression of this Heaven Sealing Xuan, and now he is helping himself again, just forgive him for a while.

After all, Chu Yan can bear even a guy like Lang Yi.

“It turned out to be the Young Palace Lord, polite, polite, just two of them did not know that this person is your friend, how offended!”

Divine King old man saw Heaven Sealing Xuan, suddenly his face changed, and quickly saluted politely.

However, the afterglow of his eyes swept to Chu Yan, obviously with a hint of coldness.

“Toxic Old Ancestor is welcome, my friend has been eager to find Fiendgod fruit, I don’t know if Old Ancestor can cut love !?”

Heaven Sealing Xuan handed in a gift and said, “If you don’t mention other rules, how about fair bidding?”

“Withered Old Ancestor !?” Chu Yan looked towards each other, eyes flashed.

Chu Yan remembered that when he first came to Divine Realm, he had killed a genius, which seemed to be the direct disciple of this old Ancestor.

Could this old Ancestor recognize himself, deliberately! ?

“The higher the price, the better, of course, but the price of 10,000, there is no hope!” Withered Poison Old Ancestor laughed.

This sentence suddenly made all of the cultivators all laugh.

Supreme fruit, at least 100,000 start!

“Chu Yan, how much are you missing, do you want to help !?” Heaven Sealing Xuan turned his head towards towards Chu Yan, and said directly.

This sentence fell to the ground, and the cultivators present suddenly twitched.

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