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This thunder and lightning shuttle is a Tao weapon, fast, and even comparable to the movement art speed of a God King Realm.

“That Liang Tian, ​​grab it with me again!”

While Hong Lei gritted his teeth, he also threw a track weapon. Although it was not as fast as the thunder and lightning shuttle, it was also the top speed among the Barbarian Race.

Each peerless genius not only has amazing battle strength, but all of them are in possession of great wealth. Any good things in the power are given priority to them.

The last time Chu Yan was able to suppress Liu Qingyi was because of the cultivation base of Liu Qingyi. Compared with Hong Lei and Liang Tian, ​​it was still a lot worse.

Turning his head and glancing, he found that a large group of powerhouses such as Liang Tian were chasing them madly, and suddenly felt the air-conditioning sou sou behind him.

At their speed, it is only a matter of time before they catch up with themselves.

Although his cultivation base should have no problem with these chasing soldiers, this is also a quagmire.

If they are caught by them, the followers of the Sect forces will follow, and it will be troublesome to get out again.

“Chu Yan, I can cast a secret skill and get rid of them!” The fierce Hades said.

“What are you waiting for?” Chu Yan rolled his eyes.

As if these chasing soldiers were catching up with themselves, what could he eat?

Since there is a secret skill, what nonsense is still said, just show it directly.

“It takes 30 Futianguo for the price!” Xie Hao grinned.

“it is good!”

Chu Yan didn’t hesitate, throwing up his hands and throwing a lot of futians, he threw it into the heavenly furnace, and immediately heard the crisp sound of ka ka’s fruit eating.

The fierce underworld didn’t expect, this Futian fruit is so easy to get, quickly swallowed.

Soon, under his feet, a special Spirit Mark condensed.

“Myriad beasts are missing in Magic Walk 1000!”

In an instant, in the sky, bursts of beast roar came, and various Demon Beasts appeared in the black qi magic breath, instantly making Chu Yan’s body faster than ten times faster.

“A good king of Antiquity Demon Beast, there are many means, just like that of Hei Yao!” Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart, and also urged True Qi to speed up.

“En! How did he get faster !?”

Liang Tian and the others chased behind, and suddenly saw Chu Yan swish in front, once again turned into a black spot and disappeared on the horizon.


As soon as he raised his hand, the black Jade Talisman exploded and turned into a black mist, which shone in the direction of Chu Yan’s disappearance.

After one hour, Chu Yan turned his head towards towards behind him.

“Peerless genius is really powerful! So far apart, can I lock my aura !?”

Chu Yan’s lips were lightly nodded, and then his speed slowed down.

“The pupil of Qilin, sweep!”

5-color pupil light swept through, Chu Yan looked towards all around.

Now in the sinking place of Forbidden Land in Pantian, the environment of all around does not change much, but Chu Yan knows that the first inch of Heaven and Earth here are hiding huge danger.

Moreover, he flew all the way just now, I am afraid that he has awakened many ancient prohibitions.

“It’s dangerous here, be careful!”

The Hades jumped out, watching all around with a vigilant reminder.

As the king of Demon Beast, he is extremely sensitive to danger.

Moreover, for him, these dangers are the kind that will damage him at any time.

Maybe Chu Yan ca n’t die, but now, he is asking Heavenly Furnace on the one hand, and his semi-real body at the same time.

Chu Yan heard the reminder of the fierce Hades, and when he was both solemn, he operated Qilin ’s pupil, carefully looked towards all around, and moved slowly.


Before long, Chu Yan stopped suddenly.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the 9-area star map emits dazzling rays of light, one light and one dark, what is supposed to be in remote sensing.

“Is it …?”

This feeling of green lotus rarely appears, but every time it appears, it will bring about big changes.

bang! Boom … Rumble!

Suddenly, a large thunderbolt exploded above the sky, exploding down like a rainstorm.

The continuous mountain range, the vast earth trembles together, countless ancient existences, as if under this thunderbolt, the blockade is broken, all of this world, sweeping the world.

Next, at the end of Heaven and Earth, you can see a golden lake floating in the sky, reflecting the sky as golden.

And a huge, towering gateway into the cloud slowly rises from the golden lake and stands between Heaven and Earth.

Suddenly, those Supreme, Divine Kings, including Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouses, who were deep in Forbidden Land, were all Divine Soul tremors, complexion greatly changed.

Just like the coming of God, the endless holy light blooms, and the whole piece of Forbidden Land is sprinkled, which makes everyone fascinated.

“This … what is this?”

“Is something born !?”

“It’s too far to see!”

“Is it the one that Supreme 9 people are waiting for !?”

“No chance, if the cultivation base is stronger, I really want to see ah!”

“Yeah, that’s it!”


Those Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouses in the middle area, some are fighting, some are cultivation, some are closed, some are still looking for, but without exception, at this time they all looked up towards the golden sky in the distance, The face is full of surprise and expectation.

In their position, you can also see a golden sky, just like the sunset in the evening, the sky is red, and nothing else can be seen.

“The gate of Forbidden Land !?”

Chu Yan looked up towards the golden lake, and his heart fluttered.

“What a terrible coercion, this is probably the power far beyond Supreme 9!”

The fierce Pluto appeared beside Chu Yan, also staring at the portal that towered into the cloud, shaking all over.

Even if he is the king of Demon Beast, he has never seen such terrifying existence.

At this time, the huge portal trembled slightly and suddenly burst a shock wave like a water ripple, rippling toward all directions in 4 directions.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Forbidden Land swept through the entire market.

When the shock wave swept through Chu Yan’s body, Chu Yan’s Divine Soul shuddered and clearly felt a force that penetrated through his body.


Chu Yan brows tightly knit, immediately urged 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul and Blue Armored War Soul to crush this force directly.

There are these two kinds of powers, and any will and God’s Soul Power that forcibly rushes into one’s body will succeed.

However, Chu Yan knows that this has a lot to do with Green Lotus!

The gate of Forbidden Land, whether open early or late, was suddenly born when he was about to approach.

And just before that, Green Lotus just sent a sense …

Things are so impossible, so it must be related to Green Lotus.

That powerful shock wave, after sweeping Chu Yan, continued to rush across the entire Forbidden Land, sweeping all the practitioners’ bodies.

“My God, what is this …?”

“My strength, my strength is gone!”

“Impossible! Against the Sun, Myriad Laws Return To One, break for me!”




Peripherals, including those in the Middle Section, all face changes at the same time, all kinds of aura Treasure Artifact masterpieces, constantly stimulating various secret skills and means, want to break the power that restrains themselves.

Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse is the fastest, and after a few breaths, it broke through the force of restraint and sighed in relief.

The cultivator of Earth Venerable Realm just spent some effort to recover as before, but his face was pale and seemed to be scared.

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