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After Chu Yan all left the golden portal, there was a continuous golden light from the portal.

10 breaths later, far away from Xuan Emperor Bridge, where the ancient city of Pantian is located.

The entire ancient city was shaken by the shocking news of the loss of Tianhui Supreme, and even Tianxuan Earth Palace Chamber of Commerce forces like Heaven Sealing Xuan arrived at the scene.

However, these people have left the pit far away, and are not close to the front.

Ordinary person does not know, how could their Tianxuan Earth Palace be unclear, this can kill the golden light of the Supreme powerhouse, if suddenly burst out mighty, afraid that it is all around the cultivator, no one can run away.

Therefore, these people are suspended in the air, looking at the big pit in front of the city gate of Pantian ancient city.


At this moment, a Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse suddenly looked towards the sky and shouted in a sudden shock.

At this sound, everyone looked up towards the sky, but they only saw a thunderbolt golden light, which burst out.

“God, come again !?”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The golden light, like a thunderbolt in the sky, thundered heavily in the pit, exploding a group of waves and rushing straight into the sky.

The ancient city of Pantian trembles and shakes continuously, as if heaven falls and earth rends, Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi rolling on the ground, rumbles like a riot of spirit tide.

All the practitioners present were stunned, and the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness was buzzing, completely silly.

At full ten breaths time, Gang Wei disappeared, and they just watched.

I saw that there were 8 brand new big pits near the big pit of Tianhui Supreme just now, 7 of them are extremely deep, and Gang Wei is still rising.

Because, that is 7-bit 9-domain Supreme!

In an instant, in front of the ancient city of Pantian, all the cultivators only felt that the whole piece of Heaven and Earth was frozen. Together with their bodies and Divine Soul, it was completely frozen like ice sculpture.

what’s the situation! ?

3-bit Supreme, 7-bit 9-domain Supreme, all … lost! ?

What is this concept! ?

This is equivalent to Divine Realm continent, it is more than enough to woke up a world destroying storm and destroy half of the continent.

Such a terrifying lineup will be lost together, which is too terrifying.

“That person seems to be … yes … the Chi’s Supreme of the Overlord!”

“Lingxiao Supreme, he is … Spirit Race’s Supreme!”

“Pfazong Supreme, Heavenly Supreme is broken!”

“this is….”


As time passed, the people who gradually reacted, approached the big pit and looked down.

But this glance, Divine Soul of all the cultivators, was mad again!

Almost all of the 2 Supreme are 100 1 Dao Lineage, the top 1 ancient race giants.

Each Supreme represents the presence of Mount Tai Big Dipper, a sect protecting Old Ancestor.

Immortal Ascension Sect, 9th layer floor, Great King Island, Immortal Demon Sect all have this kind of existence, damage!

“Quick … Quick … Quickly spread the news … back …”

“God ah! Old Ancestor is broken, the sky is falling!”

“Impossible! How is it possible, I am too Ancestral Master, how could it be lost !?”

“Ah! Too terrifying! What the hell happened !?”

“Who !? Who killed …”


The whole scene exploded in an instant, and all the influence of the big influences, Divine Soul, was lost and his eyes were messy.

The loss of these top guys, even one, is enough to shake the continent and change the situation of Divine Realm.

Now, with a total of ten giants lost together, that may trigger some astronomical Heaven and Earth shocks.

“What the hell happened ?! Forbidden Land, this dangerous day passed a bit!”

Heaven Sealing Xuan Yao stands in the sky, looking towards the direction of Xuan Emperor Bridge, the fine flash in his eyes flashes, but he thinks of someone easily …

World’s First Venerable … Chu Yan!

This guy, the body of the Scourge may not be able to live!

“Mother, come here, Chi Gang Supreme … and breathe!”

Suddenly, someone threw a thunderous roar, making the chaotic scene of the audience instantly silent.

what! ?

The 9-domain Supreme of the Overlord is not dead! ?

Everyone rushed to the 4th big pit, and in an instant, the 3 Layer and the 3 Layer were surrounded by water.

With 10000 eyes, it looks like shua shua …

I saw that Zhigang Supreme’s chest was pierced with a golden sword glow into a large bowl of blood holes. The blood and aura had dried up, but there was a touch of aura that overflowed in the blood hole, making his aura weak and not scattered.

It is this faint aura of light that makes him feel that within the body, there is still a trace of aura swimming.

The big guys present were all very excited and excited.

The powerhouses of the tyrants are extremely excited, with red light on their faces.

“No! These 9 domain Supremes all have … interest!”

Probably because of the situation of Chi Gang Supreme, the powerhouses of other forces have used various secret skills to begin to explore and heal the Supreme powerhouse of their own forces.

Within a few breaths, a path of faint aura rises from these Supremes within the body at the same time.

“Zong … Sect Master, Old Ancestor is not dead, not dead … but!”

A big brother of all forces quickly rushed to sound transmission again and rushed the news back to the main sect forces.

These Supremes, who are barely keeping their breath alive, are similar to the situation of Zhigang Supreme.

“How is this going!?”

“Why are several Supreme Sir injured at the same time?”

“The injuries are exactly the same, and they all fell in front of the city gate of Pantian ancient city …”

“This is so weird!”


In the midair, Heaven Sealing’s eyes looked like torches, looking at the ten big pits below, and all kinds of consciousness in the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness flickered like electricity.

At this time, there was a violent thunder in his heart, and he could clearly feel that there was a major event that was about to happen soon.

Next, as if to prove Heaven Sealing’s guess …

In the large pits below, each Supreme powerhouse’s within the body simultaneously sounded a thunderous thunder.

Although the sound is not loud, the explosion sound is sounded within the body of 9 Zai Supreme.

Every time a loud noise, blood mist will be ejected again from the wounds of the 9 Supreme Supremes.

You know, how powerful the Fleshy body of Supreme 9 is, even several times stronger than Daobao.

The strength of Fleshy body was constantly broken by this power, and the power of this thunderous sound was even more terrifying.

But, even more weird …

The blood mist that burst out did not dissipate, but slowly rose and condensed into a few blood words in midair.

“Kill after 2 hours …”

One after another, the blood characters kept appearing. Everyone looked up at the blood characters, and all of them were surprised that the complexion greatly changed.

Everyone only feels as if there is a pair of invisible hands between Heaven and Earth, grasping their heart, making it impossible to beat at all, and even not even breathing.

In an instant, the entire city gate fell into a dead silence.

In less than half stick of incense, a row of blood words finally appeared, but it was … 2 hours later kill here!

Although the meaning of the nine words is not completely clear, the purpose is clear.

In other words, after 2 hours, there is still murder!

Who to kill! ?

I am afraid there is still 9 domain Supreme level!

Who is it? ?

How dare you provoke the dignity of Dao Lineage and Ancient Race! ?

9 Domain Supreme loss may be considered a big deal, but, after all, before everyone enters Forbidden Land, it has been understood, and rumors related to this.

Therefore, although the Supreme Loss of 9 domains trembles, it is within the acceptance range of everyone after all.

But now, this hidden power from Panbid Forbidden Land is provoking all Supreme Dao Lineage and Ancient Race.

This is totally to poke the sky … into a hole!

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