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Call out the Heavenly Furnace, directly display the Heavenly Heaven 9th layer, and go to the crowd without retreating.

Jiangang passed, the void was broken.

“War God, 8 Xuanyu Town!

Chu Yan long hair flying upwards, the sword in his hand kept on, and the mighty Jianwei cut out a large Sword Intent storm.

The power of Clear Sky Sword’s sword power and the power of Wentian Furnace merged, and the original spirit rhino sword became a sword power, which directly enveloped the entire audience.

“Close Horizon, the sea is as big as a river!”

Liang Tian shouted loudly, green flames burst into his within the body, instantly ignited him as a fireman, and a large piece of fire gang in the wave of his hand, like sweeping off the ashes, wiped off all the sword tide broken.

Lei Gang all directions, Heaven and Earth tremor.

“it is good!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan within both eyes flame flared, with the body rushing out against Divine flame, all the power gathered on the fist, and raising the hand is punched out.


Long Ling shook the sky, and the majestic Golden Dragon, wrapped in powerful firepower, rushed out and ran straight to Liang Tian.

This is a peerless genius of a tyrant. The battle intent in Chu Yan’s heart was instantly excited, fist to fist, fire to fire, but to see who’s flame is more powerful.

Boom … rumbling!

The two kinds of fire and power collided together, and a sudden intense anxious aura fluttered apart, making all around the practitioner feel the volcanic crater-like feeling at the same time.

Some cultivators even had body protection 罡 元 zi zi sounded, and most of them were burned in an instant.

Some close-up Earth Venerable Realm cultivators were burned into nothingness without leaving any ashes.

Huowei collided, as if two bisons collided with each other in a game.

Almost in a flash, the result was decided.

After a breath, the more violent reverse Divine flame, fiercely hit the green flame and burned half of the sky directly into the fire.

“What !? Haichuan Yan … lost !?”

A group of cultivators of the Ba people were stunned, and even some other forces who knew Haichuan Yan and Liang Tian were also shocked in a breath of cold air.

According to the news they received, Chu Yan has a powerful flame, but didn’t expect that it will become like this!

You know, the clansman Innate Fire Body of the overlord, the Fire Element Avenue repaired, and there are many Life Source fire spirits.

This kind of fire-based racial force, in their clan, has the extremely prestigious Ten Great Fire Spirits, and each strain is extremely powerful.

Liang Tian is a peerless genius, and his flame is the second in the ranked family.

Now, seeing Liang Tian’s flames suppressed by Chu Yan’s colorful flames, that doesn’t mean that only the fire spirits of the ranked 1st of the Ba tribe can contend with it! ?

This shocked everyone and could not believe it for a while.

However, if they let them know that Chu Yan’s inverse Divine flame is not a heyday state at all, but if it is growing slowly, I am afraid they can go crazy.

Reverse Divine flame, if you return to the Great Accomplishment state, I am afraid …

“Chu Yan, aren’t you Jianxiu !? How can Fire Element cultivation base have such a degree !?”

Liang Tian stood in the sky and looked at Chu Yan from afar, his face darkened.

“It’s a respect for World’s First, it’s really great! But …. you want to compete with my Ba tribe on Fire Element, it is absolutely delusional!”

Speaking of which, Liang Tian waved his hand, and the whole body of green flame instantly turned into a purple, similar to the purple Fu Tianlin below, which has several points of similarity.

hu! hu! hu!

A series of fire pillars came out horizontally, rising like a Fire Dragon, coiled around Liang Tian all around.

Every Fire Dragon passed by, Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi in the sky were all ignited and burned into a black color.

Like this fire, the horror!

This is not only the power of Huowei, but also an extremely brilliant fire control technique, which can not only improve Huowei, but also display various Fire Element techniques.

In comparison, Chu Yan ca n’t do this. As Liang Tian said, Chu Yan is only a sword repair after all, no fire Dao.

“This Liang Tian Fire Element is so strong, it seems to have to find a way to accept him!”

Chu Yan watched Liang Tian practicing the technique of fire control there, and his eyes flickered and his heart pondered.

In the 9-domain star chart, there is no powerful cultivator of cultivation Fire Element. If Liang Tian is included in it, then his own reverse Divine flame should be improved by another order.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan within both eyes flashed a decisive color and instantly flashed.

Fire Element asked the law, it is really necessary to get a copy!

It was at this time that Chu Yan’s Qin Tian 9 was exhibited and was completely smashed by Liang Tian’s purple flame.

Moreover, the powerful purple flame turned into a Fire Dragon roll, moved towards Chu Yan, and swept the momentum, sweeping dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

In Chu Yan’s heart, a trace of lifelessness rose, rushing to the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

This flame was actually produced by Chu Yan with a trace of death, threatening security! ?

In this case, with the all around large group of Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse, even if Liang Tian was defeated, it would be difficult to escape.

Most importantly, Chu Yan has made up his mind to accept Liang Tian.

Therefore, it must be a hit, otherwise it will beat the grass to scare the snake, and it will be even harder if you want to start later.

This situation is certainly not the right time.

“Liang Tian, ​​see you soon!”

Chu Yan’s mouth twitched lightly, watching Liang Tian smile lightly, instantly Roaming Dragon world, flew to the sky.


Clear Sky Sword flew, like a flash of electricity, instantly disappeared into the void. When it reappeared, it flew out of the Futian Forest below, and accelerated into the void again.

Only the person with strong pupil power clearly saw that before the sword escaped into the void, a string of Fu Tian Guo hung on the sword body.

With Chu Yan’s previous extraction, I am afraid that the total number is half of the entire Futian tree.

“Leave him, don’t let him run away!”

“Fuck, he took 40 Fu Tian Guo, fast!”

“Just beat it and run!”


The cultivators of Great Influence saw that Chu Yan was about to flee, and they all broke out simultaneously. Various movement art and lightning stormed at the same time, chasing Chu Yan.

Dozens of Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse shot at the same time, how amazing the momentum is, all kinds of Taobao take out, the sky is full of Daoguang Treasure Artifact, will seal half of the sky.


Chu Yan waved his hand and asked the heavenly furnace to rush out, sending an Ominous Beast to hit the void, and the violent tide of evil spirit swept all directions.

At this time, Chu Yan had harvested 40 Futian fruits, and of course the Wicked Hades wanted to get some hands, so they made extra efforts and didn’t reserve the slightest shot, almost blocking all attacks.

Of course, it is impossible to blow all Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse all, just to sweep the sky for Chu Yan and win the break time.

“Roaming Dragon world, Vault of Heaven sword!”

Chu Yan is like an electric figure, with a sword in his hand, and his speed burst to the extreme, rushing to the sky.

“Chu Yan, I still want to go!”

Liang Tian was arrogant at the moment, looking at Chu Yan with disdain.

World’s First respect, also thisly!

In the next moment, the purple around him turned into a pair of Fire Birds, and under his wings, he rushed towards Chu Yan with a violent speed, and the distance between him and Chu Yan was shortened instantly.

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